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Im not sure if this is the right place ( forum ) to ask

but it does have to do with residency, if only for a year at a time . What is required to bring my cat to Thailand ? Im not joking. And dont tell me he need's a visa :o



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The cat will need a letter from his/her last employer, and proof that he/she has enough funds in  the bank to pay for a trip to BKK. Any marriage and kittens birth certificiates may also be asked for.

Honest answer is I dont know! Greg.

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Requirements for Importation of dogs and cats into Thailand

The country must be free from Rabies for at least 3 years.

The animals must be vaccinated with approved Rabies vaccines for at least 15 days prior to the departure.

The animals must be vaccinated against Leptospirosis at least 21 days preceding departure.

The animals must be healthy and free from any sign of infectious or contagious disease at the time of export.

The animals must had been resident in the country not less than 6 months preceding the date of export.

The animals must have identity certificates signed in the country of origin by a registered veterinary surgeon and further endorsed by a veterinary authority describing the age, breed, sex, color and markings or other points of identification of the dogs or cats.

The health certificate certify all as stated 1 - 6 issued by the authorized veterinary officer of the country of origin must accompany the animals on arrival.

The animals may only transit at an approved intermediate port, and, if the animals are so landed in transit, they must be conveyed in crates and not allowed to leave the precincts of any airport at which the aircraft landed except to an approved transit quarantine area.

Department of Livestock Development

Phya Thai Road, Bangkok 10400


Source:  Royal Thai Consulate LA

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Requirements for Importation of dogs and cats into Thailand ...

Hello lopburi3,

tks for this. Discussed the same question with a friend last Friday. You saved me some work. As for actual

"transportation" a small dog or cat, after pre-reservation, can be taken on board in a carrier (animal box). Saw such in Europe for aroung Euro 9.95

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First, is this a real cat [Animal] or a nickname of your Thai GF? I know some, have the name Cat.  :D

If it is an Animal Cat then,  B)

In my opinion, it will be risky to keep your beloved cat in quarantine. Leave the poor fellow in your country and buy another cat from Chatucak Weekend Market.  :o

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If its a really domesticated beast, its best to be kept exclusively indoors in Thailand. Otherwise, it will get eaten alive by the semi-wild moggies in LOS. They really are like half starved tigers.

Beware, if it lives near me and is let out to howl with the locals all night, it will probably be able to fight for its share of the same rat poisoned Kattomeat I indulge them.

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Re cat imports. The regs as stated are correct....but I have imported several cats over the years. My wife accompanied 2 which we brought in from South Africa ( via Suadi and Viet Nam. We expected the cats to arrive at the freight terminal...however as she waited for her baggage in terminal 2 ...out come the moggies on the rotunda !!! She merely scooped up the cage, put it on the trolley and went through the Green channel. The two Thai customs guys saw her coming and turned their backs!!!...too much paperwork involved I guess. The cats are still here 7 years later. Its luck of the draw I guess!
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  • 7 years later...

While this may be incidental, as my cats came here nearly 5+ years ago;

I brought my TWO cats from the US, which had previously lived with me in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Brazil and Peru (but just for 6 months), and then they went back to the US before comin' here.

FWIW: I was able to import them, (with the proper documentation) to Thailand, and actually went out on the tarmac with the people who collect 'live animals' and get them OFF the plane they came in on! There was NO quarantine, no nothing. The thai vet on duty just checked the papers, stamped them and I was able to put them in a taxi to my apartment.

Sadly now (mostly for me) they have both died already. NOT because of Thailand, but because they were already OLD cats. And yes, I had them cremated and have their ashes (bones) in small wooden boxes on the top of my television. After all, I had them with me in 5 countries!

Importing cats to this country is NOT fraught with peril, contrary to what some people might say. ..

As an aside: when my cats flew here from the US, they had to spend a night in Amsterdam Holland, as the 'in air' time was too long from the US. Sheesh, I've never even been there, yet my cats have. I hope they had a good time too!!

But really (as in note to the MODZ) this thread is far better served in the "Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand" section of the forum and NOT on the visa for thailand one, (because that forum has TONZ of stuff about importing animals into the 'kingdom') but that is just my take on things.. ..

Edited by tod-daniels
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