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Disciplining Your Children In Thailand


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I was beaten as a child, and I turned out fine. I have a brilliant job at McDonnalds, I have only had 3 ASBO's in the last 16 months, and have just completed my 82 hours community service. I'm a real asset to my neighbours, I throw a party for them every Thursday night, with loud music and everything it lasts all night, but they never seem to show up, guess they are just shy.

I had two children by the time I was 21, I used to beat them too when I had them, and they have turned out fine so far I think, well thats what their mother tells me, I only get to hear from them every 6 months because of the courts custody decision.

Beating your children is fine folks, i'm a shining example of this.

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My daughter is 12. She is a rebel. Like I was at her age and later onwards as she will be.

I have never hit her in my entire life. I understand her, she understands me.

She is one of the best at her (catholic !!) school with 3.000 pupils, chosen to represent her school at the school fair at Impact Arena 4 weeks ago...

Edited by Birdman
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Yes corporal punishment is accepted in Thai culture.

Corporal punishment is used in schools, but I think it may be illegal.

Parents have complained that their children have suffered serious injuries, and as a result some teachers have been prosecuted.

The custom here is that the head of the family can treat his family as he pleases, it’s a private matter, and as long as it is reasonable will rarely if ever result in any social or legal action

My daughter and her friend were playing with one of them pretending to be a teacher saying,

"hold out your hand so I can slap you and if you tell your mother I will slap you twice as hard"

So I guess it is still going on.

I dont think it is illegal in the schools.

My brother works in one of the Universities, and tell me almost daily about how his Thai colleagues use the bamboo stick.

The teachers sometimes lay the kids over the desk in the middle of the class and hit them over the back or buttocks infront of everybody.

The rest of the class, as the kids they are, they love this show, not thinking that they might be next if they get caught being naughty.

The teachers also slap the kids in the back of their heads.

Yes, you are right, some teachers have really gone overboard and been prosecuted for being too brutal.

After a meeting with the University management, my brother was surprised to learn that it is the schools job to not only to educate the kids, but to raise them as decent people as well.

The latter is normally what the parents do back home.

Really surprised about university students getting caned. Corporal punishment in all schools in Thailand was made illegal within the last 10 years. I doubt that it happens in any reputable international schools today but it is still alive and well in Thai private and government schools. The girl who was caned in Bangkok last year for missing school due to attending a protest (that she apparently didn't attend) was given 18 strokes (I think it was based on a pre-arranged tariff of strokes per class missed). The outcry in the media was about the number of strokes she received, not that she was illegally caned. An Education Ministry spokeswoman confirmed that caning was illegal but the ministry failed to take any action against the school or the teacher and the school supported the teacher. That's Thailand. Rules were made to be broken and the young have it illegally beaten in them that influential people can break the law with inpunity and the government will not protect them. My other half at the age of 10 was beaten in a Thai government schooll along with the whole class with a heavy stick the size of a broom handle resulting in extensive bruising and pain in sitting down. It doesn't seem to have made her respectful of her elders!

Regarding corporal punishment in the family, it is widespread and the police wouldn't get involved unless there was a serious injury. I am sure it is also illegal in the family. It would count as an assault under the Criminal Code but doubt a court would take the case, if it was a standard parental cuffing. In England in Victorian times there was a famous case of a school master who was acquitted after he beat a school boy to death with a brass rod during a four hour corporal punishment session. The court took the view that the punishment was for the boy's own good and that the teacher wasn't to know the boy suffered from such fragile health as to have the impertinence to die after a four hour beating. Many cases of assault against teachers in the UK were dropped by courts until the canes and tauses were finally laid to rest.

Having said all of that I really think that you should be trying to figure out how you can avoid having your children flogged at school or anywhere else, not how you can get away with assaulting them yourself. Having been to serious corporal punishment schools myself and been on the receiving end at home, I can assure you it does nothing but entrench a sense of unfairness and a deep disrespect for authority in young people. I am not talking about the odd light slap. I don't beat my dogs either with no ill effects on their behaviour, although canine corporal punishment is also considered de rigueur in Thailand. It think it is about suppressing your natural sadistic tendencies and caring responsibly for your child (and dog). Alternatively a vasectomy might solve the problem.

forgive me for quoting the whole post, but it deserves to be repeated. very well said. thank you. this is a remarkable contribution.

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well rideswings,

You know my story, I live amoungst alot of kids in this family, theres even a couple of naughty ones, who I have seen get the odd wack here and there....ive even had a little swipe at one who just couldnt be told & I believe in backing up my warnings. Naturally after that the child went running off to its mother, who swiftly gave it another one & looked at me & :D ed.

Having said that, I have not seen all the children there smacked because not all of them require it, in fact I have stated that wrongly because I've only seen two of the naughty ones smack & the rest are very well behaved. Violence is not part of the family, none of them drink & they are all extremely buddhist. I think it comes down to a point with a small percentage of children, when all else fails. Naturally there are going to be those who flame me for saying so....like I care. The children are normally very well behaved and extremely respectful & it hasnt been beaten into them, its been good parenting.

Since you don't want people to go into, I will only point out that theres a big difference in backing your discipline on your child with some short sharp encouragement if required (& certainly not by all children) AS Opposed to an all out beating :o ...which im sure would be frowned upon.

given our recent exchanges, i really do not want to appear like i am stalking you, and, i do not know your story, but i find your these statments disturbing and suggest that few children "require" "sharp encouragment" of the type you describe.

taking a swipe at a child to combat a challenge to your authourity suggests you believe that respect should be unconditional rather than earned.

i will stop here because i really do not wish to argue this and become entangled in the personal aspersions and name calling you generally resort to when challenged.

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If you watch the Thai soaps - stop laughing, now, really! - you'll see corporal punishment by the elders in the family toward younger adults. The soaps are a reflection of society. 'nuff said.

I remember in my young days in the US having to go to pick up my cousin from Catholic school. She came out to the car crying, the imprint of the nun's hand still bright red across her face. *That* was supposed to have been outlawed many years prior. So it's not just Thailand.

As far as private discipline in your family - up to you. I've never hit either of my boys - never had to. And they've turned out just fine. My eldest told me the worst punishment he ever got from me was when he had done something bad, and I gave him a look of disappointment. That was just my reaction, and it devastated him. I had no idea at the time that he took such reactions so personally. Can you imagine what he would have thought had I hit him?

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If you watch the Thai soaps - stop laughing, now, really! - you'll see corporal punishment by the elders in the family toward younger adults. The soaps are a reflection of society. 'nuff said.

I remember in my young days in the US having to go to pick up my cousin from Catholic school. She came out to the car crying, the imprint of the nun's hand still bright red across her face. *That* was supposed to have been outlawed many years prior. So it's not just Thailand.

As far as private discipline in your family - up to you. I've never hit either of my boys - never had to. And they've turned out just fine. My eldest told me the worst punishment he ever got from me was when he had done something bad, and I gave him a look of disappointment. That was just my reaction, and it devastated him. I had no idea at the time that he took such reactions so personally. Can you imagine what he would have thought had I hit him?

Excellent. Just shows you how loving, supportive parenting will create sensitive, responsible adults. Well done.

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My daughter is 12. She is a rebel. Like I was at her age and later onwards as she will be.

I have never hit her in my entire life. I understand her, she understands me.

She is one of the best at her (catholic !!) school with 3.000 pupils, chosen to represent her school at the school fair at Impact Arena 4 weeks ago...

So did your rebel daughter come home soaking from playing in a dangerous disused quarry?

Come home soaking from playing by a dangerous fast flowing river?

Come home soaking from playing in a stream where she could have easily drowned?

Raid neighbours gardens for plums, apples, gooseberries?

play games throwing the local farmers cattle feed around?

Cut the bales of hay in the barn to make dangerous tunnels where one could suffocate?

Go out all day and not return at the agreed time?

Come home smelling of smoke from lighting fires and roasting potatoes in the woods?

Break the local farmers eggs?

Sneak out on a night by climbing out of the bedroom windows and down the drainpipe?

Climb around the house playing don't touch the floor?

Push cycles with no brakes up hills on roads and see how fast the could go down?

Same thing with pram wheels...no thought for oncoming vehicles

Play at lying in the middle of a country road at night..when a car was spotted jump the wall before the headlights shone on you?

Ride un taxed unlicensed motor cycles on the road?

Throw rocks over buildings and dodge them on the other side?

Take big stones off farmers walls and roll them down steep fields?

Make bows and arrows and kill chickens?

Try to drive tractors up the steepest slopes...at risk of turning over?

Stealing sticks from the local farmer and selling them around the village?

Dressing my brother up as a guy fawkes and pushing him around the village collecting a penny for the guy!!

just some examples of my family antics that received a deserved punishment...by... I believe caring parents...I wonder at times how we came out unscathed from our antics.

And the big no no? lying....that got the greatest punishment!

When I look back I fully understand all the control elements my parents utilised to keep 5 children in check....we had to know where the line was...and we knew the consequences for stepping over that line.....but occasionally we did, and accepted our punishment. Never anywhere but the buttocks with a shoehorn...which in case you don't know are wooden and quite wide.... so no real pain.....especially if you put 2 pairs of pants on!!!

After all this whenever we 'visited' never ever let our parents down by misbehaving.

Still think your daughter is a rebel?

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Geez, I cannot believe we are having this discussion on Thaivisa. I think most Thai people, if they read this thread, would just laugh at the absurdities of Western culture. 1. Yeah, I had corporal punishment as a child, and I am alright. 2. Thais do believe in hitting naughty children. And yes, most Thais would think it absurd that Westerners are even having such a conversation, and would say that that is why Western children run amok.

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You won't see anyone hitting their kids in public in Thailand. They thump them in private so they won’t have to do it in public.....................................

I can only comment on village life, but you definitely will see people hitting their kids in public. I witness it on an almost daily basis.

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byoung, You know I'm a fan, so Im not trying to start an all in brawl but regarding you comment:
Buddhism states non-violence - so NO, hitting is not part of Buddhist practice.

I say fair enuf, BUT, Buddhism states alot of things, for example about the taking of alcohol and drugs, allowing ones mind to be affected etc.....yet millions upon millions of Buddhist thais still drink, smoke etc, not even going to mention the voilence in the streets here.

Actually recently whilst at a temple, I commented to my better half about a small group of monks standing around smoking cigarettes, I accept that these monks were just doing a months stint, or a couple of months before they return to their normal state, but.....can you see my point?

Good morning Neverdie. I thought all in brawls were the name of the game :D

I completely see your point. Probably shouldn't mention this (for fear of being condemned to death) but I am one of the buddhists you are talking about - drink, smoke, swear... But I do know Buddhism teaches that I shouldn't do these things. I have so far mastered the non-violence aspect (until I have to break the arms of whomever dares hit my daughter :o ).

Just because we buddhists do 'naughty' things it does not mean buddhism teaches / encourages those practices. The hope is if I try hard in this life and knock out the smoking, drinking and swearing I won't have to come back as a maggot :D

Like all religions and beliefs I'd say 90% of people don't follow the letter of the law all the time. If they did we'd all be living in a blissful paradise.

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We all know the difference between a sadistic parent who takes their frustrations out on a smaller being and a concerned parent who is bringing a head strong kid into line.

I am in the camp where a parent sometimes has to show the kid that they need to have a good think about things, western kids are not benefitting from the lack of corporal punishment in my opinion, young teenage males especially have to learn to respect the law of the jungle sometimes and only a clip on the ear or a boot up the bum will do the trick.

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I have two children. A son who is the oldest and a daughter. My son was a rebel and always had to learn the hard way. I took my belt to his behind MANY times. My daughter was well behaved and VERY seldom was punished. She worked very hard in school and got lower than average grades. My son was lucky and apparently didn't have to study. He was always near the top of his class. My daughter always said that wasn't fair. Unfortunately life isn't fair.

Today they are grown and have their own families. Both turned out fairly well. My son's children are well behaved and polite. They learned how to behave because he applied the belt when necessary. My daughter is one of those PC people and her children are totally undisciplined and out of control. I have no doubt that her oldest son will be in serious trouble before he is sixteen years old. My son refuses to even visit his sister because of her children. I hate to say that I don't look forward to my rare visits either but she is my daughter.

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Good morning Neverdie. I thought all in brawls were the name of the game :P

I completely see your point. Probably shouldn't mention this (for fear of being condemned to death) but I am one of the buddhists you are talking about - drink, smoke, swear... But I do know Buddhism teaches that I shouldn't do these things. I have so far mastered the non-violence aspect (until I have to break the arms of whomever dares hit my daughter :o ).

Just because we buddhists do 'naughty' things it does not mean buddhism teaches / encourages those practices. The hope is if I try hard in this life and knock out the smoking, drinking and swearing I won't have to come back as a maggot :D

Like all religions and beliefs I'd say 90% of people don't follow the letter of the law all the time. If they did we'd all be living in a blissful paradise.

I laughed when I read this post... you and I are completely the same whilst being completely different :D . I don't drink or smoke or take drugs, yet I love to beat people up :wai: (please note, this doesnt include children).

Please understand me, I will not strike your child, but if he or she is misbehaving & its effecting me, I might give you a little slap :D , naturally I expect test your non violence buddhist skills, just because I can. Have a good day :D

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I have two children. A son who is the oldest and a daughter. My son was a rebel and always had to learn the hard way. I took my belt to his behind MANY times. My daughter was well behaved and VERY seldom was punished. She worked very hard in school and got lower than average grades. My son was lucky and apparently didn't have to study. He was always near the top of his class. My daughter always said that wasn't fair. Unfortunately life isn't fair.

Today they are grown and have their own families. Both turned out fairly well. My son's children are well behaved and polite. They learned how to behave because he applied the belt when necessary. My daughter is one of those PC people and her children are totally undisciplined and out of control. I have no doubt that her oldest son will be in serious trouble before he is sixteen years old. My son refuses to even visit his sister because of her children. I hate to say that I don't look forward to my rare visits either but she is my daughter.

I know where you are coming from there Gary, I have seen many a kid who is the product of PC parenting who is out of control, rude and disrespectful. There are many exceptions of course but there is too much of it to ignore the connection.

Reminds me of a Maori mate of mine I had years ago, he was a very popular family man who always had something going on at his house, either for kids or parents.

He had a rule that if you couldnt control your kid (young teens) at his house don't get upset if they get a boot up the bum from him. His house, his rules.

The kids loved him, they were pretty well behaved as well funny enough. There was many a parent who wondered why their own kid didnt treat them with the same respect.

I must add though, in the 5 years I have been coming to Thailand and 4 of those living village life I have to say that the Thai kids have a lot more respect for elders than the western kids at home, whether this is from gentle parenting or behind closed doors discipline I dont know.

Edited by khunandy
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OP, easy way around this tell your fiance that you will hit her everytime the kid acts up. Will be the best behaved kid in the county (kidding, I don't hit my wife but I have threatened to yell at her)

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I have two children. A son who is the oldest and a daughter. My son was a rebel and always had to learn the hard way. I took my belt to his behind MANY times. My daughter was well behaved and VERY seldom was punished. She worked very hard in school and got lower than average grades. My son was lucky and apparently didn't have to study. He was always near the top of his class. My daughter always said that wasn't fair. Unfortunately life isn't fair.

Today they are grown and have their own families. Both turned out fairly well. My son's children are well behaved and polite. They learned how to behave because he applied the belt when necessary. My daughter is one of those PC people and her children are totally undisciplined and out of control. I have no doubt that her oldest son will be in serious trouble before he is sixteen years old. My son refuses to even visit his sister because of her children. I hate to say that I don't look forward to my rare visits either but she is my daughter.

I know where you are coming from there Gary, I have seen many a kid who is the product of PC parenting who is out of control, rude and disrespectful. There are many exceptions of course but there is too much of it to ignore the connection.

Reminds me of a Maori mate of mine I had years ago, he was a very popular family man who always had something going on at his house, either for kids or parents.

He had a rule that if you couldnt control your kid (young teens) at his house don't get upset if they get a boot up the bum from him. His house, his rules.

The kids loved him, they were pretty well behaved as well funny enough. There was many a parent who wondered why their own kid didnt treat them with the same respect.

I must add though, in the 5 years I have been coming to Thailand and 4 of those living village life I have to say that the Thai kids have a lot more respect for elders than the western kids at home, whether this is from gentle parenting or behind closed doors discipline I dont know.

My wife's youngest sister has two boys. The older one is well behaved and polite. I have not had to swat him for several years. I think he is afraid of me.

The youngest, about three years old is one of the most stubborn kids I have ever seen. When he gets angry with my wife, he bites her or pulls her hair if he can get hold of it. She won't swat him but I do. He refuses to cry when I swat him. Her sister doesn't like when I swat him but puts up with it because I told her that if she doesn't want me to discipline him, NOT to bring him over anymore. He is a lot better now and when he misbehaves, my wife yells for me. That normally settles him down. Unlike his older brother he is not afraid of me and when my wife brings him over, he always runs to me and talks up a storm. It's kind of a strange thing. He listens to me and his father but pays no attention to my wife or his mother.

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Good morning Neverdie. I thought all in brawls were the name of the game :P

I completely see your point. Probably shouldn't mention this (for fear of being condemned to death) but I am one of the buddhists you are talking about - drink, smoke, swear... But I do know Buddhism teaches that I shouldn't do these things. I have so far mastered the non-violence aspect (until I have to break the arms of whomever dares hit my daughter :o ).

Just because we buddhists do 'naughty' things it does not mean buddhism teaches / encourages those practices. The hope is if I try hard in this life and knock out the smoking, drinking and swearing I won't have to come back as a maggot :D

Like all religions and beliefs I'd say 90% of people don't follow the letter of the law all the time. If they did we'd all be living in a blissful paradise.

I laughed when I read this post... you and I are completely the same whilst being completely different :D . I don't drink or smoke or take drugs, yet I love to beat people up :wai: (please note, this doesnt include children).

Please understand me, I will not strike your child, but if he or she is misbehaving & its effecting me, I might give you a little slap :D , naturally I expect test your non violence buddhist skills, just because I can. Have a good day :D

But we do share the most important philosophy - a sense of humour! And I know your just a big softy deep down :jerk:

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Since corporal punishment was taken out of schools back in the home-country and they set up 'call this number if your parents ever hit you'-numbers it has rapidly declined to a position where teachers are now both physically afraid of kids as they will attack them but the teachers aren't legally allowed to hit them back. Even justifiable self-defense will be a word vs word deal where the teacher is assumed to be 'the wise adult' that should be able to avoid it. As a consequence there have been articles in the papers from back home of teachers being assaulted by students, as young as 12 years old, and more and more people feeling that things are out of control.

Bring to that the literately thousands of 'reclaim-the-street/leftists' kids that thinks it's a blast to trow stones on police officers and through store windows of any store they don't like and you have a society in rapid decline. It's every parents duty to make sure their kid operates within the framework on the society, with every mean at hand. But if a teacher ever struck my child I would strike him/her. I would administer the punishment myself if informed of the misdeed.

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thailand claims to be buhhdist country but it not really

beating a child tantamonts to child abuse, something tolerated here like many backward practice's

it also show that the person doing such a thing never should have children in the first place

stick to your gun's and do not allow such cruelty

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beating a child tantamonts to child abuse

Attitudes like this reminds me on a story.

A young man, punker, was sitting in a train in the subway. Opposite him was a young mother and a young boy.

This boy, being 5-6 years old, keeps kicking the punkers leg and the punker tells him to stop. The boy makes a face and continues.

The punker inquires the mother why she doesn't stop him instead of just saying "oh, Eric, that isn't nice" and is told she believes in 'free/unrestricted upbringing' [basically the child is never struck, never disciplined, only 'reasoned with' and it is assumed the child will learn to make only the 'good/nice' choices eventually from always being treated 'nice'].

The punker then spits the mother in the face and says 'I got a 'free/unrestricted upbringing' too.

The point is that correcting a child, cat, dog that does wrong isn't a bad thing, it is what you are SUPPOSED to do. Ofcourse you should try to communicate, but if your kid hits you, pulls your hear even going to the extent of doing the same thing back [to teach them what the effect of their own actions are] isn't a bad thing.

Handling spoiled kids are an absolute nightmare and I constantly have to counter the 'I-yell-and-you-give-me-everything-I-want'-attitude that my sons grandparents put into him for the share reason of being lazy. lazy to take an argument with an child. Lazy to listen to him cry. Lazy to handle the hard battle now so they don't have to later.

And they have the nerve to complain to their daughter [my wife] that she is lazy and spoiled [from their very hardworking chinese'ish attitude]...well, go figure...

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Since smacking children and corporal punishment has been made illegal in the West, parents and teachers are afraid of the children. Class discipline is shot to hel_l and the good children that do want to learn, can't because of the behaviour of the few that disrupt the class.

I sit firmly in the "I was smacked as a child and it didn't do me any harm" school.

My Thai wife believes in smacking (note not beating) my son gets his hands smacked daily I dont want him to burn his fingers on the oven I also dont want him snapping the house plants the same way he did the other two.

I'm with you Sir Burr.

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Spare the rod and spoil the child. I'm a firm believer that no one can reason with a child. They DO understand and remember a good swat. A good swat is preferable to a child getting hurt or even killed because they wouldn't listen to warnings about dangers.

I agree !!!!!!!!!

If more parents took time to discipline their children, there would be less violence and more social order. Just My Humble Opinion !

Agree, I was caned a couple of times at school and it did sort me out. My dad rarely ever gave me the strap but on those few occasions I deserved it. SNAG's will claim that you should never hit a child but are wanting to confuse a corrective slap on the bottom to a beating, whereas the two having nothing in common. Good to leave all that PC crap at home with the generation of social problems growing up with it. Note that beating a child is rightly a criminal offense.

My kids got a couple of smacks when all else failed and they haven't needed a whack on the bum now for a long time, and are well behaved. My ex took the let them do as they want approach with her previous kids, and I hear one has already been busted by the coppers and the other has a drug problem, although he has some real serious issues that will come to no good conclusion.

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My fiancee and I had a brief discussion on how we will discipline our children when we have them, and she believes that its ok to use corporal punishment a little to correct their behavior. I disagree and neither I nor my ex farang wife have never laid a hand on my 15 year old daughter and I think she turned out ok. I resort to other methods when she is not behaving properly such as solitary confinement from her friends or restricting her activities, but would never strike my child.

Is it part of Thai culture to use corporal punishment on your own children? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I am not really interested in knowing personal opinions on whether corporal punishment is effective on an individual basis, I am simply trying to find out that since my fiancee believes in it, do most Thais believe in it as well, and is it part of Buddhism? And if I refuse to let her use it on my children will it cause me to lose face with her and her family? If I ever saw her of her family hit my kid, I would be very angry.

I have stayed in Thailand more than a year and I dont know if I have ever seen a parent hitting a child.

Corporal Punishment as the VERY last result :o

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Spare the rod and spoil the child. I'm a firm believer that no one can reason with a child. They DO understand and remember a good swat. A good swat is preferable to a child getting hurt or even killed because they wouldn't listen to warnings about dangers.

I agree !!!!!!!!!

If more parents took time to discipline their children, there would be less violence and more social order. Just My Humble Opinion !

Agree, I was caned a couple of times at school and it did sort me out. My dad rarely ever gave me the strap but on those few occasions I deserved it. SNAG's will claim that you should never hit a child but are wanting to confuse a corrective slap on the bottom to a beating, whereas the two having nothing in common. Good to leave all that PC crap at home with the generation of social problems growing up with it. Note that beating a child is rightly a criminal offense.

My kids got a couple of smacks when all else failed and they haven't needed a whack on the bum now for a long time, and are well behaved. My ex took the let them do as they want approach with her previous kids, and I hear one has already been busted by the coppers and the other has a drug problem, although he has some real serious issues that will come to no good conclusion.

Here comes the cavalary

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thailand claims to be buhhdist country but it not really

{material removed [iJWT]}

beating a child tantamonts to child abuse, something tolerated here like many backward practice's

it also show that the person doing such a thing never should have children in the first place

stick to your gun's and do not allow such cruelty

luckydevil, If your brains were dynamite there wouldnt be enuf force to blow ur nose....now if only someone would lite ur wick, wait for the miniscule pop & we wouldnt have to put up with anymore of ur trash posts, becos 2 is enuf for you....go back and play in the traffic please :o:D:D

Edited by Ijustwannateach
removed material from quoted post - IJWT
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thailand claims to be buhhdist country but it not really

beating a child tantamonts to child abuse, something tolerated here like many backward practice's

it also show that the person doing such a thing never should have children in the first place

stick to your gun's and do not allow such cruelty

luckydevil, If your brains were dynamite there wouldnt be enuf force to blow ur nose....now if only someone would lite ur wick, wait for the miniscule pop & we wouldnt have to put up with anymore of ur trash posts, becos 2 is enuf for you....go back and play in the traffic please :D:D:D


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Sometimes, a good old fashioned slap is 100% required. I remember I got a few from my folks and I will thank them for it for the rest of my life, no matter how much I used to dislike it back then, on the long run, it was pretty dam_n healthy. Of course, turning these kind of things into a regular boxing match is strictly pathetic, but just a slap now and then, it's more then welcomed

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