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Opinion: What Makes A Person Have "class"


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Why do so many foreigners come to Thailand and get caught up in the Thai class system? Most of Europe/USA should be about thirty years ahead of Thailand and we are (mostly) brought up to treat everyone as equals unless they prove to be unworthy etc. OK we are arent all equals (we are equals but some are more equal than others :o but its pretty "uncool" top behave like a snob. Social trends, eduction etc would make it less likely that we might have a successful relationship with a "working class Thai" or especially a "lower class" thai like a bar girl etc.

I just find it annoying to hear people make rash judgements about people because they are "from isaan" - by people who come from a culture where being middle class might be considered "normal". Move to Thailand, rent a fancy condo in Bangkok somewhere - get a flash car, hang out with a some flash "fake" hi-so types etc etc. Might as well "stay at home" - if you can afford that lifestyle there!

I am not saying this is what the OP is like - its just an observation from reading so many posts.

Being an ex-pat in most countries you have more of an opportunity to fit in with different "types" of people - and getting around a bit makes life more interesting and may make you wiser!!!

Edited by CrossBones
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class has nothing to do with wealth IMHO but that does not mean as its typically used that the poor are all honourable and the rich distatsteful

i think farangs in Thailand get involved in their own 'class' system rather than getting caught up in the Thai system (which they couldnt even if they tried)

any farang in Thailand for any lengthy time will be aware of the negative preconceptions others will usually have of them whether that be people from their home country or thais (and more importantly other expats)

those that unfortunately care about this seem overly wishing to 'disprove' that they are not just here for 'love' that they cannot get elsewehere, theirs is a 'good' girl, they understand and respect thai culture, they are not running away from something and (rich or poor) are not a deadbeat or crimninal

farang expats seem more suspiscious and judgemental of other farang expats - possibly because they know they are living a lie themselves?

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class has nothing to do with wealth IMHO but that does not mean as its typically used that the poor are all honourable and the rich distatsteful

i think farangs in Thailand get involved in their own 'class' system rather than getting caught up in the Thai system (which they couldnt even if they tried)

any farang in Thailand for any lengthy time will be aware of the negative preconceptions others will usually have of them whether that be people from their home country or thais (and more importantly other expats)

those that unfortunately care about this seem overly wishing to 'disprove' that they are not just here for 'love' that they cannot get elsewehere, theirs is a 'good' girl, they understand and respect thai culture, they are not running away from something and (rich or poor) are not a deadbeat or crimninal

farang expats seem more suspiscious and judgemental of other farang expats - possibly because they know they are living a lie themselves?

Bit of an inferiority complex you've got there. What a load of tosh.

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Pure class is a fat slob on the settee, unshaven, food spilt onto his dirty shirt, a bottle of Brown in one hand ( tinny for Oz - I believe), a ciggie in the other, surrounded by empties, an overflowing ashtray and the leftovers from his takeaway strewn about.

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class has nothing to do with wealth IMHO but that does not mean as its typically used that the poor are all honourable and the rich distatsteful

i think farangs in Thailand get involved in their own 'class' system rather than getting caught up in the Thai system (which they couldnt even if they tried)

any farang in Thailand for any lengthy time will be aware of the negative preconceptions others will usually have of them whether that be people from their home country or thais (and more importantly other expats)

those that unfortunately care about this seem overly wishing to 'disprove' that they are not just here for 'love' that they cannot get elsewehere, theirs is a 'good' girl, they understand and respect thai culture, they are not running away from something and (rich or poor) are not a deadbeat or crimninal

farang expats seem more suspiscious and judgemental of other farang expats - possibly because they know they are living a lie themselves?

Bit of an inferiority complex you've got there. What a load of tosh.

how so?

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Perhaps a story grabbed from the news sums it up best;

Brooke Astor gave millions to the New York Public Library, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Carnegie Hall and the Museum of Natural History. She also funded smaller projects such as new windows for a nursing home and was noted for personally visiting the places she helped out, remembering people's names and family details. She sent her staff's kids to university and held cordial dinner parties where it was forbidden to discuss money. Her generosity and community work won her a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, in 1998.

The New York Sun's Stephen Miller wrote that Ms. Astor's "glamour, wealth, savvy, conscience, and patrician grace created in her a kind of perfect storm of philanthropy."

The New York Times: Ms. Astor was "the last of the great dames."

The Sun again; In an age in which the rich are all too often vilified, Brooke Astor was a reminder of the uses to which a great fortune can be put and of how great wealth need not prevent a person from winning the affection, admiration, and respect of New Yorkers from all backgrounds, it is a great New York story, and a great American story."

And now for not having class contrasted with a class:

Her grandson Philip (Class), filed an elder-abuse lawsuit against his estranged dad, Marshall (No class), accusing him of embezzling millions of his grandmothers money while skimping on her care. While Brooke fought dementia and depression, her hard-hearted son and social-climbing daughter-in-law flaunted her stolen gems, sold gifts she'd given them, and made the society doyenne think she was so strapped for cash that she couldn't afford a new dress. Philip claimed that Marshall forced her to sleep on a urine-stained couch, cut off her supply of expensive medicines, and refused to buy her new clothing, even on her birthday. In a settlement reached, Marshall and his wife agreed to relinquish guardianship and to return more than $1.35 million in property, art and jewelry, ending the elder care abuse lawsuit. Source -New York Post

The grandson is a leftie leaning university professor and the son is a right wingish "Broadway producer".

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Seems there is confusion in this thread about two different meanings of class. One being your level in society, and the other being your classy, admirable behavior or amount of chivalry.

And I was trying to make this thread about the second one.....

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Class has nothing to do with wealth beauty, education, age or social position, and its very difficult to describe or give an definition about it, but everybody see and recognized it when a woman or man have it. Its also depend on the eye of the beholder. IMHO its a reflection of inner beauty and most people who have it don't know it by themselves.

Maybe the best description is the song 'The lady is a tramp'

Edited by henryalleman
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Being classy doesn't equate with having class.

Classy implies being of higher grade (among other things), class is not concerned with relative positions at all. Grace, modesty, dignity - these things can be expressed in absolutely any conditions. Even homeless folks can show class, as someone mentioned earlier.

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Being classy doesn't equate with having class.

Classy implies being of higher grade (among other things), class is not concerned with relative positions at all. Grace, modesty, dignity - these things can be expressed in absolutely any conditions. Even homeless folks can show class, as someone mentioned earlier.

quite true,

it is all about how one behaves and speaks

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Seems there is confusion in this thread about two different meanings of class. One being your level in society, and the other being your classy, admirable behavior or amount of chivalry.

And I was trying to make this thread about the second one.....

Why do do concern yourself with what others think of you?

Concentrate on your own self esteem

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Manners, moral, honesty and credibility

Yes, as well as not doing certain things, such as:

- Showing off

- Showing jealousy

- Gossiping

- Putting others down, especially because of perceived lack of class!

It's that fine line of being focused enough on yourself to not have to show off all time time, while not being self-centered. It's confidence without arrogance.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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class has nothing to do with wealth IMHO but that does not mean as its typically used that the poor are all honourable and the rich distatsteful

i think farangs in Thailand get involved in their own 'class' system rather than getting caught up in the Thai system (which they couldnt even if they tried)

any farang in Thailand for any lengthy time will be aware of the negative preconceptions others will usually have of them whether that be people from their home country or thais (and more importantly other expats)

those that unfortunately care about this seem overly wishing to 'disprove' that they are not just here for 'love' that they cannot get elsewehere, theirs is a 'good' girl, they understand and respect thai culture, they are not running away from something and (rich or poor) are not a deadbeat or crimninal

farang expats seem more suspiscious and judgemental of other farang expats - possibly because they know they are living a lie themselves?

Bit of an inferiority complex you've got there. What a load of tosh.

how so?

Where shall I start? You're making an awful of of generalisations there. Taking it from the top, what negative preconceptions? Just because you feel people may snigger at you behind your back doesn't mean you need to group all of us as the same. But, in fact, you do worse than that. By your "and more importantly, other expats" comments you are saying that you actually look down on all of us. My god, you're right. Someone does have a negative preconception of me, you do. Who cares? To bring this topic back on thread, anyone worrying about what anyone who doesn't know them may be thinking of them has less class than a school holiday.

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It's a quality that if you have it, you don't have to tell anyone because they already know it. The people bragging to everyone about all their possessions definitely have NO class.

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class has nothing to do with wealth IMHO but that does not mean as its typically used that the poor are all honourable and the rich distatsteful

i think farangs in Thailand get involved in their own 'class' system rather than getting caught up in the Thai system (which they couldnt even if they tried)

any farang in Thailand for any lengthy time will be aware of the negative preconceptions others will usually have of them whether that be people from their home country or thais (and more importantly other expats)

those that unfortunately care about this seem overly wishing to 'disprove' that they are not just here for 'love' that they cannot get elsewehere, theirs is a 'good' girl, they understand and respect thai culture, they are not running away from something and (rich or poor) are not a deadbeat or crimninal

farang expats seem more suspiscious and judgemental of other farang expats - possibly because they know they are living a lie themselves?

Bit of an inferiority complex you've got there. What a load of tosh.

how so?

Where shall I start? You're making an awful of of generalisations there. Taking it from the top, what negative preconceptions? Just because you feel people may snigger at you behind your back doesn't mean you need to group all of us as the same. But, in fact, you do worse than that. By your "and more importantly, other expats" comments you are saying that you actually look down on all of us. My god, you're right. Someone does have a negative preconception of me, you do. Who cares? To bring this topic back on thread, anyone worrying about what anyone who doesn't know them may be thinking of them has less class than a school holiday.

erm, i am not talking about myself????

there are widespread negative pre-conceptions of farang expats - i do not necessarily agree with them but its dishonest to pretend you don't know what these are

you will see if you re-read that i said 'those that unfortunately care about these...' etc etc

those that don't care tend not to judge others either

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the English definition of class is correlated to wealth, status, and education.

Class is not something you can go to the store and buy. Its your history.

the French definition of class is correlated to refinement and elegance.

in that case dave there's <deleted> all class left in england :o

Don't try and tell us it's all gone to Thailand.

Class : not asking where you can get the cheapest bj in Nakon Sawan.

Indeed, Class is Knowing. :D

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the English definition of class is correlated to wealth, status, and education.

Class is not something you can go to the store and buy. Its your history.

the French definition of class is correlated to refinement and elegance.

in that case dave there's <deleted> all class left in england :o

Don't try and tell us it's all gone to Thailand.

Class : not asking where you can get the cheapest bj in Nakon Sawan.

Indeed, Class is Knowing. :D

No, class is being.

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Someone who openly portrays themselves has having class( in simple terms, think they are somehow more worthy than others) have no class whatsoever.The've just got there heads to far up there own backsides. :o

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Well there has been a lot of cod philosophy on what class is from pretty much everyone, but when i'm in LOS i meet so many people who think theyre a cut above because theyve got a few thousand baht in their pocket, where are they hiding.

I cant see how class is being decent, honest and polite surely that just basic manners.

And as for someone driving a fancy car thinking car theyve class, we'll it doesnt make them have no class, it just means theyre a w4nka.

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QUOTE Manners, moral, honesty and credibility.


Anyone with the above quality, plus treatings another fellow human being with a consideration got my vote for having 'class'.

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There's something About kinda woman That can do It for herself, I look at her And it makes me proud There's something About her!!!

There something Ooh So sexy About the kinda women That don't even Need my help. "She says she got it, "She got it, No doubt There's something About her!! Cuz she work Like the boss Play, like the boss, Car and a crib She about To pay em both off. And her bills Are paid on time! She made for a boss, Soley a boss, Anything less She's telling em To get lost, That's the girl That on my mind. :o

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Now lets get down on the floor

im runnin through all the girlies hair like a comb

they always wanna roll wit a fellow after shows

snap a camera phone

hold on let me pose(cheese!!!!!) :D

that im gettin swagged out wit it

this top dog dont chase no kittin

only bread cant no body stop me from pullin up in a mocerodi

im head of my class :o

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Now that is a lot of brass air fittings there is just about every type

of air fitting that you could want. Wholesale prices too. I guess these could be used as small water pipe fitting also. I

used some of the parts to make my babington wvo burner.

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