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How Would You Stop A Run Of Bad Luck?


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Live more conscious, be more aware of things around you, be more prepared and try to avoid unsafe situations.

Sharpen your senses by living healthier and get rid of smoking or another negative habit, make a sacrifice.

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Bad luck happens to everyone...if you look around you, I am sure you will see that your problems do not compare to so many people out there..

Are you starving?.......dyinging of a terminal disease?...... homeless?......being persecuted against?......are you enslaved?......fighting a war?....bla bla bla

So..... start to apprecite the good things and realize what you have.

Yes, Boss! :o

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I have GREAT idea OP. I want you to pick 5 stocks for me and tell me which ones you would buy. I will short all of them since, with your luck they are bound to be losers, and I will share the profits with you when they decline in value.

Also, please pick 9 horses to win in a 10 horse race. I will bet on #10 and share the profits when all the horses you pick do not finish.

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

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I always remember a wonderful line from a Bridgette Jones movie when I'm going through a really bad time - "I smoke in the hope that it may kill me before things actually get even worse" (or something similar, said in a v ironic way), .

I agree with Teacup, we have no conception of what a truly 'bad time' really is.

The rest of us have periods of 'bad luck', but our lives continue and, most of the time, improve after a relatively short period of time.

Without wishing to sound unsympathetic, get over it and count yourself lucky compared to the vast majority of people in the world!

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Bad luck happens to everyone...if you look around you, I am sure you will see that your problems do not compare to so many people out there..

Are you starving?.......dyinging of a terminal disease?...... homeless?......being persecuted against?......are you enslaved?......fighting a war?....bla bla bla

So..... start to apprecite the good things and realize what you have.

Yes, Boss! :o

No problem, anytime

And thanks for the trophy tho :D

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Problem solved! :D

Taken from a 17th century voodoo book. :D

If you are plagued by evil spells and bad luck. Then do this powerful ancient Voodoo egg spell to help you remove any negative conditions from your life.

1. You must purchase a brown fresh egg before noon of that day. Make sure that you start this when the moon is waning. It is very important that this egg be fresh. Place this egg in a brown bag and tie the neck of the bag with a black cloth string. Place this bag under your bed.

2. Each night before retiring to bed, you must open this bag and take the egg out and rub it all over your body. :D When done, put the egg back into the bag, take a deep breath and blow three times into the bag.

When you are blowing into the bag, you must imagine that all the bad luck is leaving your body, via your breath. When done, place the bag back under your bed. Do this for nine days. At the end of nine days, take the bag with the egg and dispose of it outside your home.

3. Note: Each time that you blow into the bag, you must immediately tie it back up. If by the end of seven days you notice that your bag is moving on it's own. Stop, and dispose of the bag immediately.

DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BAG. Make sure that the bag is secure. We are not responsible for any misuse, or actions that may results from the use of this powerful spell. Do not play with this. :o

Good luck is right around the corner!! :D

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This is what you must do.

Pay somebody to destroy the Erawan shrine. Pay somebody to wait by the Erawan shrine and murder anybody who comes along and destroys the Erawan shrine. Do not let person no. 1 know about person no. 2 beforehand. They may find it off putting.

Trust me on this. It's a tried and tested method.

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :o

I had the same experience. Many things went wrong and I was getting desperate. From motorbike accident, robbery and theft. After consulting with my (thai)wife she told me to go to 'wat' (temple) with her. I received 'sdog kro'. Its a 'dispel' of bad things (I was explained).

Its already about a year ago and I can't complain. Not that I won a lot in lottery but it seems -for me at least- to take the pressure off and with that maybe the 'worrying attitude', which helped me to go on. Nothing really bad happened.

I had a good experience with it.

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :D

Just think of those poor souls who do not have a roof over their heads, no TV or even a bicycle, have to slot all days under the hot sun just for a few bahts... :D ..G54 you are considered :o blessed...

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As the title says. How would you stop a run of bad luck. This run has been going on for almost 6 months now.

From car problems initially through a leak in the ceiling dripping onto the tv to 2 car accidents and a whole host of bad Karma that seems to be there on a weekly basis.

And, no leaving Thailand is not an option :D

Just think of those poor souls who do not have a roof over their heads, no TV or even a bicycle, have to slot all days under the hot sun just for a few bahts... :D ..G54 you are considered :o blessed...

Why no TV is such a bad thing?

However....Having a TV w/o the cable package,....now this can be bad bad :D

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Fail proof method...Put 10K baht in a plain brown bag. Stand on the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 10 wearing a red carnation on March 12 at 12 noon. Give bag to man wearing a Manu U shirt and Yankee cap. Problem solved :o

Seriously, hope your luck turns better. Read the papers...it could be worse

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