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A Quasi-marxist Rant About A Formerly Quasi-capitalist Country

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I was sent this link by a friend. The writer makes some interesting arguements.

A quasi-marxist rant about a formerly quasi-capitalist country

I'd be interested to hear what more informed people here than I have to say.


While I don't believe this ecomomic chain of events was triggered on purpose to bring about certain outcomes, I do believe that there comes a point where vested parties consider how they can use what has happened to gain advantage. The author has presented a "theory". It is not implausible, as it does account for most observed events. It is certainly no worse a theory than is spun out from a great many of Washingtons "think tanks".

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a lot of undeniable facts, conclusions which seem logical as well as interesting theories. quite unfortunate is that the author undermined his credibilty with:

"Afghanistan gives them control over the world’s largest source of opium. This free cash flow will help to pay down the debt and could also be used effectively for medicinal purposes (morphine) should all-out war occur, or more probably, be used to control the drug trade and enslave the masses through drug addiction. Citibank is and has been the world’s largest conduit of money laundered profits from the drug trade in Mexico and now in Afghanistan..."

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a lot of undeniable facts, conclusions which seem logical as well as interesting theories. quite unfortunate is that the author undermined his credibilty with:

"Afghanistan gives them control over the world's largest source of opium. This free cash flow will help to pay down the debt and could also be used effectively for medicinal purposes (morphine) should all-out war occur, or more probably, be used to control the drug trade and enslave the masses through drug addiction. Citibank is and has been the world's largest conduit of money laundered profits from the drug trade in Mexico and now in Afghanistan..."

It always seems that there is one person who sees what others cannot ie the old chestnut called the conspiracy theory, while noticing that Brown and the President were talking about sorting the problem out could be natural enough, USA has the biggest economy and the UK the forth largest, but one other point, this president has only been in office a month so how could he be a party to this conspiracy?.

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The single biggest loser of the crash will be the USA, and the single biggest winner China. They will come out on top, and when all is over and done with the USA will be owned by China.

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a lot of undeniable facts, conclusions which seem logical as well as interesting theories. quite unfortunate is that the author undermined his credibilty with:

"Afghanistan gives them control over the world's largest source of opium. This free cash flow will help to pay down the debt and could also be used effectively for medicinal purposes (morphine) should all-out war occur, or more probably, be used to control the drug trade and enslave the masses through drug addiction. Citibank is and has been the world's largest conduit of money laundered profits from the drug trade in Mexico and now in Afghanistan..."

It always seems that there is one person who sees what others cannot ie the old chestnut called the conspiracy theory, while noticing that Brown and the President were talking about sorting the problem out could be natural enough, USA has the biggest economy and the UK the forth largest, but one other point, this president has only been in office a month so how could he be a party to this conspiracy?.

He may have only been in office a month but he's been fed through the system for years. He's backtracking on so many issues that it's doubtful if he's got any forward gears.

The president of the USA is only president because the corporations backed him.

I don't see China coming out on top of anything either, they're going to be too busy trying to get the lid back on Pandora's box.

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