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I Would Like To Buy Beer Bar In Pattaya?


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i arrive in pattaya 0n april 3 and would like to buy beer bar for my girlfriend and i, please email me **e-mail address deleted by moderator**

your crazy. Is it beer you want to sell or something else? I think there are enough of those bars in Pattaya already

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Well, this is the first time I have seen this....an expat giving up all back home to come and buy a beer bar for his BG.


Yep I am laughing but I know who will be crying. He must really trust this g/f I would still be wary if he was married to her but just a g/f

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Don't listen to them-- they are all snake oil salesman.

But I have a real good offer. I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell. Send me a message for details.

We are talking literally exponential growth possibilities with 40% growth theoretically possible. There is no actual evidence for this but it is a scientific fact.

Gacca is a conman don't listen to him. I already own the bridge. I got it for a steal from a lovely little old englishman. He wanted a bar in Pattaya and I wanted to sell. Did a straight trade felt bad about ripping the poor bastard off but it was a deal I couldn't turn down.

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Don't listen to them-- they are all snake oil salesman.

But I have a real good offer. I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell. Send me a message for details.

We are talking literally exponential growth possibilities with 40% growth theoretically possible. There is no actual evidence for this but it is a scientific fact.

Gacca is a conman don't listen to him. I already own the bridge. I got it for a steal from a lovely little old englishman. He wanted a bar in Pattaya and I wanted to sell. Did a straight trade felt bad about ripping the poor bastard off but it was a deal I couldn't turn down.

You should be ashamed of yourself lavarack. Give the man his bridge back and take back your bar. How could you do such a thing to what you call a lovely old englishman.

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i arrive in pattaya 0n april 3 and would like to buy beer bar for my girlfriend and i, please email me **e-mail address deleted by moderator**

For one thing I'm sure you must be joking :):D:D:D if not god help you, a beer bar want come cheap, and last I would sure like to met your girlfriend she must one drop dead beautiful Thai girl. :D:D:D

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In all honesty, running a beer bar is not all it's cracked up to be.

A much better alternative investment for you

I have a brilliant product and willing to offer you sole agency for only $100,000

Will do very well in the hot, dry season.

Dehydrated water

My friend in Chang Mai made 1 million baht profit last year from his beer bar with 12 working girls.

He is in a great location.

It can be done

so is it the beer that's making the money or the girls?

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In all honesty, running a beer bar is not all it's cracked up to be.

A much better alternative investment for you

I have a brilliant product and willing to offer you sole agency for only $100,000

Will do very well in the hot, dry season.

Dehydrated water

My friend in Chang Mai made 1 million baht profit last year from his beer bar with 12 working girls.

He is in a great location.

It can be done

Bloody hel_l, that's really something to aspire too. One MILLION baht - how many zeroes is that?

Based on an 8 hour day that's approx 342 Baht /hour or a magnificent US$9.65. :D

Wouldn't even get you 3 beers at a quality establishment. :)

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actually if donald trump was in the beer bar business, he be on a buying spree!

aint no better time to buy than now.

of course im assuming you how how to run them properly. and no bargirls dont know how to necessarily run one, they know how to work in one..........lol.

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Well, the OP hasn't come back, so, it was probably a lame attempt at a troll.

What gets me is the assumption by most of the posters that he is out to make money and then will lose it.

He clearly states that it would be for his girlfriend. How do you know that this guy isn't loaded and for him the price of a bar is pocket change?

We are not all on the bones of our arse, balloon chasers, or TEFLers on a budget.

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racial profiling is very apropro here.

i bet one could accurate ly profile the avg man who has a pattayua gf.

most i bet would be wealthy by thai standards but just just avg to lower classwhere they come from.

rich wealthy dude dont hang out in pattaya...........for christ sake.


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i had seen BAr selling for 1-2 million baht - some even asking for 3-4 million .

in my personal view .

why waste your money ,

alot of the Bar steet have location for SAle or RENT .

but the location cost you . about 2.5 million or so .. and then you can use maybe 200k - 400k to reno ( very nice )

and all this cost you only less then 3 million to OWN the places . under your Girlfriends or wife name IF you trust them .


i myself own a very nice lcoation before . -- but is not worth the investment at all .

my place is gaven to me for free and no take over fee , as i know the owner of the land , he is hoping i buy it . but i requested to try out for a while .

anyway long story short .

is ust money stopre away or put into a downhill run .


good luck .

be wise and ask alot alot people .

many peopel own Bar here or had gone to a bar or had a gf who work in a bar ..

i am sure you can save more money .. hiring osmeof this guy to give you advice , but do take it with a pinch of salt and alot of COMMON SENCE .

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-Sir Burr-

Do I understand right?

In your view, only English perfect speaking and writing guys are welcome here in Thavisa?

Do you speak and write a second language good enough to post in a Forum which is written in that language?

You are just lucky to be born in a English speaking country with English speaking parents, no?

Not all had that possibility, so do not judge them.

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i arrive in pattaya 0n april 3 and would like to buy beer bar for my girlfriend and i, please email me **e-mail address deleted by moderator**

I suggest you FLUSH it down the toilet or better still PM me, you can western Union it to me... you will be better served.....

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A lot of very negative replies here.

I think that this is a great idea & should be encouraged. The free flow of capital in global markets is of paramount importance in todays economic climate & the redistribution of wealth from the richer nations to the poorer is vital for social equality in the modern world.

Besides, you are going to make some lucky lady very, very happy. :D

The important thing is to have an exit strategy & be prepared to implement it as soon as your lady friend takes possession of her prize.

Maintain your dignity at all times.

Return to TV for sympathy. :)

Hey your advice is sound......the exit strategy is when this guy gets thrown off a building and is the next statistic... sorry to say all the negative guys here are 100% right DONT DO IT !!!!

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