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Pervert On A Van


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Short story from some 1h ago:

Sitting in a minivan that goes a direct-route from a BKK-suburb to a central location (one of the main biz-streets for companies) and due to the van being packed I decide not to wrestle out my headset from my bag and subsequently I am wide awake the whole trip while other commuters dose off. I'm in the position furthest to the back, in the middle. Infront and to the left of me is a 26-30 year thai male sitting, around some 1.7m tall, decently dressed. Immediately infront of him there is a woman sitting that I often see traveling to work at the same time. She is some 38-42 years old and think she works as some manager at a bank not too far from my office.

Some minutes into the ride I notice the guy is holding the flip-down seats backrest, the one the woman is sitting on. Nothing wrong with that, people do it a lot of times to maintain balance in a bumpy ride. Perhaps it was the fact that it wasn't bumpy or the fact that his index finger was partly extended that caught my eye. I after a while see how he slowly pushes his hand forward around the backrest, as to touch the woman. I assume he wants to make contact, perhaps to negotiate the positioning of the curtains. No contact is made and is hand is slowly withdrawn.

A little while later he is back, this time he slowly does the same thing again but with his index finger more clearly extended, and move the hand and finger across her side.

"Did he just try to get some side-boob feeling?" I ask myself.

"No, what kind of pervert would do that?" I tell myself and shake it off.

A while later the woman is leaning slightly forward (presumably for being hot against the backseat or perhaps due to feeling un-easy for some reason) and he is back with his hand. This time he doesn't reach around, but he moves his finger-top across the womans (through the fabric visible as outlines) bra. Now I'm sure. He isn't doing this by accident.

So up the cellphone camera comes.

For is there one thing I have been able to learn; always get evidence if you are going to make a fuss about anything here. You are a foreigner and he could easily talk his way out of it infront of the others or his victim.

So when he comes back for another go I am ready with the camera. By this time I think he is suspecting someone is on to him. He glances partly back between his tries and they are slightly more subtle. Slightly harder to catch. Not as obvious for his sleeping fellow travelers. But I get it on camera. So I decide to confront him as we have almost reached our destination and people are starting to get off in their locations, making it unlikely he will go for another try.

So eventually I turn on the camera, tap hm on the shoulder and inform him that I have him on camera and now I have his face too.

Eventually I get off, inform him again of what I have and then run up to the woman in question and inform her of what I have. From her reactions she was suspecting there was something going on with him (hence why she leaned forward probably) and thanked me for showing the clips. I gave her my biz-card and told her to contact me and I can give her all the clips if she wants them.

What would you have done differently?

(And I did mention to the guy in question that if I see him do this on any other trip [assuming I see him again] I would put them on 'the internet'.)

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What I would have done differently ?

Its none of my business , I think its a bit foolish as well you did that ,

to confront Thai people with something such a small thing .

Before you know he feels he lost his face and plans revenge on you !

Shouldn't be worth the fuss what you did ! Guess the woman could have taken care of herself ,

I he went even further , and just like all Thais should have shut up , unless you are a witness

of a crime the woman herself need a witness for .

So would have done everything differently , thinking why this woman didn't felt anything ....

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You did the right thing from what you have said here, get this pervert out of your van pool. May I suggest you XXXout his face and that of the lady and put it on youtube.com. This will the ladies here in Thailand and around the world a little HEADUPs :D:D on the many perverts that walks among us. This is very common in Japan. :wai: :jerk: :D:D:o:P

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I think you did the right thing by videoing the guy and confronting him, maybe he'll think twice next time.

But why did you need to confront the woman? Maybe she was blissfully unaware, and now she's all worked up that some perv was trying to touch her on the van?

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It was probably his wife...


I think you did the right thing by videoing the guy and confronting him, maybe he'll think twice next time.

But why did you need to confront the woman? Maybe she was blissfully unaware, and now she's all worked up that some perv was trying to touch her on the van?

As I am shallowly acquainted to her I know for a fact that he is not related to her. And seeing as how she reacted after I told her I had the video of it she was already aware that something was going on...now I gave her evidence if she would have wanted it. (Who sits leaning forward in a van unless for a specific reason? She probably tried to avoid any problems with 'face' and as a foreigner I'm not inhibited by such a social construct.)

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Sounds like a real scum bag. If someone doesn't stop him his behavior could get much worse. You should post the pic of the dude (edit out the woman if she's identifiable), and post it on a big Thai language site.

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Sounds like a real scum bag. If someone doesn't stop him his behavior could get much worse. You should post the pic of the dude (edit out the woman if she's identifiable), and post it on a big Thai language site.

Her face is not shown in the two clips I would post if wanted.

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Bangkok public transportation is notorious for this sort of activity. The crowded SRO red buses packed are some of the worst with everything short of penetration occurring. Groping and rubbing, especially while standing, are quite common.

notorious ? ive been catching buses for years and never have I seen overt groping nor sneaky groping let alone "everything short of penetration".

:o maybe you seen things I didnt or catch different buses but unless your the perp or have solid source of info , sounds like a complete exaggeration of the reality.

India yes

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Are you going to the police or report it to someone? No, of course you aren't. You posted it on ThaiVisa and you think you have saved the world. Honestly, you have accomplished nothing.

If you read my OP you will notice I contacted the woman and gave her my card for delivery of said videos if she wanna pursue it, but told her it is up to her.

Perhaps he will think twice before doing it again and if so I have accomplished something.

But the question in the OP wasn't if I had accomplished something but what you would have done differently. It's always easier to critic than to suggest solutions.

Added: As I am per choice trying to be anon here (including a non-standard username as oppose my usual internet presence) I'm hardly posting here for creds.

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What I would have done differently ?

Its none of my business , I think its a bit foolish as well you did that ,

to confront Thai people with something such a small thing .

Before you know he feels he lost his face and plans revenge on you !

Shouldn't be worth the fuss what you did ! Guess the woman could have taken care of herself ,

I he went even further , and just like all Thais should have shut up , unless you are a witness

of a crime the woman herself need a witness for .

So would have done everything differently , thinking why this woman didn't felt anything ....

typical cowardice, this head in the sand attitude.

i hope your wife or daughter never need help with somone like you in the vicinity.

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Are you going to the police or report it to someone? No, of course you aren't. You posted it on ThaiVisa and you think you have saved the world. Honestly, you have accomplished nothing.

If you read my OP you will notice I contacted the woman and gave her my card for delivery of said videos if she wanna pursue it, but told her it is up to her.

Perhaps he will think twice before doing it again and if so I have accomplished something.

But the question in the OP wasn't if I had accomplished something but what you would have done differently. It's always easier to critic than to suggest solutions.

Added: As I am per choice trying to be anon here (including a non-standard username as oppose my usual internet presence) I'm hardly posting here for creds.

posting as tawp with over 3700 posts, it frightens me to think that this is your non-standard presence.

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posting as tawp with over 3700 posts, it frightens me to think that this is your non-standard presence.

OT: I meant on Other boards I use another other nick. As here one is usually slightly more personal at times. 'Other boards' is then related to computer games, software development and such. Sorry for being unclear.

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Bangkok public transportation is notorious for this sort of activity. The crowded SRO red buses packed are some of the worst with everything short of penetration occurring. Groping and rubbing, especially while standing, are quite common.

notorious ? ive been catching buses for years and never have I seen overt groping nor sneaky groping let alone "everything short of penetration".

:o maybe you seen things I didnt or catch different buses but unless your the perp or have solid source of info , sounds like a complete exaggeration of the reality.

India yes

ahhh... the ever-present, not-so-hidden flame.... .


well done... :D

Ever catch the packed 52 bus at rush hour? Observable untoward actions of the sort described in the OP and more was nearly a daily occurrence.

As always in Thailand, your mileage may vary.

Speak to almost any young Thai woman and ask her if she or a friend of hers has ever had this sort of thing happen to her or them.

Edited by sriracha john
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Well then, no I wouldn't have done what you did. What was the point? Do you honestly think if he has a predilection for touching strange women you have stopped him? What you did was to put your self in jeopardy and embarrass a woman. Whatever, you think you did a noble thing and you are happy with yourself. Good thing Howard Miller wasn't there to see you filming covertly.

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Problem you have now is u need to watch your back in that particular area. As the guy could quite easily pay a couple of somchai's to shall we say remove your phone next time you are waiting for the bus.

Although it has good intentions you probably would not get any come back from the guy in the west. In Bangkok its very easy for him to revenge either himself, influential people he knows, or a several thousand baht to the motorcycle mafia at the corner of the road.

Nice genuine intentions but in BKK I wouldnt have to be honest. Don't make em loose face in front of a crowd of people.....seen people beaten senseless for less and left for dead.

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Do you honestly think if he has a predilection for touching strange women you have stopped him?

People who do this sort of thing are cowards. They get away with it because people don't confront them. Maybe he won't be quite as confident next time and might just be too worried to even try.

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It was probably his wife...


I think you did the right thing by videoing the guy and confronting him, maybe he'll think twice next time.

But why did you need to confront the woman? Maybe she was blissfully unaware, and now she's all worked up that some perv was trying to touch her on the van?

As I am shallowly acquainted to her I know for a fact that he is not related to her. And seeing as how she reacted after I told her I had the video of it she was already aware that something was going on...now I gave her evidence if she would have wanted it. (Who sits leaning forward in a van unless for a specific reason? She probably tried to avoid any problems with 'face' and as a foreigner I'm not inhibited by such a social construct.)

I sometimes get a sweaty back from the seats and lean forward to cool down.

You realized she was aware after talking to her... but i'm saying "what if" she had not been aware.

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I sometimes get a sweaty back from the seats and lean forward to cool down.

You realized she was aware after talking to her... but i'm saying "what if" she had not been aware.

A philosophical argument non-the-less.

What you are trying to say is that you would neither intervene nor inform a woman being taken advantage of if she for instance was sleeping while it happened?

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I sometimes get a sweaty back from the seats and lean forward to cool down.

You realized she was aware after talking to her... but i'm saying "what if" she had not been aware.

A philosophical argument non-the-less.

What you are trying to say is that you would neither intervene nor inform a woman being taken advantage of if she for instance was sleeping while it happened?

I would intervene, as you did by, videoing the guy and telling him to stop.

But i just don't see the point of telling the woman?

I mean what is she going to do, take your video, go to the police, file a report?? Unlikely, so it doesn't seem to serve any purpose.

For example, personally if i was asleep on a bus and some person was grabbing my privates (and i was totally unaware), i would prefer that i never know about it. Opposed to some bloke coming up to me after the fact saying "oi some guy on the bus was grabbing your wotsits, i even got a video"

My point is you don't know what that person would or wouldn't want to know, and you can't unring the bell...

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Bangkok public transportation is notorious for this sort of activity. The crowded SRO red buses packed are some of the worst with everything short of penetration occurring. Groping and rubbing, especially while standing, are quite common.

Where can one get on that bus?


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I sometimes get a sweaty back from the seats and lean forward to cool down.

You realized she was aware after talking to her... but i'm saying "what if" she had not been aware.

A philosophical argument non-the-less.

What you are trying to say is that you would neither intervene nor inform a woman being taken advantage of if she for instance was sleeping while it happened?

I would intervene, as you did by, videoing the guy and telling him to stop.

But i just don't see the point of telling the woman?

I mean what is she going to do, take your video, go to the police, file a report?? Unlikely, so it doesn't seem to serve any purpose.

For example, personally if i was asleep on a bus and some person was grabbing my privates (and i was totally unaware), i would prefer that i never know about it. Opposed to some bloke coming up to me after the fact saying "oi some guy on the bus was grabbing your wotsits, i even got a video"

My point is you don't know what that person would or wouldn't want to know, and you can't unring the bell...

I could understand your position if I knew you overlooked one thing in my OP: This [private] van [service] is a daily transportation for many people working downtown and often we see the same faces each morning. If she knows about this guy being a pervert and can avoid him and/or inform others she is traveling with and/or he avoids the service all together due to being caught and knowing I informed her something is gained.

But in the end, I would rather be told myself so I most likely would anyway.

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Bangkok public transportation is notorious for this sort of activity. The crowded SRO red buses packed are some of the worst with everything short of penetration occurring. Groping and rubbing, especially while standing, are quite common.

Where can one get on that bus?


You're such a tart, Tuky... :D

but as an example, try the buses going to Pak Kret from Victory Monument around 5:00 - 5:30 pm... You'll probably strike the fancy of some elderly gentleman who would be more than glad to stand behind you while you hold the upper hand rails together. :o

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