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Subway Crash In Bangkok


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this train out of maintenance should never be on tracks during working hours!!

how does it work in western countries?

maintenance is made at night, after working hours when tracks are empty

Thais have still to learn a lot ... :o


ps: checking the ability of drivers is not a bad idea ...

does anyone remember some experience of students who could have a part time job driving trains with a minimum of learning time before?

it seems to me to remember such a thing on Thai tv last year ..?

I may be wrong ...

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They are Advertising for Vacancies for 12 Part Time Drivers.

in a Classified Magazine.

If they ARE well Trained - this would seem a Good Idea to me.

Driving on both systems must be very boring - but more so in Tunnels.

So limiting the Driving time would limit the periods of Boredom.

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accident might have something to do with Thaksin pressuring construction companies to get the project finished too quickly.  wanted to make himself look good but possibly not enough testing . . . .? :D

keep my fingers crossed for the new airport project....according to a friend of mine who works there...is in a real mess :o

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Victims - on TV Channel 3 - are saying that after the Collision

the Doors on the Train were not alligned with the Doors on the Station

and this prevented them from opening ...

I've often wondered about this very problem myself. In the event of a fire or blackout there could be a real problem indeed. I hope there is a easy answer or safeguard that I have overlooked, though from what I've read (a delay of several minutes in releasing the passengers) I have my doubts. Perhaps the train was only partially in the station when the accident happened? I don't know the facts and so it is difficult to judge. It's an unfortunate fact that accidents are invevitable and no mode of transport is safe. Finding the cause of the accident is imperative but I really want a good answer about those doors. For the moment, I would choose the BTS over the MRT on the grounds of safety. Of course, just about anything is safer than a tuk tuk / motorbike / Bangkok taxi so let's get this in perspective.

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A Thai friend says that initially the Thai Media were Reporting 100 DEAD !!!!

Did anybody else hear this?

Or is there a Translation problem?

Who knows as with Thai education system as it is, maybe its 1-10 and many...

Ok, leaving that aside, friend of mine just almost killed in Phuket in the tsunami had enough of Phuket and ended up in this train and acc to reports was still alive.

But you can forget Thailand every quoting real number of dead in accidents... Bad for the image even if being caught lying is much worse.

Whatever sounds that one should avoid this service as likely their computers arent working properly or employees donot know what they are doing...

Empty trains driving out on their own ....

(ok to be honest I know about an Egypt Air plane in Cairo trying to drive where it wanted in Cairo airport... Never heard what got screwed up but guy in charge got the boot...)

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200 dead in Bangkok subway crash

Last Updated Mon, 17 Jan 2005 07:20:08 EST

CBC News

BANGKOK - At least 200 people were killed Monday when a subway train slammed into another one stopped at a station in Bangkok.

Bleeding victims were carried onto the street following the crash, which occurred during morning rush hour at the Cultural Center station.

Along with the dead, about 24 others were injured.

The subway's manager said he believed human error was the cause.

"Procedures were not followed and that is what caused the accident today," Praphat Jongsanguan told a morning news conference.

He and the Thai transport minister said workers lost control of a train being taken out of service, which slid down a sloped area of the track.

The underground system, which opened six months ago, will be closed indefinitely until the cause of the accident is determined, said officials.

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This is quite an unlucky accident. I just persuaded my wife that the subway was safe (she was convinced it would flood during rainy season) that when the station opened up our way (Bangkapi) that we would use it - then i got an sms saying "see! i told you it was dangerous!"

....bloody taxi's for me!

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And now closed for a week.

Bloody ###### they just dropped the price too. No wonder. Drop price drop safety.

Now lets see 250,000 people use it every day. Now thats how many now trying to make their way to and from work. :D

God knows how much extra time I gotta add to get to and from work every day now.

Just a side note with all these problems. Why is the baht doing so well with foreign currency. :o

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He and the Thai transport minister said workers lost control of a train being taken out of service, which slid down a sloped area of the track.

Please correct me if Im wrong but Modern Trains like these dont SLIDE down the tracks.When the power is off the brakes come on automaticly and the train holds fast,even on a slope.

At least thats how they were designed when I worked for Westinghouse Brake & Signals years ago!!!!

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people make mistakes

computers dont

Bill Gates

MS :o

Ok, if Billy ever lived in a place like I do, he would realise that computers do make mistakes.

One cannot expect owners to clean contacts every night, spray Sonax/insecticides,

and other stuff.

If one lives in a sterile computer room things are controllable but for in the house/small office in bad environments, no way.

Control by the way was no food/drinks in computerrooms as we had to clean peanut-butter and JAM of these big drives (ie the ones you pull open plates out from the top...); it also meant no smoking, nothing to do with employee health, unless you have seen the crap chainsmokers produce....

For a company computers are more important then the employees or better the data is more important and believe me that was the main reason those rules were introduced. I still remember with less then pleasure when a customer gave me a beer when fixing his desktop and me telling him why it was a bad idea and he STILL stuck the damned beer in stupid place and I turned and it went in his keyboard. Allas one of Logitec's keyboards with shrinking material sheet to make contact with keys.. End of 3000 baht keyboard... HE PAID

I remember in Oman we send a hoover with computer crew, first task every morning was to hoover the sand out. When to got back to Oman, dismantle.

Here in Phuket I spray generously every computer treated with SONAX.

Means corrosion is prevented and insects hate it as they breathe with their feet and that oily stinking stuff isnt what they like.

You wouldnt believe how many powersupplies and thus PC's get blown up due to Tjintjoks, ants or whatever...

In china it was shakes shocks and sand and again In cairo, and that was a human screwup, OS was modified on mainframe not to verify data after writing to tape.

Problem was in Cairo we had 2 Mainframes, not communicating with each other, crap systems, and 40000 tapes storage and then at midnight they would be synchronised... Some tapes I saw outside tapelibrary looked like they just had been dug up from pyramides. No way I would have stuck one of those in MY computer.

After a week, whole computer system ground to a halt and then we had to sort out what the idiots had changed...

UPS, so damned hot we had to run aircon of Ups as it was either 30 minutes on paper of UPS but crash after 5 minutes from the heat or 20 minutes with aircon...

We gave operators instructions and I still remember they blew a mainframe UPS up with generator with a bang , smoke and fire, water from elevators as they connected output water from aircon wron way, no problem but when electric shut down, operator followed instructions flooding elevator shaft to first floor.

In some ways better then Thailand:

Building collapsed as they arent using foundations... it never rains. Well owner 6 floo building made it 10 floors and then dug out a minimarket below.

Biggest rain ever while opening so all owners under the rubble... Nobody wanted land or building as inheritance as it would have also meant you are responsible for 60 or so dead. 5 years later rubbish heap still there.

Only problem as far as I was concerned, Our office was same building plan and computer was where supermarket was.

Government took action: every building had to be inspected, if deviating from plans, architect had to declare it safe or not and if it later collapsed, HE in yail...

Anyone see kiddies hanging on bussed? I cairo they scraped 20-30 of a train that way and now, no way. In Thailand, who minds...

Sorry, more then flooded out, am pissed off...

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He and the Thai transport minister said workers lost control of a train being taken out of service, which slid down a sloped area of the track.

Please correct me if Im wrong but Modern Trains like these dont SLIDE down the tracks.When the power is off the brakes come on automaticly and the train holds fast,even on a slope.

At least thats how they were designed when I worked for Westinghouse Brake & Signals years ago!!!!

Well I havent seen what they did with railway security for a long time but unless things changed a lot:

1. There is no way unless sabotagued for a train to drive if there is no driver.

2. As you say no power, brakes on.

Unless someone modified the damned thing??? saved money...

Its the basic security of trains, driver gets heart attack, train stops...


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"The impact of the crash sent people sprawling on the floor," an office worker on the train told a TV station.

"The power went off and we groped around in the dark for five to 10 minutes. Finally we helped ourselves pry open the automated door to get out."

:o Why the he11 was it dark? No emergency lights? Okay, I've changed my mind now.. never again.

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Mai Pen Rai.

Good for some who are going to take advantage of such incidents for their political goals by appearing on TV and pointing to scenes like as if they are experts and telling workers what to do. Maybe their popularity might go up to 99.9% for the next election or could this also be a computer error :o

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Sorry, I checked, it says injured....

Don't apologise - they just changed it a few minutes ago, but I saved the original web page which said:

200 dead in Bangkok subway crash

Last Updated Mon, 17 Jan 2005 07:20:08 EST

CBC News

BANGKOK - At least 200 people were killed Monday when a subway train slammed into another one stopped at a station in Bangkok.

Bleeding victims were carried onto the street following the crash, which occurred during morning rush hour at the Cultural Center station.

So how long did it take them to get it right? Long enough for a few thousand more hits on their sensationalised story.

Now it says:

200 injured in Bangkok subway crash

Last Updated Mon, 17 Jan 2005 08:39:14 EST

CBC News

BANGKOK - At least 200 people were injured Monday when a subway train slammed into another one stopped at a station in Bangkok.

Bleeding victims were carried onto the street following the crash, which occurred during morning rush hour at the Cultural Center station.

Edited by RDN
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