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Difficulties Meeting Nice Girls In Thailand


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^total spastic ?

the hostility continues even after i adopted this avatar in your honour?

the lack of gratitude stings sir, now run along and play with your gun.


You know how much I prefer to 'play' with you......afterall you are always so stimulating.

I like all your avatars and personalaties :o

kiss kiss, hug hug :D

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Does anyone else on in this forum have experience of dating "normal" Thai girls? I have spent the past couple of weeks wining and dining some of them but it's not been too successful. I am 41 years old, still look reasonably young, but I'm beginning to think I'm too old for them.

I don't know quite what happened but a couple of weeks ago I suddenly had several 'dates' to go out with - maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. However, none of them have turned out to have much in the way of warmth or compassion. Contrast this with my previous Isaan girl - there is no comparison.

The best one was a girl I met at the bank. She comes from a fairly rich, educated family and speaks fluent English. She is not in the slightest bit "Thai" in her outlook. She has lived and studied abroad.

I have been dating her for a week and we've had tremendous fun. We went to Sirocco restaurant at the top of State Tower. We had lots of nice days together. Last week she was talking of introducing me to her family. She started speaking about the future and including me in it.

But today she's had a go at me for spelling her name incorrectly in my text messages (I write Thai but this was in English, so my mistake I guess). Yesterday I took some fruit to her office as a romantic gesture. She really didn't like me coming to the office. Now she's suddenly stopped replying to me.

Is this par for the course with normal Thai girls with slightly older foreigners like me? Are they simply not interested? Admittedly this girl is not conventional Thai. She doesn't go to the temple and she doesn't like the "Thai institution". She is 26 years old and slightly old-fashioned in outlook.

Any advice as to how to 'win her' back would be appreciated!!! Feeling pretty sh**ty about it at the moment. I can't understand why my two misdemeanours are so bad.

There are ,I would estimate, about 1 million single , available ladies in Bangkok. Move on.

1... Prepare your own check list of what you enjoy/don't enjoy in a partner.

2.... If the words "will you take care of me ?" are spoken from the lady also move on, quickly !!!!!

3. After 3 dates/meetings etc if you feel is is not working also move on.

4. Dont waste valuable time wondering "what went wrong ?" it will do your head in. Women are from another planet and sometimes when a Thai women says no it means yes, and vice versa

PM me if you wiish for the complete list which resulted in me meeting a wonderful Thai lady and fullfilling our mutual expectations completley. We are blissfully happy.

Come up North where the real down to earth country girls are

I can introduce you to about 5 really nice genuine girls PM me

if you want more info

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Come up North where the real down to earth country girls are

I can introduce you to about 5 really nice genuine girls PM me

if you want more info

LOL.. Because.. .there's a shortage of down-to-earth country girls in this country? :o Find me one who drives a beemer and I may be interested.

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I would cringe with embarrassment if some guy i had known for only a week turned up at my workplace bearing gifts. And my workmates would probably make fun of me for weeks afterwards.

Where do you work?

I'll wear all the feathers, they'll love it! :o

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I would cringe with embarrassment if some guy i had known for only a week turned up at my workplace bearing gifts. And my workmates would probably make fun of me for weeks afterwards.

Where do you work?

I'll wear all the feathers, they'll love it! :o

I would pay to see that one! I'd pay double if you wore the lipstick as well, plus you could ride in on your camel.... :D

Patsycat.....BRACE YOURSELF! :D

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There is no problem finding woman if you want to. A female friend infact complained the other way around that there where too many woman in bangkok (with high education et al) so it was hard for her and others to find anyone that was available and decent - she complained she mostly attracted married guys. And she is only 35, highly educated, speaks fluent English and has a higher salary than for instance me.

So if you find one that is weird/odd/doesn't go well with you - move on!

Don't get stuck on the first one that smiles back to you.

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TAWP, the problem is....for the kind of woman you're mentioning above...is where to find/meet them as a single, eligible farang...if you don't happen to be working in the same office as they do.

In my time living in BKK, I've tried various of the Thai-oriented dating web sites, and have rarely/almost never met any women there matching that general description.

Rather, you'll find lots of students, lots of "want you to support me's," nurses and medical staff for some reason...lots of Isaan women with no job or career or education, etc...

So if your friend feels there are too many eligible Thai women out there, you should ask her, where/how is SHE looking for eligible men... or how is she expecting them to find her!!!

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I would cringe with embarrassment if some guy i had known for only a week turned up at my workplace bearing gifts. And my workmates would probably make fun of me for weeks afterwards.

would it help if he was also your father's age?

Hes a 41 year old, shes 26....I'm not sure if he really qualifies as father material for her.

My first thai girlfriend was almost 14 years older than me, so was I dating someone my mothers age, i don't think so.

You wouldnt happen to work for the print media, would you? :o

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I would cringe with embarrassment if some guy i had known for only a week turned up at my workplace bearing gifts. And my workmates would probably make fun of me for weeks afterwards.

would it help if he was also your father's age?

Hes a 41 year old, shes 26....I'm not sure if he really qualifies as father material for her.

My first thai girlfriend was almost 14 years older than me, so was I dating someone my mothers age, i don't think so.

You wouldnt happen to work for the print media, would you? :o

In they eye's of twenty four year olds, there is little difference between 41 and 50, although, I am sure if you yourself are 41 you will be telling yourself differently.

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That sounds like a good advice.

i wasn't aware that advice fit into the countable noun category.

beyond that it sounds like lousy advice.

Is it only me that views this statement as contradictory?

quit being so desperate. its unbecoming.

Judging by your avatar I wouldn't have thought giving advice on woman problems as your forte

judging from your avatar i wouldn't expect you could form sentences, but then you cant believe everything you see on the interenet can you?

:o TS I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts!

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I would cringe with embarrassment if some guy i had known for only a week turned up at my workplace bearing gifts. And my workmates would probably make fun of me for weeks afterwards.

would it help if he was also your father's age?

Hes a 41 year old, shes 26....I'm not sure if he really qualifies as father material for her.

My first thai girlfriend was almost 14 years older than me, so was I dating someone my mothers age, i don't think so.

You wouldnt happen to work for the print media, would you? :o

In they eye's of twenty four year olds, there is little difference between 41 and 50, although, I am sure if you yourself are 41 you will be telling yourself differently.

In the eyes of 41 year olds, there is little difference between 24 and 25. :D

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I guess a lot of it has been said before, but here goes. Yes, you were stupid and coming on too strong by giving her a gift and showing up at her office. And fruit in Thailand? Isn't that like giving someone ice in Antarctica? If you give a lady a gift, you're supposed to show your brains and taste in choosing something she fancies, something delicate, luxurious, imaginitive or fantastic from a far away land, to lull her in to some fantasy that coincides with the romantic fantasy you're also trying to lull her into. Don't give her something she could buy everywhere else and she's very used to. Hope you atleast didn't give her a bunch of banans.

And for God's sake skip the long explaination letter. It'll make you seem desperate. Give her a few days, and she might start to think about you. Give her a week, and hopefully she'll be thinking even more of you, your good qualities, how she hopes you don't dump her etc. That's when you give her a nonchalant message on her cellphone. Don't grovel about the mistakes you made if you meet her again. You can talk about them if she hints at them, but don't grovel. Try to forget her in the mean time, it will help you no matter what.

I can't believe all the feminist age related nonsense in this thread. Attractiveness is based on fertility and finding what appears to be a suitable partner. Women are most fertile at 18-21 after their hips have widened fully, then their fertility starts sinking like a rock in the end of their 20s, and then full or relative infertility usually occurs at 30-40. Men produce sperm unless their reproductive organs are damaged, they're dying or dead. Time is the real test of a man's caliber, if his genes and ability to take care of his children are good, while women don't have that luxury. That's why older men have liked younger women and vice versa throughout the ages. Men are universally lauded for having many partners, while women are universally shunned for it. In terms of fertility, a 41 year old man and a 26 year old woman are pretty much the same, like it or not.

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The problem with "normal" Thai girls that have good jobs and don't come from Issan is that they are like any other "normal" girl in the world.

Marching into her office with a bowl of fruit would have been enourmously embarassing for her. That would have set the whole bank talking about her. Sorry but it shows how little you know about "normal" Thai culture. She would have lost her face BIG time.

What where you thinking dude?

Do you REALLY think Issan girls are warmer than "normal" girls? If so, try this little experiment.

Find yourself any poor Issan girl, in the first 5 minutes of meeting her tell her you have little or no money, if fact you have hit on bad times.

No prizes for guessing what would happen.

Dude you are really out of touch.

If you want to bag yourself a "normal" girl...then treat her like any other "normal" girl.

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You've been slapped around a fair bit in this thread.

Lessons learned? Now, move on. Millions of single girls out there!

Good luck and take your time. :o

PS. I fancy one of the DTAC shop girls, do you think I have a chance at 95? :D

Actually in Thailand....I'll give you odds on :D

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Do you REALLY think Issan girls are warmer than "normal" girls? If so, try this little experiment.

Find yourself any poor Issan girl, in the first 5 minutes of meeting her tell her you have little or no money, if fact you have hit on bad times.

No prizes for guessing what would happen.

Money makes you more attractive as a man in Asia, but it's not a wild card you can use to get anything you want, and it's not necessary in order to find someone nice if you have other good sides. Where I live, young, capable, good looking expats usually have pretty hot local girlfriends even if they're just scraping by financially, and the most attractive girls and women who are interested in foreigners usually pick guys who are both attractive on a personal level and can support them, but they don't pick them after the size of their wallets.

Look at it this way - if a Western man REALLY hated something, like being poor, how many many of them do you think would do it anyway all the time because they liked the girl? Some wouldn't even stretch their budget 1000 bath for the evening for someone they really liked, never mind spending a life in poverty for them.

Aside from not being able to buy stuff you like, poverty in a third world country usually means you lose a lot of rights, because the official state tends to serve people with money. You get less proper medical treatment, your lifespan will probably shorten, you're much more likely to be victimized in crimes etc. People who come from poor places know this all too well, so it's not just a question of vanity and consumerism, it's about survival and happiness, and it's pretty understandable really.

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Don't get stuck on the first one that smiles back to you.

Now that piece of simple advice should be on the landing cards, in lonely planet guides, neon-signed on Khao San and postered up on the BTS. That sentence alone could help to reduce the woeful cries of "I've being taken for an ATM!" to "why do people keep staring at me and my girl?".

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:o My Friend DUMP!! here you said it she comes from a rich family, she doe's not have to marry a 41 yr old falang to better herselve she is at the top of the tree already you are the the pawn probably in her little rollplay games you will only get hurt if you have already not been you have to wise up how old is she? i would probably say half your age and yes you are besotted by her and she is the best thing since slicwe bread.

Does anyone else on in this forum have experience of dating "normal" Thai girls? I have spent the past couple of weeks wining and dining some of them but it's not been too successful. I am 41 years old, still look reasonably young, but I'm beginning to think I'm too old for them.

I don't know quite what happened but a couple of weeks ago I suddenly had several 'dates' to go out with - maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. However, none of them have turned out to have much in the way of warmth or compassion. Contrast this with my previous Isaan girl - there is no comparison.

The best one was a girl I met at the bank. She comes from a fairly rich, educated family and speaks fluent English. She is not in the slightest bit "Thai" in her outlook. She has lived and studied abroad.

I have been dating her for a week and we've had tremendous fun. We went to Sirocco restaurant at the top of State Tower. We had lots of nice days together. Last week she was talking of introducing me to her family. She started speaking about the future and including me in it.

But today she's had a go at me for spelling her name incorrectly in my text messages (I write Thai but this was in English, so my mistake I guess). Yesterday I took some fruit to her office as a romantic gesture. She really didn't like me coming to the office. Now she's suddenly stopped replying to me.

Is this par for the course with normal Thai girls with slightly older foreigners like me? Are they simply not interested? Admittedly this girl is not conventional Thai. She doesn't go to the temple and she doesn't like the "Thai institution". She is 26 years old and slightly old-fashioned in outlook.

Any advice as to how to 'win her' back would be appreciated!!! Feeling pretty sh**ty about it at the moment. I can't understand why my two misdemeanours are so bad.

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:D Easy Marleen he will learn better to sample the whole bag rather than pick out the the favorite bits.

I have been dating her for a week and we've had tremendous fun.

Looks like she didn't have as much fun as you did. :o


Put those claws away tigger

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Don't get stuck on the first one that smiles back to you.

Now that piece of simple advice should be on the landing cards, in lonely planet guides, neon-signed on Khao San and postered up on the BTS. That sentence alone could help to reduce the woeful cries of "I've being taken for an ATM!" to "why do people keep staring at me and my girl?".

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Does anyone else on in this forum have experience of dating "normal" Thai girls? I have spent the past couple of weeks wining and dining some of them but it's not been too successful. I am 41 years old, still look reasonably young, but I'm beginning to think I'm too old for them.

I don't know quite what happened but a couple of weeks ago I suddenly had several 'dates' to go out with - maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. However, none of them have turned out to have much in the way of warmth or compassion. Contrast this with my previous Isaan girl - there is no comparison.

The best one was a girl I met at the bank. She comes from a fairly rich, educated family and speaks fluent English. She is not in the slightest bit "Thai" in her outlook. She has lived and studied abroad.

I have been dating her for a week and we've had tremendous fun. We went to Sirocco restaurant at the top of State Tower. We had lots of nice days together. Last week she was talking of introducing me to her family. She started speaking about the future and including me in it.

But today she's had a go at me for spelling her name incorrectly in my text messages (I write Thai but this was in English, so my mistake I guess). Yesterday I took some fruit to her office as a romantic gesture. She really didn't like me coming to the office. Now she's suddenly stopped replying to me.

Is this par for the course with normal Thai girls with slightly older foreigners like me? Are they simply not interested? Admittedly this girl is not conventional Thai. She doesn't go to the temple and she doesn't like the "Thai institution". She is 26 years old and slightly old-fashioned in outlook.

Any advice as to how to 'win her' back would be appreciated!!! Feeling pretty sh**ty about it at the moment. I can't understand why my two misdemeanours are so bad.

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:o absolutly great reply you have summed it up in 1 last part of the quote maybe the fact that i am 68 fat!Bald! total pXX**artist and i have a 18 yr old hanging on to my ARM sorry i mean wallet, I don't know is this me being Cinical!!

Don't get stuck on the first one that smiles back to you.

Now that piece of simple advice should be on the landing cards, in lonely planet guides, neon-signed on Khao San and postered up on the BTS. That sentence alone could help to reduce the woeful cries of "I've being taken for an ATM!" to "why do people keep staring at me and my girl?".

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