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How To Get An International Drivers License

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My husband would like to get an international drivers license and by a bike. We are U.S. citizens living in Bangkok. Doing Internet searches I have found out that the only way to get one here is to first get a Thai drivers license or I can send a bunch of personal info via UPS to the states and wait 4 - 6 week to get one back by UPS. Is this info correct? He would really like to get one here without having to get a Thai license.

I have been told if you get a Thai drivers license they make you surrender your U.S license. Is this true?

Any info would be great.

Thanks Peregrine8

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My husband would like to get an international drivers license and by a bike. We are U.S. citizens living in Bangkok. Doing Internet searches I have found out that the only way to get one here is to first get a Thai drivers license or I can send a bunch of personal info via UPS to the states and wait 4 - 6 week to get one back by UPS. Is this info correct? He would really like to get one here without having to get a Thai license.

I have been told if you get a Thai drivers license they make you surrender your U.S license. Is this true?

Any info would be great.

Thanks Peregrine8

The correct procedure is to get the Thai licence if you intend to drive in Thailand and are on a visa which allows you to live here. If you are not on a long-term visa then it will need to be an international licence for tempory use, they are valid for one year only, so however you get it you will need to do it again and again. The procedure is to use your native licence to obtain an 'international' from a motoring organisation in your home country. I have lots of expired International licenses which I used for my brief visits, now I use the Thai license driving someone elses car. Insurance is one consideration, you must have third party insurance, will you get it on a bike which you own yourself? I don't know. It is very easy to get a Thai licence, the office is near the BTS station at Jatuchak very convenient, and the procedure is covered in a forum 'near here' You do not surrender your original licence.

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If you only want the licence to ride the bike in Thailand, though I would consider it a bit risky, then getting a Thai licence is a piece of cake, and no you don't have to surrender your US licence.

The procedures are listed in the motoring section of the forum.

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My husband is wanting to buy a bike. We could be living here for the next 5 years or more. He was told he could not even buy a bike without a international or Thai license. We already have a licensed car with insurance provided by the company. Reading the info on getting the International license it says you must bring a Thai translator with you to fill out the paperwork, talk you through the class and then fill out the test for you. Is this true or has it changed? How long is it good for? I think I read something about it only being good for a year since 2003. We are here on a long term employee visa.

If we buy a used bike how do we get insurance? Does it transfer with the bike? How do you transfer ownership of the bike?

Thanks Peregrine8

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If he has a valid US license he can get an International Driving Permit from the AAA Auto Club for $15. It can be mailed regular mail to you in Thailand. Their website has the form to fill out and what you need, basically you send them a photocopy of your US license, a couple of photos, and check for $15. You might need to include extra for international postage.

If you live here though you really need a Thai license and the US license PLUS the IDP from make this real easy to get (if he has a motorcycle endorsement on the US license).

There is no such thing as an International Drivers License that is good everywhere. Usually people are referring to the IDP that is issued by the country where their license is issued, in your case the US. All the International Licenses you see advertised are bogus but can be useful in third world countries if you just need something thats looks official.

If he doesn't have a motorcycle license from the US he will have to take the test for a Thai license.

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If he has a valid US license he can get an International Driving Permit from the AAA Auto Club for $15. It can be mailed regular mail to you in Thailand. Their website has the form to fill out and what you need, basically you send them a photocopy of your US license, a couple of photos, and check for $15. You might need to include extra for international postage.

If you live here though you really need a Thai license and the US license PLUS the IDP from make this real easy to get (if he has a motorcycle endorsement on the US license).

There is no such thing as an International Drivers License that is good everywhere. Usually people are referring to the IDP that is issued by the country where their license is issued, in your case the US. All the International Licenses you see advertised are bogus but can be useful in third world countries if you just need something thats looks official.

If he doesn't have a motorcycle license from the US he will have to take the test for a Thai license.

Thanks My hubby is going to find a Thai friend to go with him and get a Thai drivers license.


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