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Thai visa and work permit. what is important ?

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I have been reading and following this forum for a little while now. I came to the point that most of you give good answers to questions that people ask here in the forum.

Of course I have read the "Read First before Posting" Thread

I would like to know how it is the easiest way to get a one year visa for Thailand.

Of course I just don't want to sit around and do nothing. That would be to boring for me. So I also need a work permit.

Do I have to get the work permit in Thailand ?

Because I read that it is more easy to get a visa if you make it form your home country.

I am living in Germany right now and I am German as well.

My age is 23 now and getting 24 next year.

To get a Visa is there any special you need to have before applying for a visa ? Do you need to show a special amount in your bank ?

I read that farangs ( is it farang or falang ?? I saw both in the forum ) who are married to a Thai girl/woman need to have a special amount in their bank. Do also people need that who want a visa for one year ?

Another question is also how it does look with jobs in Bkk.

My age is quite young and I stopped to study at university.

Is there any chance at all to find a job without having a diplom of a university ?

It is also important that I cannot speak Thai!

I can speak English good, also reading and writing in English are no problems for me.

I am good at setting up computer systems. Also setting up the OS ( Micrsoft NT/2k/XP/etc ) and get a network to work properly.

To keep it short I know how to work with a computer system and know how to get rid of any problems and fix them. I also know how to set up the Micrsoft Server Family.

In Linux I have basic knowlegde. Finding my way through the system. Knowing how to set rights of the users and so on.

Also know how to get apache to work ( but don't know how to get it high performand ) as I say basic knowledge. maybe also a bit more than basic.

Is there any chance in finding something in this direction ?

It would be nice if some people of you could reply and give me an expression and some answers to my questions.

If any other further informations are needed don't be shy to ask. :o

thanks for your time and answers  :D


EDIT: Oh forget. If I apply for a visa for Thailand I won't do that next week or month. If, than next year in March or a bit later. I just would like to have your opinions. thx

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Most of the answers you're looking for are on this web site. Use the search facility, or go to the home page.

I can answer the farang/falang question. It's should definitely be written as farang (thai script spells it with an R), but the r should be rolled like italians (or thais) do it. When you roll the r it becomes more like the L sound, and so many foreigners who can't read thai script erroneously think it is spelt with an L. I won't go into the high brow / low brow debate.

This was also submitted 'somewhere' in this forum but sometimes I find it's hard to find what you're looking for so I'm being the good samaritan here and saving you the trouble. I'm hoping what goes around comes around.

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I would try to find a company in Germany willing to send you to Bangkok. Your qualifications are all computer related and once you are here will be very difficult to find an employer, who has to explain why a foreigner is required doing a job a Thai cannot do and (legally) paying a minimum salary that by far exceeds what a Thai would ask for. Minimum salaries are just being revised to come to Baht 50000 pm for Europeans which, I am afraid, no local company will pay. So the easiest way are international companies who sometimes do need staff willing to be assiigned to overseas and/or Thailand. You might be better off if you can offer some more business-experience.

There are a few people here I know, who came on tourist visa and try to work, let's say help companies to keep the computers running for abt. Baht 1000 a month. Well it is illegal and how many contacts you need to come to a somehow decent income facing the risk of your next visa being denied?

I do not want to sound negative. If you went through the present discussions you will know what I mean.

So try to find an employer in Germany or Europe who is willing to send you out, which should be possible at the age of 24, but you might have to widen your field, trading, shipping etc.

Good luck!

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I realise that your talents lie in the IT,  but have you considered teaching English.

There may be a problem that English is not your native tongue, but if you get yourself a teaching qualification e.g. TESOL it may be worth a try.

I'm not sure what the criterea is for an English teacher in Thailand i.e. degree or TESOL or both, but if you can find a school to take you on then they should arrange your 12 month visa for you.

There are many teaching jobs available in Asia particularly for young people.

Have a look at the sites below and you may be able to find the answers to my doubts or maybe someone in this forum will know.

Try Dave's ESL Cafe at www.eslcafe.com and Stickman at


Good luck!!

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