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Pattaya Highway Robbers


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I was riding my motorbike in East Pattaya road very early this morning. I saw an old lady lying along the side of the road. I asked my friend if we should stop and help her, to which my friend quickly disagreed. My friend told me this was a robbery setup.

Has anyone heard of this occuring in Pattaya?


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There was a simalar setup on the Rayong road a couple of years ago, a rigged accident which turned out to be a robbery.

Your freind had the right idea, drive on and telephone the police to check it out.

yes ive heard of tactic before ...you have the right idea........

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When I moved from central Pattaya to soi Khaw Noi back in '97 people expressed their concern due to the problem of lawlessness and robberies in that area. In the seven years I lived out that way I never saw nor experienced anything that suggested this kind of practice went on.

Having said that, these stories must have some basis of truth therefore it is prudent, especially at times when there are not many people about, to keep your guard up and avoid stopping unless you physically have to.

As to actually hearing of it happening to anyone? No, I have never heard a first hand account of it. But, in Thailand, that means nothing.

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The highway robbers are easily spotted.

They wear tight brown clothes and drive brown and cream coloured cars with red lights on top of them.

hahahahaa :D:o:D:D

The usually stake out the lightcrossing at 2nd and klang. I been robbed by them several times there :D

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The highway robbers are easily spotted.

They wear tight brown clothes and drive brown and cream coloured cars with red lights on top of them.

ever heard but met some.

after that u r some

hundreds poor , sure.

they wear sunglasses too.

b carefull !

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