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From the BBC website......

People from outside the EU moving to the UK to work or study will have to pay £50 extra for visas to help areas struggling to cope with immigration.

The £70m raised by the two-year scheme, announced by Communities Secretary Hazel Blears, will help fund more police support and translators.

Many councils have warned of the strain that new arrivals have put on services.

But critics say the cash will not have much effect and also warn that the move could stir anti-immigrant sentiments.

as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.


The thieving corrupt lying British government strikes again, as if it doesn't cost enough to do visas the legit way already.

I never thought I'd say it but; the way that country has gone over the last 15 years or so along with the behavior of some of its citizens, makes me ashamed to be British at times.

From the BBC website......

People from outside the EU moving to the UK to work or study will have to pay £50 extra for visas to help areas struggling to cope with immigration.

The £70m raised by the two-year scheme, announced by Communities Secretary Hazel Blears, will help fund more police support and translators.

Many councils have warned of the strain that new arrivals have put on services.

But critics say the cash will not have much effect and also warn that the move could stir anti-immigrant sentiments.

who can believe anything that comes out of the mouth of the UK govt.The money raised am sure will elsewhere.

as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.

Its a start, its better then the British taxpayer picking up the tab as we always do, these people will all have free access to the NHS if they get in it isnt a bad deal. Besides all skilled immigrants coming here to work will get their company to pay for it, its not that much on top of the overall cost to study here, and the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

with the exeption of healthcare, immigrants on working or student visa are not entitled to any benefits

as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.

Its a start, its better then the British taxpayer picking up the tab as we always do, these people will all have free access to the NHS if they get in it isnt a bad deal. Besides all skilled immigrants coming here to work will get their company to pay for it, its not that much on top of the overall cost to study here, and the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

Two points:

1) I love these types of threads. You poms sure know how to bash yourselves up and lash out at others on the most incorrect information. If there is a national characteristic of the British, this surely must be it. Almost as fun as watching you guys getting beaten at cricket.

2) I was a so called 'economic migrant' to the UK on the highly skilled migrants permit. Despite me and my wife paying a fair whack of taxes to Her Majesty, I was entitled to sweet FA, apart from the NHS and access to "schooling" for any kids I may have had. I didn't know that free education included switch blade lessons from the local little englander junior brigade and access to haute cuisine consisting of stodge, stodge, and stodge. But that I guess is what you get for 89 pence per meal. This would have been for the first 5 years of my stay.

Got charged a pretty penny too twice in 2 years to extend/renew my visa's as well, and forced to submit to arbitary and regular rule changes that would make Thai immigration proud.

Yes, oh the delights of mooching off the British government. Frankly, I get better public services here in BKK most of the time.


50 pounds ? Thats a bargain compared to Ireland.

I run a Thai restaurant here and all Non - EU workers have to pay €150 Euros every year before they can get their visa renewed. Two years ago it was free. God knows what it will be next year.

Like shooting fish in a barrel................


Same old, same old.

Vote for Labour.. They will spend everything in the kitty on beureacracy and social scemes that only encourage laziness and scamming.. Then once the cupboard is bare they increase taxes on everything to pay for it... Oh and they don't forget to line their pockets every chance they get...

Sounds just like Thaksins mob... But the Thais were smart enough to get rid of him.. Us Brits are too polite to march in the streets and demonstrate to get rid of 'gormless' Brown...

Same old, same old.

Us Brits are too polite to march in the streets and demonstrate to get rid of 'gormless' Brown...

tory-labour same same, both are representing interests of the ruling class - don't vote for them or you will end up disapponted. Labour are new tories is a popular opinion.

and yes, brits get rid of maggi


Think many would rather have Maggie Thatcher back than suffer Gordon Brown any longer.. At least Mrs Thatcher was actually elected by the people. I wasn't embarassed to be British back then either..

Two points:

1) I love these types of threads. You poms sure know how to bash yourselves up and lash out at others on the most incorrect information. If there is a national characteristic of the British, this surely must be it. Almost as fun as watching you guys getting beaten at cricket.

2) I was a so called 'economic migrant' to the UK on the highly skilled migrants permit. Despite me and my wife paying a fair whack of taxes to Her Majesty, I was entitled to sweet FA, apart from the NHS and access to "schooling" for any kids I may have had. I didn't know that free education included switch blade lessons from the local little englander junior brigade and access to haute cuisine consisting of stodge, stodge, and stodge. But that I guess is what you get for 89 pence per meal. This would have been for the first 5 years of my stay.

Got charged a pretty penny too twice in 2 years to extend/renew my visa's as well, and forced to submit to arbitary and regular rule changes that would make Thai immigration proud.

Yes, oh the delights of mooching off the British government. Frankly, I get better public services here in BKK most of the time.

Sounds your typical 'chip on the shoulder' nonsense from an Australian.

What was your "highly skilled migrants permit" for? Working in a bar? :o

Sounds just like Thaksins mob... But the Thais were smart enough to get rid of him.. Us Brits are too polite to march in the streets and demonstrate to get rid of 'gormless' Brown...

Thaksin was removed by a military coup.

Fortunately the British military is actually answerable to the British Government and not the other way round as it is in Thailand.


Got to agree, this money will come from the wrong people and will not be used for what they have stated it is intended for. Is crime and social problems are up in certain areas, putting a strain on local budgets, this is more likely caused by the EU influx, those outside the EU enter on very different grounds, ie. fund yourself, get into trouble and you are out, etc, plus pay extortionate visa fees already.

No this is just another load of <deleted> to line their pockets.

Also remember this for all the EU migrants, there are thousands of Brits taking advantage of the open gate to the EU every year, Portugal and Spain are full of them in Bars, Restaurants,etc. It's swings and round-abouts, the British government can't have it all their own way, they chose to be part of the EU. What! they thought people (poor with no knowledge of English) wouldn't come, Duh! Totally il-prepared as usual and now they want to blame and penalise the small number that arrive from outside the EU. Of course this won't apply to assylum seekers, ha!


the british govt has taken the piss consistently for at least centuries and centuries(at least)

why are we still in the least bit "surprised, shocked, appalled, yawn yawn yawn etcetc" to see them doing what they do?

why are u crying to each other when other nations behave similarly?

science H, logic!!!

point ya fingers... cos its 'better' than nothin, eh?


as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.

Its a start, its better then the British taxpayer picking up the tab as we always do, these people will all have free access to the NHS if they get in it isnt a bad deal. Besides all skilled immigrants coming here to work will get their company to pay for it, its not that much on top of the overall cost to study here, and the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

Two points:

1) I love these types of threads. You poms sure know how to bash yourselves up and lash out at others on the most incorrect information. If there is a national characteristic of the British, this surely must be it. Almost as fun as watching you guys getting beaten at cricket.

2) I was a so called 'economic migrant' to the UK on the highly skilled migrants permit. Despite me and my wife paying a fair whack of taxes to Her Majesty, I was entitled to sweet FA, apart from the NHS and access to "schooling" for any kids I may have had. I didn't know that free education included switch blade lessons from the local little englander junior brigade and access to haute cuisine consisting of stodge, stodge, and stodge. But that I guess is what you get for 89 pence per meal. This would have been for the first 5 years of my stay.

Got charged a pretty penny too twice in 2 years to extend/renew my visa's as well, and forced to submit to arbitary and regular rule changes that would make Thai immigration proud.

Yes, oh the delights of mooching off the British government. Frankly, I get better public services here in BKK most of the time.

Immigrants need not worry as british government is also giving a £300.00 grant to cover the cost, non repayable of course and free council house while you wait the 3 years for them to make decision - good old idiot brown and his party :o

The thieving corrupt lying British government strikes again, as if it doesn't cost enough to do visas the legit way already.

I never thought I'd say it but; the way that country has gone over the last 15 years or so along with the behavior of some of its citizens, makes me ashamed to be British at times.


my wife just got a UK visitors visa last week. look like we just made it in time.

This surcharge applies to student visas and work permits.

Visit visas, spouse visas, fiance visas etc. are not included; yet!

crime and social problems are up in certain areas, putting a strain on local budgets, this is more likely caused by the EU influx. What! they thought people (poor with no knowledge of English) wouldn't come, Duh! Totally il-prepared as usual

of course it's these eu influx without language but with a lot of skills and working for a minimum wage working 8am-7pm (including saturdays), and not local yobs with asbos starting their gang membership from the age of 10, who are causing all the vandalism, crime

Not a surprise really under this government.

Exactly, they don't have a clue unless it comes down to how best to hide their fake expenses claims.

as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.

Its a start, its better then the British taxpayer picking up the tab as we always do, these people will all have free access to the NHS if they get in it isnt a bad deal. Besides all skilled immigrants coming here to work will get their company to pay for it, its not that much on top of the overall cost to study here, and the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

Thats not forgetting the scrounging brits,who claim fo all kinds of things and bugger off to Thailand to marry,have business etc.

Dont forget the brits starting these scams years before the immigrants,we just taught them well.

as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.

Its a start, its better then the British taxpayer picking up the tab as we always do, these people will all have free access to the NHS if they get in it isnt a bad deal. Besides all skilled immigrants coming here to work will get their company to pay for it, its not that much on top of the overall cost to study here, and the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

Two points:

1) I love these types of threads. You poms sure know how to bash yourselves up and lash out at others on the most incorrect information. If there is a national characteristic of the British, this surely must be it. Almost as fun as watching you guys getting beaten at cricket.

2) I was a so called 'economic migrant' to the UK on the highly skilled migrants permit. Despite me and my wife paying a fair whack of taxes to Her Majesty, I was entitled to sweet FA, apart from the NHS and access to "schooling" for any kids I may have had. I didn't know that free education included switch blade lessons from the local little englander junior brigade and access to haute cuisine consisting of stodge, stodge, and stodge. But that I guess is what you get for 89 pence per meal. This would have been for the first 5 years of my stay.

Got charged a pretty penny too twice in 2 years to extend/renew my visa's as well, and forced to submit to arbitary and regular rule changes that would make Thai immigration proud.

Yes, oh the delights of mooching off the British government. Frankly, I get better public services here in BKK most of the time.

most people in uk , oz and the states were originally immigrants....mostly by choice, war,conquest or economic ( except oz)

im british and stayed in oz for two weeks, didnt like it so i left

went to china....not keen there so after one month i left.

stayed in thailand for many years ...like it so i stay.

my point is i chose where i wanted to live..why did you stay in the uk so long...were you chained up, in jail maybe.

i doubt we would of missed you !!!!

most ozzies i know love their country so much they will do anything for oz .........except live there.

as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

This page gives links to the visa statistics (number of applications, issued, refused).

If you can find just one post where 51% or more of applications in that time were rejected then I will donate £100 to a charity of your choice, on the proviso that you will donate £100 to a charity of my choice if you cannot find one.



Look at the bright side of it. It's a lot less in baht than it was not long ago. :o

Not a surprise really under this government.

Exactly, they don't have a clue unless it comes down to how best to hide their fake expenses claims.

heard that minister got sussed for claiming 24k per yr for his 2nd home which was actually his parent's house. Wonder if he has to pay it back- probably not..

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