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Closing The Bars At Midnight?


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That law was introduced several years ago but was only enforced for a short while.

And the reason for that was?

Why not write a new law that requires Thai monks to now wear blue robes instead of orange? It makes as much sense.

It was only enforced for a short while because it is lunacy. One AM is a reasonable compromise, but midnight reminds me of when I was a teenager and had to get home by the witching hour. The bars are struggling enough as it is from the lack of tourism. Why make it harder on them?

Why not write a few laws that might make sense... like not parking cars and trucks on narrow sois. Build a few parking lots and insist people actually walk a coupld hundred meters instead of creating dangerous hazards.

But, maybe I'm tredding on dangerous ground here by criticizing the establishment.

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

What does this mean? ALLOWING some Thai families - as in giving permission? So it's the bar's fault that Thai families are not spending time together. That's great - continue to promote the idea that it's up to the institutions to promote family togetherness and that it is not our own responsibility. Ridiculous.

If the desire is to curb public intoxication, thereby making the streets safer, how about instituting a law (and enforcing it) not to serve someone who is obviously intoxicated?

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

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I think Thailand will be happer without any tourists at all

If I was on holiday and all the bars closed at 12 I would find another country to spend my money

I was out till way past 12 last night in a bar and it was not closed I found that when I had my bar and they were doing this it was mainly the girlie bars they were picking on.

I know one thing when they did that before and then came around for there monthly tea money I told them where they could take there request and shove it they never got another Baht off me after that.

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If I ruled the World......I would put an immediate ban on ugly, chubby, badly dressed, bad attitude girls with a high opinion of themselves from working in bars. Oh dear, that would mean almost no girls in bars, so then there would be no customers, so then you could close them even earlier!!!

Ha ha ha!! Postman Pat strikes again!!

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

I'm an old fart? No. I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

I'm an old fart? No. I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.

You're right Ajarn. I've also lived here a long time and I know that bars allow some Thai families to earn a living. That's unbearable. Close them all and send this people to the nearest job center.

Edited by adjan jb
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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

I'm an old fart? No. I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.

I think I would advocate that a little personal responsibility be required here. You cannot simply blame the bar. What would you ban next ?

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :D

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

I'm an old fart? No. I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.

You're right Ajarn. I've also lived here a long time and I know that bars allow some Thai families to earn a living. That's unbearable. Close them all and send this people to the nearest job center.

Yes, and what a laudable living it is, right? :o

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

I'm an old fart? No. I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.

Yeah, have you ever seen what a car or bike can do a family. All those innocent victims. It's about the time to ban all cars and bikes including buses and trucks ! They are evil and after human blood !

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Yeah, have you ever seen what a car or bike can do a family. All those innocent victims. It's about the time to ban all cars and bikes including buses and trucks ! They are evil and after human blood !

NOW you are thinking, MJo! It makes as much sense as closing the bars at midnight. I frankly couldn't care less what time the bars are forced to close. My ladies visit me in the afternoon. But, I do like to play pool at night with my "friends". I also know the owners of the bars are struggling with lack of clientel, and making the "official" closing time midnight is a bit childish. One o'clock would be at least a compromise. It is the inconsistency that bothers me. Some places seem to be allowed to stay open longer than others.

I understand that there are self righteous people who want to enforce their own prudish beliefs on others, but who are THEY to make the standards? You can take it to any extreme level like the radical Muslim groups that treat women as subservient slaves.

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :o

It sounds like someone is turning into an old fart! :D

I'm an old fart? No. I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.

its not the bar that does it,its the people who go in them.If the bar leads people astray then stay out of them,very simple.And if its all too much for you go and live in a muslim country,if the booze is too much of a temptation for you and let others enjoy the bars.

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Yeah, have you ever seen what a car or bike can do a family. All those innocent victims. It's about the time to ban all cars and bikes including buses and trucks ! They are evil and after human blood !

NOW you are thinking, MJo! It makes as much sense as closing the bars at midnight. I frankly couldn't care less what time the bars are forced to close. My ladies visit me in the afternoon. But, I do like to play pool at night with my "friends". I also know the owners of the bars are struggling with lack of clientel, and making the "official" closing time midnight is a bit childish. One o'clock would be at least a compromise. It is the inconsistency that bothers me. Some places seem to be allowed to stay open longer than others.

I understand that there are self righteous people who want to enforce their own prudish beliefs on others, but who are THEY to make the standards? You can take it to any extreme level like the radical Muslim groups that treat women as subservient slaves.

Yeah i know mate, does not bring any benefits to anyone. Only forces the bars to close right when the best hours start. In BKK they are relaxing the enforcement again. Most places are now open until 2am or so. This is enought for me and propably most of us, midnight or 1am is bit too early and just forces people to continue in illegal bars behind half closed doors.

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You're right Ajarn. I've also lived here a long time and I know that bars allow some Thai families to earn a living. That's unbearable. Close them all and send this people to the nearest job center.

Yes, and what a laudable living it is, right? :o

Laudable or not, who cares when there's rice in the plates? Not everyone is as wealthy as you.

I don't run a bar and I don't hang around them either but each is entitled to earn a living. If there's a demand, there must be a supply.

All work is honorable, isn't it ?

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Yeah, have you ever seen what a car or bike can do a family. All those innocent victims. It's about the time to ban all cars and bikes including buses and trucks ! They are evil and after human blood !

NOW you are thinking, MJo! It makes as much sense as closing the bars at midnight. I frankly couldn't care less what time the bars are forced to close. My ladies visit me in the afternoon. But, I do like to play pool at night with my "friends". I also know the owners of the bars are struggling with lack of clientel, and making the "official" closing time midnight is a bit childish. One o'clock would be at least a compromise. It is the inconsistency that bothers me. Some places seem to be allowed to stay open longer than others.

I understand that there are self righteous people who want to enforce their own prudish beliefs on others, but who are THEY to make the standards? You can take it to any extreme level like the radical Muslim groups that treat women as subservient slaves.

the afternoon visits are the best :o

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What form of idiocy is this?

It is a larval form of idiocy, my son : over time, with enough exposure to night-life here, you will enter the pupal stage where you will experience a long period of gestation where what now appears to be the content of your thoughts, dreams, and feelings, becomes kind of a shadow-puppet show played on an all-enveloping, comforting, white screen in slow-motion. Tell your friends not to worry if you appear catatonic or stare into the sun for hours.

And then you shall emerge, winged, to soar into a twitching, drooling, Parksinsonian or Alzheimerian old age in which nothing will really matter ... or everything is equally "groovy." In that state you will be attended by countless semi-divine bar-girls who are really angels taking the form of your desires.

A better law, I think, would require all Farangs to report to bars, and consume a minimum of 100 baht of whatever, for three hours per day at hours when the traffic to and fro said bars did not interfere with school-traffic hours or work-related hours : say 11AM - 2 PM. That way bar employees can have dependable incomes, spend more time with their families. But, that would be a problem for me since 100 baht will buy six liters or more of soy milk on the street



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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :D

:o the truth of the matter is that it can never be your decision and thank god for that! .. allowing some thai families more time with their spouse?? are u for real ?? ya sure, let those girls at the bars spend some quality time with their spouse !

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No matter the closing time for the bars those that want to will find a place to drink till the wee hours of the morning, having said that it might be better to leave the Bars open a bit longer, and the power that be could montior them. :o:D

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :D

:o the truth of the matter is that it can never be your decision and thank god for that! .. allowing some thai families more time with their spouse?? are u for real ?? ya sure, let those girls at the bars spend some quality time with their spouse !

With a name like Tigerbeer, I can imagine where your interests lie. With a name such as I have, maybe you can imagine where my interests lie. Never the twain shall meet. :D

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I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.
Yes, and what a laudable living it is, right? sad.gif

What a curmudgeonly fellow you are Ajarn. :o

That you associate bars with sleaze, excess and being detrimental to family life is perhaps a reflection of the bars you visit or have visited.

I prefer to think of a bar as a place where the community can gather and meet in an informal and relaxed setting. Places where families and others go to celebrate special occasions and enjoy the fine art of living. After over 20 years in the bar business I can think of dozens of couples that first met in one or other of the bars I have run and have gone on to marry and start families. What is not laudable about that?

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I prefer to think of a bar as a place where the community can gather and meet in an informal and relaxed setting. Places where families and others go to celebrate special occasions and enjoy the fine art of living. After over 20 years in the bar business I can think of dozens of couples that first met in one or other of the bars I have run and have gone on to marry and start families. What is not laudable about that?

But how many of the bars we are talking about fit that category. I agree yours' seems to

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I'm someone who appreciates what a bar can do to a family. I have lived here a long time and my opinon is based on the facts of the matter.
Yes, and what a laudable living it is, right? sad.gif

What a curmudgeonly fellow you are Ajarn. :o

That you associate bars with sleaze, excess and being detrimental to family life is perhaps a reflection of the bars you visit or have visited.

I prefer to think of a bar as a place where the community can gather and meet in an informal and relaxed setting. Places where families and others go to celebrate special occasions and enjoy the fine art of living. After over 20 years in the bar business I can think of dozens of couples that first met in one or other of the bars I have run and have gone on to marry and start families. What is not laudable about that?

After 20 years in the bar business, of course you are going to have a different story to tell about bars. As I do from my experience with them. Take away the alcohol and I would agree with you. Why the need to drink?

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Why the need to drink?

Why the need to lecture people, Ajarn? :D

I'm simply stating my opinion, and asking a question. No lecturing from me, sir :D

I see you have turned thai and believe in rote learning by repetition Ajarn :o

Edited by harrry
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