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Closing The Bars At Midnight?


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Other than knives and automatic weapons, nothing has cost more to society than the abuse of alcohol.

Not even sheer stupidity and jealousy? I would have thought that these "diseases" have been the number one killers since the beginning of History.

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Why the need to smoke?

Why the need to have sex?

Why the need to eat food that tastes good?

Why the need to paint, write or sculpture?

Why the need for sports?

Why the need to enjoy life at all?

Why not just live like a slug or a snail and ooze along the ground?

Excess of just about EVERYTHING can be detrimental to your health. Humans were designed with a brain that thinks. WE should be allowed to make our own decisions. Why choose to live in a vegetable like state?

Mr. Forbes, your earlier posts seemed to have created the impression that you are of a sane and reasonable mind. Sadly this latest post of yours removes that impression.

Taken out of context, Blinkey Bill. I'm not suggesting any of those things as you well know. I'm just pointing out that when one particular group, or a single person with a "personal agenda" starts making their own rules then you will have problems. Just whose rules are the right ones? Unfortunately, there will always be weak people who have no self control. We DO need a few laws to protect those unfortunates. But, I'd just as rather the head honchos leave the rest of us alone to make our own decisions... good or bad.

I don't totally disagree with Adjan jb, but when you start messing with other people's lives it opens a whole new can of worms. Who gets to play god and decide on what rules we are SUPPOSED to follow? It could just as easily be a radical Muslim who believes that all Christians and Jews should be dead. Or, it could be a Catholic priest who feels it's perfectly okay to molest little boys.

We spend billions of dollars in North America chasing after drug runners who are only supplying idiots who can't make a sane decision on their own. My advice is let the drug users all die by their own chosen life style. It's their personal choice. And then save the people that actually WANT and NEED to be helped.

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I don't totally disagree with Adjan jb, but when you start messing with other people's lives it opens a whole new can of worms. Who gets to play god and decide on what rules we are SUPPOSED to follow?

Ian, you probably mean Ajarn because as far as I am concerned I haven't said anything worth mentioning. Just the usual silly posts. I even had to apologize to a poster because I was completely mistaken :o

Reason for edit: Actually I said that all work is honorable. But beyond that I can't remember having made a single intelligent comment.

Edited by adjan jb
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No more Spicy?

i was told by a bar owner the other day that hotshots and bubbles are allowed to open untill one am

but spicys can still for some reason ? stay open untill 3 am

is spicys still owned by the daughter of a senior policman ...... does anyone know ?


Spicy is owned by a high ranking BIB

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farang cravings.

Spicy is owned by a high ranking BIB

ahhh .... so i was right : )

that explains how they get away with ( ooops ... i mean are allowed ) to open so late .

more tea money all round lads : ) and at least it gives the unsold girls somewhere to get a customer for the night


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Imagine a life away from your bar stools :o

I will... very soon. In a week's time I'll fly back to Canada for 7 months of non-stop exploring in my 4x4 camper, fly fishing wilderness rivers and photography of everything beautiful. But, there's no question I'll miss the company I keep in Thailand. There is nothing quite like it anywhere else. My two parallel lives are both great, but not remotely similar.

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Big commotion outside Spicys last night at about 3am. Seemed like the cops were closing it down. Apparently there has been a change of command in the BIB and he's obviously flexing his muscles a little. They even rocked up at Jacky's van a little later. Don't know if anything developed from that because I decided to go home. Nothing like a few police officers to ruin your evening.

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Big commotion outside Spicys last night at about 3am. Seemed like the cops were closing it down. Apparently there has been a change of command in the BIB and he's obviously flexing his muscles a little. They even rocked up at Jacky's van a little later. Don't know if anything developed from that because I decided to go home. Nothing like a few police officers to ruin your evening.

seems to have happened a lot in the past three weeks or so that does. and the result of it is that you can be sat having a late drink at the van minding your own when out of spicy come a bunch of pissed-up and vomiting young whoppers who can't help but create trouble.

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Unless my 25 years in Thailand has caused my brain to be a little rattled, I was under the impression the Adjan (Ajarn) was Professor in Thai. So on this thread alone we have three professors not to mention the other learned posters.

BB, I'm not suggesting your brain is rattled, but the word Ajarn in Thai means, 'respected Teacher', not Professor, though I do have a Phd in Education. It is not something that we call ourselves (except maybe as an avatar), but it is what others call us. I have taught here in universities for 19 years, and everyone I know calls me Ajarn for their own reasons. I appreciate and value being called Ajarn, and do my best to deserve the title.

Good bit of artistic licence there Ajarn - I'm not sure which dictionary added the 'respected' part to your definition. Any student in Thailand will call you 'Ajarn' because it's your job. With your 19 years of experience teaching at universities, I'm sure you will have discovered that respect is usually given (with age, postition and qualifications) and not earned (through natural teaching ability) over here.

Edited by Scrubber
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Get real, Ajarn. Close the bars at midnight so a drunk can get home and spend quality time with his sleeping family?

If you were serious, you would advocate the bars close at dinner time for an hour so the drunks could get home and spend some quality time with their family and some food.

We're entering the hot(ter) season. People like to spend time out in the cooler evening and night hours. Closing at midnight just means less income for a very large sector of people who depend on late night entertainment.

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Closing at midnight just means less income for a very large sector of people who depend on late night entertainment.

Such as

  • Doctors
    Tow truck drivers


Edited by harrry
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Closing at midnight just means less income for a very large sector of people who depend on late night entertainment.

Such as

  • Doctors
    Tow truck drivers


You're implying that traffic fatalities late at night are the fault of the nighttime entertainment industry. I disagree, and don't think you should place the evils of drinking and driving at the doorstep of honest businesses just because they serve alcohol. That's not much worse than saying we should blame alcoholism on 7-11.

If the problem you want to solve is deaths and injuries caused by DUI, then the answer is strict, consistent DUI enforcement by the police, not closing bars an hour earlier. How many people do you know of in Chiang Mai that have ever been arrested for DUI? Stepping up in that area would do a lot more good than shutting down a bar an hour early and then watching everyone drive away drunk on their motorbikes.

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A slew of insults, counter-insults and other flaming posts have been deleted along with posts speculating about the identitity/job etc of other posters. Bioth are against forum rules.

Flamefest now officially over. :o:D

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A slew of insults, counter-insults and other flaming posts have been deleted along with posts speculating about the identity/job etc of other posters.

Well done. Thanks.

Well, Sheryl's a cat person. What did you expect :o

/ Priceless

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The op was stamped 2009-03-21 (yesterday) 01:54:14.

Over 2,000 looks and now 80 posts (not including several posts apparently trashed by a mod). Is this a new TV record --- over changing the bar closing hour one hour or is it two ??!! Gasp!! Puts the "best hamburger" crowd to shame!!

Think about it !!

Edited by Mapguy
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Great, been out tonight for a beer and told to go home at midnight! I left the UK to get away from a 'nanny state'.

Am I not ressponsible enough for my own actions to decide when I go home?

Maybe I should just forget Thailand as my 'adopted home', sell my house, sell my car etc and take my cash somewhere else that is slightly more liberal?

It's not the fact it's midnight, it's the fact that a decision is made overnight to change 'the rules' just like that. If you have rules, then stick to them 100%, how can you have rules that can be changed overnight?

Just thankful I have never invested (or ever will) in a bar.

I wonder if the 'diminishing' tourists take the same view and are happy to go to a holiday destination that closes at midnight?

Hopefully, common sense will prevail?

Edited by kjhbigv
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Sorry I'm not fully in the loop here. Is the enforcment of the law requiring a bar to close at midnight exclusive for bars only, and only in the entertainment areas? Does this mean all the discos in CM where the Thai kids actually spend their time getting drunk over a bottle or two of 100 Pipers will close early also? I doubt that. I will watch anxiously to see what happens for example at the President Hotel during the wee small hours. :o

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yeah, it's confusing this. does this alleged law change apply only to girly bars or to everywhere that sells alcohol?

Is this law suppose to be in effect now? If not, when?

seems like it's already kicked in according to other posters.

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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :D

:D the truth of the matter is that it can never be your decision and thank god for that! .. allowing some thai families more time with their spouse?? are u for real ?? ya sure, let those girls at the bars spend some quality time with their spouse !

He's not for real tb.!! It's the pills I think :o:D

Depending on who one speaks to, business is down by as much as 50% and here we have someone advocating a further squeeze on an enterprises profitability.

On the subject of occupations in the realm it has been said that there are perhaps two million demimondaine's (in the realm) who (along with their families) live either totally off the income from their physical persuits or alternatively supplementing more regular forms of socially acceptable occupational endeavours.

Until such time as when many young Thai females (paricularly those with limited educations) have alternative choices they will follow the night life so as to support themselves and their families.

Another aspect that should not be lost sight of is the way in which young Thai women are brought up where they have developed a compulsive obligation to support their parents.

Until this changes nothing else is gonna change.

Edited by john b good
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Imagine a life away from your bar stools :D

I will... very soon. In a week's time I'll fly back to Canada for 7 months of non-stop exploring in my 4x4 camper, fly fishing wilderness rivers and photography of everything beautiful. But, there's no question I'll miss the company I keep in Thailand. There is nothing quite like it anywhere else. My two parallel lives are both great, but not remotely similar.

Hey Ian, I can't imagine you get much laundry based 'stalking' action happening out in the Canadian wilderness. :D

I hope you get internet, you posts will be missed :D , enjoy the trip old chap, thanks for the invite :o

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Unless my 25 years in Thailand has caused my brain to be a little rattled, I was under the impression the Adjan (Ajarn) was Professor in Thai. So on this thread alone we have three professors not to mention the other learned posters.

BB, I'm not suggesting your brain is rattled, but the word Ajarn in Thai means, 'respected Teacher', not Professor, though I do have a Phd in Education. It is not something that we call ourselves (except maybe as an avatar), but it is what others call us. I have taught here in universities for 19 years, and everyone I know calls me Ajarn for their own reasons. I appreciate and value being called Ajarn, and do my best to deserve the title.

Good bit of artistic licence there Ajarn - I'm not sure which dictionary added the 'respected' part to your definition. Any student in Thailand will call you 'Ajarn' because it's your job. With your 19 years of experience teaching at universities, I'm sure you will have discovered that respect is usually given (with age, postition and qualifications) and not earned (through natural teaching ability) over here.

In my experience, you are basically right, but not any student will call their teacher 'Ajarn'. Prathom and Mathayom schools are a good example. Some may call you 'Ajarn', but it is usually out of respect because 'Ajarn' is used mostly in universities. In universities, it is more common to to use 'Ajarn' with your teachers, but I think you will find that the issue of respect is more common. I agree with you that this fom of respect (and others) is mostly given because of your job, rather than qualifications. My job is not an Ajarn, but a teacher, When you are here more than a few years it will make more sense to you. :o

Edited by Ajarn
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I think the Law is a good idea. There is nothing wrong with allowing some Thai families more time with their spouse. Maybe some farang families could use it too. If it were my decision, I would close all of the bars. A Better Thailand, in my opinion. :D

:D the truth of the matter is that it can never be your decision and thank god for that! .. allowing some thai families more time with their spouse?? are u for real ?? ya sure, let those girls at the bars spend some quality time with their spouse !

He's not for real tb.!! It's the pills I think :o:D

Depending on who one speaks to, business is down by as much as 50% and here we have someone advocating a further squeeze on an enterprises profitability.

On the subject of occupations in the realm it has been said that there are perhaps two million demimondaine's (in the realm) who (along with their families) live either totally off the income from their physical persuits or alternatively supplementing more regular forms of socially acceptable occupational endeavours.

Until such time as when many young Thai females (paricularly those with limited educations) have alternative choices they will follow the night life so as to support themselves and their families.

Another aspect that should not be lost sight of is the way in which young Thai women are brought up where they have developed a compulsive obligation to support their parents.

Until this changes nothing else is gonna change.

Now THAT has got to be the most interesting explanation of the simple term "prostitution" I've ever read. Congrats. I agree totally with what you said though. After being here for 5 months at a time over the past 6 years I've come to understand many different ways that people view the same subject. I was just a month long tourist for 7 years until I started spending my winters here. Your understanding of things unique to Thailand is much better when you stay long time.

I frankly don't see a lot of difference between the gals here asking for money up front for favours granted, than some gal back in America or Europe expecting to be taken on expensive outings prior to doing the dirty deed. I've know MANY promiscuous women in my past prior to getting married when I was a young stud. Just because they didn't ask for payment up front didn't mean they weren't getting paid in other ways. And, I don't see a lot of difference between outright prostitution and women checking a guy's bank account and the job he has before they agree to getting married. It's still a strictly financial agreement.

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