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Life Right Now & Economies Without Domestic Consumption

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As we see more and more downhill into the global recession, I have seen many forums or posting not putting out a few things regarding a few matters, most asian economies relied more on exporting products to USA or europe, from many things I've have seen or read places like japan, china, etc people there

1. Save more money

2. Have very little credit card debit

3. Spend very little in domestic buying ( mostly its going for rent or food basic needs I suppose )

all these points are good in a way but:

You can't seriously keep growing a country when so much of your GDP relies solely on exporting. For to long I think asian countries were just content with not having to create some form of domestic consumption. after all japan really never fully recovered its always been slow growth. I think though this could be a mentality issue though to.

Don't get me wrong I do know these people in asian countries spend money but not like the way people in europe or america do. Do note protectionism on importing and exporting is never a good thing

as we already are seeing when things start to go sour or bad the loonies come out from everywhere, I've never seen so much doom, gloom, heres what I think

1. Right now there is whats called uncertainity ( life is always uncertain even in good times )

2. level of fear in people

3. lack of confidence

I wonder if this is what people felt during world war 2. Not a good example I know, My grandma who lived through the great depression and world war 2 told me this ( you young people never had it so easy like you do today. You can't seriously imagine how bad things were back then ) I believe all this talk of things being like a depression or worse are put so much out by the media and governments so much that all people start to see is doom and gloom then people become more fearful.

only during bad times do we really see the true face of a people

all I know for sure is times are not like the last few years I know, but I'll still try to find my way and be positive

KEY NOTE: I do realize most of you people are

a. majority here are retired, I do know for some of you that your currency is down, so know your only options are to change spending habits, stay the same if your lucky, or go back home i suppose

b. those of us who have to make a living will have to find a way to cope, survive.

for all you loonies out there here's a idea go smoke some MJ or have a beer and chill out.

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It's all about the storm right?

Blowing from the east and received in the west with vengeance, distorting pictures of how life once was perceived.

Leaving burned down corpses, decomposing and flying insects swarming around them looking like big black clouds.

Those that remain will die in agony without food and water your chance of surviving will be no more then a few days.

Is it about that?



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