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Attempted Bike Mugging At Lamdin..again!

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Last month as i rode home from work at 3.30 am,i sensed a bike carrying two dodgy looking thai men along side me,i was driving slowly and was using my mobile{i now know mega bad idea}when i felt a sudden ,powerful crack across the back of my neck...big,big suprise..they must have intended me to lose control and crash,enabling them to relieve me of anything nice they fancied,but couldnt afford.I managed to stay in control,even still talking on my phone..they stopped,and looked at me puzzled,as if why he no fall off,i didnt hang about,told em to f off,and shot off home,i didnt report this to the police,whats the point,i thought ,nothing will happen..i put it down to bad luck,never drive slow late ,showing a phone...

Anyway,last night i did the same route,after getting my subway,i have drove the same route every night since to prove to myself that im not scared,i overtook 2 thai men,and sped along lamdin straight road,next thing i sense the overtaken bike alongside me ,beeping its distintive pig sounding horn,i immediately stopped,they stopped in front and started goobbing off in thai aggressivly,i span my bike round and headed full speed towards the police station,they must think im a pissed tourist{not}..we raced at full speed.scary stuff.through the water,they tried to overtake,i cut them up,no way was i gonna stop,i flew in into the police station road,they stopped and looked at me..a copper came out and asked what the problem was ,i explained,it was now 2 times...he replied .had i annoyed any thais.....no ,i know what thais are like,and never piss them off,even though i would have a row with any of them alone....he told me to go home,yet a different route,cheers mate,thanks for the police envoi...ha ha,.....anyway samui members,just beware of lamdin 3.30 onwards.....im taking me car to work from now........has anyone else had a similar problem?

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Am I missing something here? The guy told you what happened, as he perceived it, and this is the response he gets. It probably happened a dozen times before to people who not only don't bother reporting to the police, but also don't bother to warn people here because of these stupid replies

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About three years ago I was walking through Lamai about 3.30am. I wasn't pissed. in fact I had only been awake about 30 mins or so I was on my way to McDonalds to be picked up by Herbert for a visa run. I was walking up on the left hand side of the road and a bike came towards me with two Thai guys on it. The pillion put his leg straight out to kick me in the stomach. Obviously he thought I was just a drunk farang. Anyway, I just instinctively grabbed hold of his leg and it pulled him off the bike. He landed on his ar$e with an almighty thud. From the screams I am sure he seriously F***ked his back up. His nice friend didnt not stop but sped off. Anyway, I made it to McDonalds and did my visa run with no more eventful occurneces, except of course the loon driving on Herbets visa run..

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Last month as i rode home from work at 3.30 am,i sensed a bike carrying two dodgy looking thai men along side me,i was driving slowly and was using my mobile{i now know mega bad idea}when i felt a sudden ,powerful crack across the back of my neck...big,big suprise..they must have intended me to lose control and crash,enabling them to relieve me of anything nice they fancied,but couldnt afford.I managed to stay in control,even still talking on my phone..they stopped,and looked at me puzzled,as if why he no fall off,i didnt hang about,told em to f off,and shot off home,i didnt report this to the police,whats the point,i thought ,nothing will happen..i put it down to bad luck,never drive slow late ,showing a phone...

Anyway,last night i did the same route,after getting my subway,i have drove the same route every night since to prove to myself that im not scared,i overtook 2 thai men,and sped along lamdin straight road,next thing i sense the overtaken bike alongside me ,beeping its distintive pig sounding horn,i immediately stopped,they stopped in front and started goobbing off in thai aggressivly,i span my bike round and headed full speed towards the police station,they must think im a pissed tourist{not}..we raced at full speed.scary stuff.through the water,they tried to overtake,i cut them up,no way was i gonna stop,i flew in into the police station road,they stopped and looked at me..a copper came out and asked what the problem was ,i explained,it was now 2 times...he replied .had i annoyed any thais.....no ,i know what thais are like,and never piss them off,even though i would have a row with any of them alone....he told me to go home,yet a different route,cheers mate,thanks for the police envoi...ha ha,.....anyway samui members,just beware of lamdin 3.30 onwards.....im taking me car to work from now........has anyone else had a similar problem?

im trying to change the offensive avatar...its not avin it ...why? :o

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I have a small collapsible baton (available at knife stands in Tesco, Big C, etc.) in an inconspicuous place on my scooter- while it won't be much good against a gun, I'd take it against pretty much anything else, including a knife.

If somebody is going to try to rob or injure me, I want to have an option- this thing won't kill or cause serious injury, but it will hurt like hel_l if you hit someone in the face, hand, elbow, etc. with it, giving you time to make a getaway.

If somehow they go to the cops and try to get you in trouble, the worst thing that will happen is you have to pay a couple thousand in compensation (and this won't happen if you have ANY pull or connections on the island).

The second-to-last thing I want to do is hurt someone (I'll walk- or even run- away from trouble if possible)- the LAST thing I want is to be hurt myself.

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them batons are very good.I smacked a dog once and the thing screamed like a pig,think i broke its nose,bloody mongeral.

Patklang, you forgot the rest of your story. I am sure that it would go something like this

them batons are very good.I smacked a dog once and the thing screamed like a pig,think i broke its nose,bloody mongeral. I then went home and gave my misses a good and proper beating for not having dinner cooked on time. I also whaled down hard on the kids for making too much racket whilst I tried to watch the football whilst sucking back on my 10th Chang.

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why don't u buy a car

im now using my mitsy strada....complete with front and rear mounted machine guns...flame flower window seals..and pig horn

The only way to travel.

I heard of two seperate stabbings in Chaweng over last 2 weeks.

<deleted> is going on with this place? :o

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Had a bbq in my house few weeks ago with 25-30 people attending.

After the bbq two of the farang girls had their handbag ripped off their shoulder on their way back to Chaweng.

They lost cellphones, cameras and a small amount of cash.

Also a guy was harassed by a katoey on his bike on the way back home.

None of these "incidents"were reported to the police since the people involved has been living on the island long

enough to know that there would not be any kind of action taken from the police.

Sad but true. :o

Surely there must be many more of these "incidents" happening on the island that are never reported to the police.

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