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Dual Booting Alternative Operating Systems


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There was recently a thread posted about dual booting. The OP, who apparently was unaware that Apple's EULA prohibits installing on non-Apple branded hardware, asked about it. While Apple's EULA is non-enforcable in some jurisdictions, I am not about to argue with a mod in regards to his closure of the thread. I do wish I could have been in the thread before it was closed to offer some alternatives.

There ARE several other alternative operating systems out there people; operating systems that do not bind your rights up in ugly EULAs and are much more secure and (at least from my stand point) more intelligently designed.

Consider BSD. Not exactly bleeding edge, and installing it is a bit of a PITA, but if you want to be running an essentially 100% secure operating system this is the one to look at.

Consider Linux. With many distributions to choose from, ranging from n00b friendly(Ubuntu/Linux Mint) to hard-core geeks only need to apply (Gentoo) with everything in between (openSuSE, Debian, Redhat, etc), picking one that suits you is an adventure in learning. Security, while not up to BSD's level, is much better than the Windows/OS X offerings. With a worldwide team of coders working on it, changes are made much, much faster than takes place in the Big 2's enviroment, allowing updates to be pushed out in a timely fashion, eye candy to develop and overpass OSX/Win, etc.

Consider Haiku. Back in the day we had BeOS. Haiku attempts to build on what BeOS was with all the things learned in the years since.

Consider ReactOS. It's an opensource operating system that strives to maintain Win32 compatability.

Consider Syllable. Before Win3x we had Amiga OS. Powerful, powerful operating system (which we'd still be using if Commodore wouldn't have had their collective craniums so far up their collective rectums!) that was super fast. Syllable is a take off of that.

There are many, many more examples (such as QNX, openSolaris, Plan9, etc.) which I can't cover in detail because I have no experience with them.

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I remember QNX. I once downloaded a demo test program from their web site back in the days of my 386 CPU. It would boot your computer, had drivers for modem, display and provided internet browser all on a 1.44 meg floppy.

Often wonder why it never found its way into mobile phones.

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was unaware that Apple's EULA

I didn't think EULA's counted if you torrented the software :o

you can also try many of these other operating systems by booting and running from a liveCD or USB stick - very easy to do - download the image , burn to cd and boot from cd

check out pendrivelinux.com.

another option available because of the powerful desktop hardware most people have is to emulate another set of computer hardware with your current operating system and install the operating system you want to trial/use - a GUI manager for the qmeu emulator here http://www.davereyn.co.uk/

you can become familiar with the power of many different operating systems without leaving the comfort of your windows desktop :D - it will just be another window , except it will have a computer in it.

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was unaware that Apple's EULA

I didn't think EULA's counted if you torrented the software :o

you can also try many of these other operating systems by booting and running from a liveCD or USB stick - very easy to do - download the image , burn to cd and boot from cd

check out pendrivelinux.com.

another option available because of the powerful desktop hardware most people have is to emulate another set of computer hardware with your current operating system and install the operating system you want to trial/use - a GUI manager for the qmeu emulator here http://www.davereyn.co.uk/

you can become familiar with the power of many different operating systems without leaving the comfort of your windows desktop :D - it will just be another window , except it will have a computer in it.

Yeah....there's much to the subject that obviously we can't broach considering the very clear rules as laid forth.....

I personally more favour using VirtualBox, but that's the beauty of open source-we all get to use what we like. Also, even though it may be totally unneccesary, I usually assign all running processes to my fourth core exclusively and than start up my virtual machine(s). Seems to help a little, even if it's only in my head.

I remember QNX. I once downloaded a demo test program from their web site back in the days of my 386 CPU. It would boot your computer, had drivers for modem, display and provided internet browser all on a 1.44 meg floppy.

Often wonder why it never found its way into mobile phones.

QNX is still out there, and it's used in a lot of embedded devices. I guess the reason it didn't get used in mobile phones is that Sybian had Nokia tied up, and that's pretty much the market.

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Apple EULA says you can't install MacOs on nothing else than a mac. Though you can buy MacOS Separately from any apple store. Some people are saying that the fact you can buy it separately kills the restriction apple is fixing. And there is actually a lawsuit on that matters where psystar is attacking apple. I also think that reimar was a bit too defensive on that matters closing the thread where there is another thread where people are exchanging invitation on demonoid. There is probably legal torrents on demonoid but i think the ration must be very low. I can therefore understand the moderation on the apple thread, but I dont understand why it s ok to ask for invitation to pirate movies / software or talk about a contrefeit iphone on another thread ?

Edited by Deksan
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