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Thai Lady Murdered By German?


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Our daughter came home and told she has read in a Chiang Mai (Thai-) newspaper that last Thursday the wife / girl friend of a German "Thomas" was found tied on her bed, stabbed to death.

Being suspected of having committed the murder is said Thomas. Rumours in the German community say he flew to Germany on Monday before and has turned himself in to police in the meanwhile.

Does anybody know facts?

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He actually told the sister of the victim and friends BEFORE the murder that he'll fly back to Germany. The sister he told for a funeral, friends for some business.

The body was found four days after the murder.

Yes, back home he contacted police and is in prison now - a clever move?

Most probably, as German law prohibits extradition. Not only is Thailand no part of Schengen, but murder is punished by death in Thailand.

Not that Thomas P. would be executed in Thailand, but under such circumstances Germany forbids extradition anyway.

Futhermore it has to be seen how "acceptable" the forensic work of the Thai authorities is for a German court.

She was a working girl - maybe the authorities are anyway not too interested in extensive investigations.

She was young and full of life - he an alcoholic, aggressive, depressive.

Go figure.

Edited by absolutelyBangkok
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someone who works for us lives right opposite the house. very close to Dhara Dhevi. a lot of fighting used to go on for a long time between the two. the owner of that house is also a customer of ours and i have yet to speak to her about it. Will post here anything else that i hear about.

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My husband read it on the Thai news online (sorry I don't think he mentioned which paper). Said a German man had murdered his wife, returned to Germany and turned himself into the police in Germany for the murder.

He read it today, so its either dailynews.co.th, komchadluek.net or thairath.co.th

(and before you ask, no, he's out fishing)

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Too bad they can't ship the sick a-hole back to Thailand to spend time in a Thai jail instead of a resort like we have in the western societies. There is NO justification for murder except possibly retribution when someone has killed somebody in your family.

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Dressed like that you have to wonder if he caught her with someone else. Still hope he goes to jail for a very long time though.

This is exactly what I was thinking when I viewed the photo. Could have been entertaining a client dressed that way.

They seem like a right dodgy lot and unfortunately the Thai tax payers are left to clean up the mess.

Edited by sassienie
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I guess with a clever lawyer he won't get much time to serve (E.g. intoxicated state > mental incapacity). Probably not murder but manslaughter. My prediction: In case of good behaviour in 4 years he'll roam around freely (but definitely not in Thailand).

We don't know any details, do we? So we should be a bit reserved regarding early judements ...

Thanks for all information.

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I usually would not post on a sensitive topic like this.

What I am most bothered by, is the extreme lack of taste exhibited by the press (and television) in Thailand re: publishing images like this.

No, I'm not a prude, and have seen more than a little death and tragedy in my life.

Whatever the reason for this crime, I find it extremely distasteful that a newspaper would publish this kind of photo.

She was a human being, and in my opinion deserves a lot more respect, whatever her background.


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I usually would not post on a sensitive topic like this.

What I am most bothered by, is the extreme lack of taste exhibited by the press (and television) in Thailand re: publishing images like this.

No, I'm not a prude, and have seen more than a little death and tragedy in my life.

Whatever the reason for this crime, I find it extremely distasteful that a newspaper would publish this kind of photo.

She was a human being, and in my opinion deserves a lot more respect, whatever her background.



It does seem though that the Thai publishers have cleaned up there act (s) a bit, as I haven't for a goodly number of years seen the magazines showing all manner of photographs of road accident, murder & rape victims from cover to cover. Many in an advanced state of nakedness.

Are they still about (these magazines) :o

Edited by john b good
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From another thread:

The Daily News, Monday.

The naked body of Miss Praeow Dangkaesee, aged 23, an ex- bar worker, was found in a bedroom of a townhouse in Chiang Mai. She had been hit on the head with a bottle and suffocated with a pillow. Police suspected Thomas Paschell, aged 45, her German boyfriend.

In interviews with close relatives of the deceased, police learned that before living together Mr Paschell had been paying Miss Praeow 15,000 baht a month but later due to problems Miss Praeow started seeing a Swiss man before fleeing to stay with a relative. Mr Paschell begged her to come back to him which she did, however they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy and his fear she was still secretly seeing the Swiss man.

Police surmised that after making love they had again argued before Mr Paschell lost control and murdered her. He then fled to Germany before surrendering to police in his hometown.

The Thai police will start proceedings to extradite him to stand trial in Thailand.

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From another thread:
The Daily News, Monday.

The naked body of Miss Praeow Dangkaesee, aged 23, an ex- bar worker, was found in a bedroom of a townhouse in Chiang Mai. She had been hit on the head with a bottle and suffocated with a pillow. Police suspected Thomas Paschell, aged 45, her German boyfriend.

In interviews with close relatives of the deceased, police learned that before living together Mr Paschell had been paying Miss Praeow 15,000 baht a month but later due to problems Miss Praeow started seeing a Swiss man before fleeing to stay with a relative. Mr Paschell begged her to come back to him which she did, however they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy and his fear she was still secretly seeing the Swiss man.

Police surmised that after making love they had again argued before Mr Paschell lost control and murdered her. He then fled to Germany before surrendering to police in his hometown.

The Thai police will start proceedings to extradite him to stand trial in Thailand.

From what has been written earlier it doesn't appear that there is an extradition treaty between Germany and Thailand.

If he is German (as said) I doubt that the Thai police will have a lot of success in getting this guy back to the realm.

Whilst there is absolutely nothing that condones murder some of these demimondaines would be as well to remember (or learn) that everyone has a breaking point.

If she wanted to play the field (as it appears she did) she has reaped what she has sown.

If all the reports are true I really have no sympathy for either of them.

Re: "they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy" there are two sides to this also, and one might take into account her apparent deception 'she wanted to have her cake (Baht 15,000/month) and then to continue to entertain other punters.

As I said nothing condones a murder "but shyt happens"

Edited by john b good
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  • 4 weeks later...

Playing around, or cheating is absolutely no justification for murder. He still had the power in the relationship, just had to leave her, respect himself and find another lady who would respect him.

By murdering her he just shows what a loser he is.

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What I don't understand in this case. Why did this guy fly to Germany to go to the police. He could have had the same much cheaper in Chiang Mai. Why to spend so much money for an air ticket? Every tuk tuk driver would have droven him for THB 50 to the next police station.

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Having read the above posts, I agree about the photos, perhaps I'm too sensitive, but the complete lack of respect for this girl, another human being, is unbelieveable.So what if she was a bargirl, he knew her origins, he paid her 15000bht (PM), I would say that she had a family to support, when she moved in, he didn't pay her enough money, that was probably why she left him for the swiss fella.

All in all a lovely young woman, killed for what...?? By a spiteful older man who treated her like a throw away comodity, however, not too much in a rage, being clearly able to get home to Germany.

May she RIP. Commiserations to her family and friends.

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from some Chiang Mai local newspaper.

He looks like Gary Glitter to me. And If your aware of Gary Glitter you'll know he was a sad, perverted loser too. Just like the German. Each to their own in this world, but personally i feel any man that enters into a relationship with a Thai bar girl who is many years younger than himself is doomed from the begining. I have yet to hear of any "happy" success stories where a man pay's his sweetheart a monthly salary. Who would want that anyway? Your just buying somebodys love, can you really be truely happy living this way ?

I guess the German wasn't and look what happend to him :o

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You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.

You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long.

I don't advocate murder but I can understand why it happens (in these circumstances)

Many of these girls are no more than mercenaries and if they suffer the same fate as the mercenaries in Angola, Kazakhstan, Aphkazia, Congo, or anywhere else in the world they are still pure and simply mercenries so "som num naa"

I do not like or want to ever see some Thai girl (including a demimondaine) suffer the ultimate fate but if it should happen I will still sleep at night.

The "perps" are the girls themselves and the guys who they try to screw over.

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You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.

You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long.

I don't advocate murder but I can understand why it happens (in these circumstances)

Many of these girls are no more than mercenaries and if they suffer the same fate as the mercenaries in Angola, Kazakhstan, Aphkazia, Congo, or anywhere else in the world they are still pure and simply mercenries so "som num naa"

I do not like or want to ever see some Thai girl (including a demimondaine) suffer the ultimate fate but if it should happen I will still sleep at night.

The "perps" are the girls themselves and the guys who they try to screw over.

Why so much bile and hate?

I'm still recovering from your post on another thread when you stated a 12-year old boy drowning was a blessing as he wouldn't now grow up to be a Thai driver!

Honestly, seek help for your anger.

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You can call it whatever you like "mia luang, mia noi, mia chao" but when when one of these girls screws with (seriously screws with) a man's head she is walking a line where she might just find herself in some sort of deep physical shyt.

You can <deleted> with a persons head, but only for just so long.

I don't advocate murder but I can understand why it happens (in these circumstances)

Many of these girls are no more than mercenaries and if they suffer the same fate as the mercenaries in Angola, Kazakhstan, Aphkazia, Congo, or anywhere else in the world they are still pure and simply mercenries so "som num naa"

I do not like or want to ever see some Thai girl (including a demimondaine) suffer the ultimate fate but if it should happen I will still sleep at night.

The "perps" are the girls themselves and the guys who they try to screw over.

Hmm. Sounds like you have a lot in common with the German murderer. Better becareful :o

Edited by Rathai
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John b good, DOES raise some good points, but he's a little harsh in presenting them.

I've seen similar situations throughout the world and the results are not nice. There is a close tie between love and hate. And, when one ends the other often begins. I have seen formerly loving couples turn into monsters who use any weapon they can to get back at the other person. Lawyers love it and make fortunes off the situation. Occasionally, someone goes off the rails and murders someone. It happens.

Many women do not know what dangerous ground they are walking on by, as john b good says... messing with a man's head. Unfortunately, it is often too late when it happens. I read in the paper all the time where some normal guy goes crazy and kills his whole family. It usually happens when the woman says she is leaving, taking the kids and wants the husband to pay for everything. Most men just accept it, but a few snap and go crazy. It happens.

Would I or john b good condone murdering a wife or girlfriend for any reason? No. But we DO understand that some men are not as stable as others and women should get some help BEFORE they do something foolish.

As far as the German man who killed his Thai girlfriend is concerned I would like to see him in a Thai jail... or dead. It is one thing to commit a crime and it's another not to accept the consequences of your own actions. That goes for the German guy's girl friend as well. They supposedly had a business deal (common law marriage?) and she didn't keep her part of the bargain. She should have left him and gone somewhere else before it turned out like it did. But, she risked trying to have both and it cost her, her life.

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