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Thai Lady Murdered By German?


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I just don't understand what kind of man would want to have a relationship with or "take care of" a woman that has had 1000 men before him. To each his own I guess.

I agree, and this comment takes the biscuit !. "Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family." :o

So, are you saying that women in the trade DON'T want to meet someone who will look after them and their family? That certainly isn't the case with any of the women I've met and talked to. It is the case with ALL women I've met in Thailand, whether they work in the trade or not.

As far as elektrified's comment that "what man would want a woman who has had 1000 men before him", it is simply a case of not passing judgement on other people's beliefs, life style, religion, or you name it. I take everyone on an individual basis. What has gone on before they meet me I couldn't care less about. It is how they treat me that counts. But, if I do know their previous life style "secrets" then I might be a little more cautious. There are thousands of promiscuous women (and men) that don't work in the "trade". Does is really matter if it is 50, 100 or 1000?

The question is who would want to?

Edited by elektrified
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The question is who would want to?

Who would want to?

Obviously the thousands and thousands of men who visit Thailand each year for just that purpose. I don't know any man who would rather have some old, fat ugly gal in preference to one of the young beauties working in a Thai bar. Any man who says he would is either gay, a liar, or his libido is so low he can't make love anyway. Or, he is just kinky that way. In western countries, any single man over the age of 50 has few, if any options other than ladies for hire if he wants to stay single and still be with someone attractive. When I'm home in Canada and start looking around I don't see one in 500 women that I would take to bed even if they offered themselves to me. So, I don't even bother looking. When you've had things as good as I've had it's hard to settle for 10th best.

In many cases I don't even think men and women should live together unless they want to have children. Men have more in common with other men than they do with women. It is only when it comes to sex that the need changes. And, thousands of women don't even enjoy sex. A FEW of the women who work in bars DO enjoy sex. Others fake it, but it is quite easy to tell.

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Maybe I should comment a little further on my claim that most relationships that started in a bar-type environment are actually working; this is not to say that these relationships are without challenges. These challenges however are pretty much the same ones that you'd get with a low-income non-bar worker, say a waitress, shop attendant, etc.

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Some loosing everything

There is nothing unusuall

reapping all the rewards of dowry, take care money, etc. etc..

just realize how stupid you have been to believe....

If you are asking yes, I fell for it too... 3 times!

A bad speller and a slow learner!!!! :o

Bad speller maybe... If you have time to sit and scrutinize peoples spelling on a forum... wow!

Slow learner? I think not... 1st was a Thai met in Singapore working at a computer store in Sim Lim, 2nd was a teacher working in Chiang Mai, 3rd was working at BKK Bank... all the same...

Maybe I should try a bar girl! Maybe their ambitions are cunningness is not as high!

By reading and going over your writing style, it would be easy to assume that you are not yet,,,,,,, how to put it tactfully..... senior.. or up in years.

By your own admission, 3 wives here in Thailand, and just possibly more back whereever........ Could it possibly be that the reason that these marriages did not work out, does in fact, lie some with the husband??? Sometimes, when we are shaving, its hard to see the real truth in the mirror.

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I just don't understand what kind of man would want to have a relationship with or "take care of" a woman that has had 1000 men before him. To each his own I guess.

I agree, and this comment takes the biscuit !. "Most of the women in the trade hope to eventually meet someone who will take care of them and their family." :o

So, are you saying that women in the trade DON'T want to meet someone who will look after them and their family? That certainly isn't the case with any of the women I've met and talked to. It is the case with ALL women I've met in Thailand, whether they work in the trade or not.

As far as elektrified's comment that "what man would want a woman who has had 1000 men before him", it is simply a case of not passing judgement on other people's beliefs, life style, religion, or you name it. I take everyone on an individual basis. What has gone on before they meet me I couldn't care less about. It is how they treat me that counts. But, if I do know their previous life style "secrets" then I might be a little more cautious. There are thousands of promiscuous women (and men) that don't work in the "trade". Does is really matter if it is 50, 100 or 1000?

The question is who would want to?

I suppose if I wanted to get married I'd prefer a woman who knows about sex and is good at it over a clueless virgin who may decide after the first time that she doesn't like it. I like sex, so it would at least be a consideration. My biggest concern about a prostitute, after verifying she made it through her career in good physical and mental health, would not be her past but her future intentions. I understand some of them can be cynical opportunists, but I guess that's a concern for any potential partner.

Unless one is careless about disease prevention or does something dangerously kinky, or is taken in by guilt promoting moralists, sex doesn't damage a person.

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From another thread:
The Daily News, Monday.

The naked body of Miss Praeow Dangkaesee, aged 23, an ex- bar worker, was found in a bedroom of a townhouse in Chiang Mai. She had been hit on the head with a bottle and suffocated with a pillow. Police suspected Thomas Paschell, aged 45, her German boyfriend.

In interviews with close relatives of the deceased, police learned that before living together Mr Paschell had been paying Miss Praeow 15,000 baht a month but later due to problems Miss Praeow started seeing a Swiss man before fleeing to stay with a relative. Mr Paschell begged her to come back to him which she did, however they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy and his fear she was still secretly seeing the Swiss man.

Police surmised that after making love they had again argued before Mr Paschell lost control and murdered her. He then fled to Germany before surrendering to police in his hometown.

The Thai police will start proceedings to extradite him to stand trial in Thailand.

From what has been written earlier it doesn't appear that there is an extradition treaty between Germany and Thailand.

If he is German (as said) I doubt that the Thai police will have a lot of success in getting this guy back to the realm.

Whilst there is absolutely nothing that condones murder some of these demimondaines would be as well to remember (or learn) that everyone has a breaking point.

If she wanted to play the field (as it appears she did) she has reaped what she has sown.

If all the reports are true I really have no sympathy for either of them.

Re: "they quarreled constantly due to his jealousy" there are two sides to this also, and one might take into account her apparent deception 'she wanted to have her cake (Baht 15,000/month) and then to continue to entertain other punters.

As I said nothing condones a murder "but shyt happens"

you are right, she put it about a bit so she deserves to be dead and half naked on the front page.

if she wasn't so dead, id give her a kick just for good measure.

lets hope you get what you deserve for being a <deleted>.

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I suppose if I wanted to get married I'd prefer a woman who knows about sex and is good at it over a clueless virgin who may decide after the first time that she doesn't like it. I like sex, so it would at least be a consideration. My biggest concern about a prostitute, after verifying she made it through her career in good physical and mental health, would not be her past but her future intentions. I understand some of them can be cynical opportunists, but I guess that's a concern for any potential partner.

Unless one is careless about disease prevention or does something dangerously kinky, or is taken in by guilt promoting moralists, sex doesn't damage a person.

if this is happening to you often, prehaps you had best reassess your aproach

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As far as elektrified's comment that "what man would want a woman who has had 1000 men before him", it is simply a case of not passing judgement on other people's beliefs, life style, religion, or you name it. I take everyone on an individual basis. What has gone on before they meet me I couldn't care less about. It is how they treat me that counts.

The question is who would want to?

I have met plenty of Western women who were just as promiscuous as any Asian hooker and it would be very difficult for someone who was not around them during that time to ever know it and, of course, most men want as many sex partners as possible for themselves.

If you really love someone, who cares how many sex partners they have had? You are never going to know for sure anyway and you can't wear the thing out. :o

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I suppose if I wanted to get married I'd prefer a woman who knows about sex and is good at it over a clueless virgin who may decide after the first time that she doesn't like it. I like sex, so it would at least be a consideration. My biggest concern about a prostitute, after verifying she made it through her career in good physical and mental health, would not be her past but her future intentions. I understand some of them can be cynical opportunists, but I guess that's a concern for any potential partner.

Unless one is careless about disease prevention or does something dangerously kinky, or is taken in by guilt promoting moralists, sex doesn't damage a person.

if this is happening to you often, prehaps you had best reassess your aproach

Preferring women who are good at sex? Yeah, happens all the time. Why would I want to reassess that?

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