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I always take 2.5 rai to the acre to keep it easy.

or 4 acres = 10 rai

1 rai = 1600 sq metres

Unfortunately they also still use Talang wa & Ngan

1 ngan = 100 talang wa =400 sq metres

4 ngan = 1 rai

1 talang wa = 4 sq metres

I acre = 4046.9 sq metres

Hope this helps.

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Quite interesting actually. I had to explain this to a fellow farang who was in the process of buying land via his wife's family who was told (and like a fool believed) that there where 4 Acres to 1 Rai - he thought he was buying a varitable park with his 10 Rai! He didn't believe me, but at least it gave him enough umph top check with someone else - who confimed it.

Wonder how many people blindly buy land on someone elses conversions - I'm sure if he had actually visited the plot he would have been able to tell the difference between 40 acres and 4! :o

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