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Monthly Cost Water & Electricity


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In my opinion, the two most important parameters that will seriosly affect your electricity bill (apart from unit cost and usage) are:

1. Age of the A/C

2. Condition of the A/C

I have spanking new Daikin units in all rooms. The biggest one is running more or less 24/7, the master bedroom one is running 16/7. My bill is 2500/month.

I live in Bangkok.

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I have a 2br apartment in Bangkok and pay around 160 baht for the water. Electricity bill normally around 1600 baht when I use AC in two rooms most of the night and day. Also 3 computers and a TV , so I think my bill would have been much lower if it wasnt for the AC.

Still compared to where I used to live in Europe electricity is very cheap here.

Edited by balo
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You know the per unit cost is 18 baht/ unit for water and 6 baht per unit for electric.

One unit of water is 1000 liters and one unit of electric used is 1 kilowatt hour

The OP should look at the meters of both and write down the numbers seen on both meters.

After a 24 hour time look at the meters again and write down the reading again

Come back on here and post the 2 meter readings of the 2 meters.

Don't worry if you don't understand what the numbers mean just make sure you write down all the numbers even the small ones in red or black. Usually a meter displays down to the tenths, hundreds and some to the thousandths for water meters. If you can post a photo of each meter on here this will help.

The cost of electric and water is based on these readings and the difference between the two during a time period be it a day or a month.

Multiply the difference of each by the respective costs per unit of each (18 & 6) and you can figure you're cost for that day or week or month.

Most meter readers will round up the fractional amounts of units used.

Its clear to me that the unit cost you quote is not the Water Authority cost or the Electric Authority cost. You are being charged a surcharge by the condo, apartment or house where you live. The government charges about 12 baht per unit for water and 4 baht per unit of electricity which includes fuel tax surcharges and tax and such.

You can easily calculate you're daily or monthly costs by reading the meters and using a calculator.

The big user of electric is the AC. My guess on usage for two people in a 2 or 3 room condo using the AC for 16 hours a day and a couple of showers would be about 20 to 25 units for the electric and 0.5 units for the water

Using 20 units electric per day will get you in the 600 units per month and 3600 baht per month range which is about normal for a condo/apartment. But also depends on the condition of the AC. The water cost per day or month again depends on how many showers you take and flushing the TOTO.

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