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Checking Inside Your Wallet


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Been having a lady stay recently on the odd nights. She seemed OK and we appeared to be getting along well. Been out to the restaurant a few times and to the pub.

I tend to transfer money to my K bank account and draw money from K bank as I need it so I do not have money laid around, or a lot in my wallet at any one time.

After asking for money to buy a top-up card for her phone and me telling her I did not have any money on me at the moment I 'caught' this lady, for the second time, looking in my wallet after I had been to the kitchen to make coffee. She did not hide the fact she was looking either. But not just looking in the money compartment. She was prodding and poking about in all the smaller pockets too. Presumably to see where I hid my larger notes :D

Seems some cannot believe you when you say they have to wait until you have been to the bank!

Anyway, she has gone the journey :o

I wonder how often this scenario is played out to other foreigners or Thai people for that matter.

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Nope, having slept with numerous BG's (more that a few :o ) in the old days never had one doing that. (and I did watch my wallet)

The one I live with for over 7 years now doesn't neither. (and I still watch my wallet)

Seems you choose a bad apple (plenty around though)

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Possibly looking for pictures of your wife and kids too and whatever other information they can get. Thai women can be obsessively jealous and suspicious.

Or checking to see if you are as young as you told her you were. :o

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Possibly looking for pictures of your wife and kids too and whatever other information they can get. Thai women can be obsessively jealous and suspicious.

Or checking to see if you are as young as you told her you were. :wai:


Now that was funny!!!!

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Possibly looking for pictures of your wife and kids too and whatever other information they can get. Thai women can be obsessively jealous and suspicious.

Or checking to see if you are as young as you told her you were. :o

Asked to see my passport too. Keep that well and truly locked away.

Cannot have them knowing I am as young as I am sexy :D

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Possibly looking for pictures of your wife and kids too and whatever other information they can get. Thai women can be obsessively jealous and suspicious.

Or checking to see if you are as young as you told her you were. :D

Asked to see my passport too. Keep that well and truly locked away.

Cannot have them knowing I am as young as I am sexy :D

They'd need to see your passport to tell if you are sexy or not? :o

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I think it is terrible. Firstly you have the theft issue but forever after, you have a sense of mistrust that will never go away.

Quite different from your missus asking for some cash and you telling her to just get some from your wallet. In the Op's scenario, he would be forever counting and hiding his money. He was right to get rid of.

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They'd need to see your passport to tell if you are sexy or not? :D

Of course they do! They're looking for that stamp in your passport, you know, the one Thai immigration put there... The one that says "Dangerously Handsome"...

Didn't you get one on arrival..? :o

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What has this to do with Thai women.

Some women do, some don't; I've married for 33 years my wife never interested in my wallet, not even ask how much I earn or checked my bank account.

Had a few girlfriends including Thai in my time, not even one looked in my wallet.

BTW there are men who check the purse of their G/F or wife.

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Hey, short and sweet, time to Kiss this girl GOODBYE! :o:D sure signs of a Gold Digger!

Already told her - bye baby, don't cry.

I hate people prying. Wallet, passport or whatever.

Next lady ..... x x x x x :D

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you had better watch your wallet or keep it with you.

for heavenssake how can you trust a bg

From what he said it wasn't a bg, but a regular gf. One that he dumped when she went rummaging through his wallet.

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Possibly looking for pictures of your wife and kids too and whatever other information they can get. Thai women can be obsessively jealous and suspicious.

I agree.

Both my wife and my previous gf do/did this.

I have talked with other foreigners and Thais, and they all have confirmed this.

It is a regular jealousy issue.

They go through the pockets and wallets regularly.

Doesnt matter to me as I have nothing to hide.

I ask why she does it, and she starts to laugh.

I ask if she trust me. She says: "yes of course, but I dont trust some of the ladies out there".

Then I start to laugh.

Cant argue with that logic, so I just accept it.

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I agree.

Both my wife and my previous gf do/did this.

I have talked with other foreigners and Thais, and they all have confirmed this.

It is a regular jealousy issue.

They go through the pockets and wallets regularly.

So let me get this straight, you are now informing the world that Thai women all go through the wallets of their partners cos they are all insanely jealous ? :o

And you've had this confirmed by numerous other Farangs so it's factual ? :D

Well, let me unconfirm it, your experiences are yours alone, certainly not everybody elses.

I saw a big fat bald smelly Farang the other day, does that mean all Farangs are the same ?

Jeeez, some of the posts on this site are totally ridiculous!

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I agree.

Both my wife and my previous gf do/did this.

I have talked with other foreigners and Thais, and they all have confirmed this.

It is a regular jealousy issue.

They go through the pockets and wallets regularly.

So let me get this straight, you are now informing the world that Thai women all go through the wallets of their partners cos they are all insanely jealous ? :o

And you've had this confirmed by numerous other Farangs so it's factual ? :D

Well, let me unconfirm it, your experiences are yours alone, certainly not everybody elses.

I saw a big fat bald smelly Farang the other day, does that mean all Farangs are the same ?

Jeeez, some of the posts on this site are totally ridiculous!

Why would they go through you wallet (thai, farang, man or woman)? Seems to be a trust issue and not a "thai" issue.

Anyways, my wallet is always there on the table - if she needs something she will ask me first. I don't dare go in her purse for fear of not finding my way out.

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slightly different but My wife of ten years checks my wallet also. It annoys me like crazy. She Never did it in the UK, she just doesn't trust me here and who could blame her. If there's more than twenty baht that can't be accounted for I'm for it. Its going to back fire and come to a head shortly When I give her a good reason to mistrust me. 10 year itch going to get scratched me thinks.

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I agree.

Both my wife and my previous gf do/did this.

I have talked with other foreigners and Thais, and they all have confirmed this.

It is a regular jealousy issue.

They go through the pockets and wallets regularly.

So let me get this straight, you are now informing the world that Thai women all go through the wallets of their partners cos they are all insanely jealous ? :o

And you've had this confirmed by numerous other Farangs so it's factual ? :D

Well, let me unconfirm it, your experiences are yours alone, certainly not everybody elses.

I saw a big fat bald smelly Farang the other day, does that mean all Farangs are the same ?

Jeeez, some of the posts on this site are totally ridiculous!

Best post of this thread so far !

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I would not dream of looking in a g/f purse or bag, so would not expect them to do it to me.

Same with the telephone, checking your calls.

I think there must be a certain amount of insecurity & jealousy involved especially if you combine the two.

Also to see how much cash you really have stashed away in one of those small pockets in the wallet :o Never had any money taken that I am aware of.

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When I still had a bar, one steady customer often asked me if I could borrow him 500 Baht. His GF always checked his wallet before he left and again when he came back, and if he had spent too much money, she assumed he had used the services of another lady short time.

Not always fully unjustified in this case though :o

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I sometimes need to rummage through my wife's handbag for something, like a lighter for my cigarette for example. It takes a good rummage to find something in a girl's handbag as the bloody things can be like tardisis (sp) and full of all sorts of junk.

My misses sometimes needs to look through my wallet, usually it's just to look for loose change or something as there is really nothing of interest in there anyway, it rarely even has much money in it for that matter.

But then what does it matter?. Neither of us have anything to hide and there is no 'mine' or 'hers' in our relationship, and that's the way we like it.

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That could be easily avoided:

*Get a job in Bangkok

*Call her from the office on every pays day

*Let her come to the office

*Give her all you have earned instantly

See, problem solved, she will never again go through your things.

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I agree.

Both my wife and my previous gf do/did this.

I have talked with other foreigners and Thais, and they all have confirmed this.

It is a regular jealousy issue.

They go through the pockets and wallets regularly.

So let me get this straight, you are now informing the world that Thai women all go through the wallets of their partners cos they are all insanely jealous ? :o

And you've had this confirmed by numerous other Farangs so it's factual ? :D

Well, let me unconfirm it, your experiences are yours alone, certainly not everybody elses.

I saw a big fat bald smelly Farang the other day, does that mean all Farangs are the same ?

Jeeez, some of the posts on this site are totally ridiculous!

Relax would you, many people post things like this to just wind you up. Ive never had a friend here who has had there gf look through there wallets.

People post things here because they get bored and need something to talk about at times

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I thought ALL Thai women were fitted with the automatic currency detection sixth sense. With this she doesn't even have to see your wallet. Merely from the bulge in your pocket she instantly can tell how many banknotes, what currency and what denominations are in there and on top of that can quote the up to date exchange rates into Thai Baht.

So why the hel_l bother with actually rummaging through the wallet?

Unless she's checking for "business" cards. :o

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