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hi, i'd like to plant few orange trees in my garden since i drink a lot of orange juice. the name of the orange is 'som bang moat' i think.

does anyone have advice about how to plant and care for orange trees to get the best tasting juice? also where to buy?

by the way, i noticed there are hundreds of garden shops on the BKK outer ring road, route 9 on the west side of BKK around Plai Bang area. i even found one that sells avocado if anyone doesn't have chance to make it to Pak Chong.

hi, i'd like to plant few orange trees in my garden since i drink a lot of orange juice. the name of the orange is 'som bang moat' i think.

does anyone have advice about how to plant and care for orange trees to get the best tasting juice? also where to buy?

by the way, i noticed there are hundreds of garden shops on the BKK outer ring road, route 9 on the west side of BKK around Plai Bang area. i even found one that sells avocado if anyone doesn't have chance to make it to Pak Chong.

Can you post the avocado shop's details (phone number)

This an interesting topic for me, I also make fresh orange juice every morning.

As I understand it, most citrus production in Thailand is in the north.

That being said, the tree you are looking for, is of course not a true orange but a tangerine.

I am in the northeast, had some luck with ส้มเช้ง “som cheng “ a larger thick skinned fruit very similar to a real orange.

When ripe, inside is a yellowish color and quite sweet, good for juice.

The tree is a heavy bearer but only if fed properly.

Citrus trees are very demanding in terms of nutrition, if you don’t pay attention to your soil and spray them regularly (with some liquid fertilizer containing the necessary micronutrients for young leaves ETC) your results will be less than stellar !

I am looking to buy a few more trees and planning to drive to Pac Chong soon.

If I find something interesting will post here !


hi, i'd like to plant few orange trees in my garden since i drink a lot of orange juice. the name of the orange is 'som bang moat' i think.

does anyone have advice about how to plant and care for orange trees to get the best tasting juice? also where to buy?

by the way, i noticed there are hundreds of garden shops on the BKK outer ring road, route 9 on the west side of BKK around Plai Bang area. i even found one that sells avocado if anyone doesn't have chance to make it to Pak Chong.

Can you post the avocado shop's details (phone number)

This an interesting topic for me, I also make fresh orange juice every morning.

As I understand it, most citrus production in Thailand is in the north.

That being said, the tree you are looking for, is of course not a true orange but a tangerine.

I am in the northeast, had some luck with ส้มเช้ง "som cheng " a larger thick skinned fruit very similar to a real orange.

When ripe, inside is a yellowish color and quite sweet, good for juice.

The tree is a heavy bearer but only if fed properly.

Citrus trees are very demanding in terms of nutrition, if you don't pay attention to your soil and spray them regularly (with some liquid fertilizer containing the necessary micronutrients for young leaves ETC) your results will be less than stellar !

I am looking to buy a few more trees and planning to drive to Pac Chong soon.

If I find something interesting will post here !


Just reading your answers about oranges, now I have an orange tree I brought over form Australia nursed it back from death since it was in an shipping container for 3 weeks it is a navel orange which I like, it seems to grow pretty well considering but I wonder where can I buy citrus fertiliser.

Tried many places but nothing. Any of you guys know the name of it and where to get it ?


hi, i'd like to plant few orange trees in my garden since i drink a lot of orange juice. the name of the orange is 'som bang moat' i think.

does anyone have advice about how to plant and care for orange trees to get the best tasting juice? also where to buy?

by the way, i noticed there are hundreds of garden shops on the BKK outer ring road, route 9 on the west side of BKK around Plai Bang area. i even found one that sells avocado if anyone doesn't have chance to make it to Pak Chong.

Can you post the avocado shop's details (phone number)

This an interesting topic for me, I also make fresh orange juice every morning.

As I understand it, most citrus production in Thailand is in the north.

That being said, the tree you are looking for, is of course not a true orange but a tangerine.

I am in the northeast, had some luck with ส้มเช้ง "som cheng " a larger thick skinned fruit very similar to a real orange.

When ripe, inside is a yellowish color and quite sweet, good for juice.

The tree is a heavy bearer but only if fed properly.

Citrus trees are very demanding in terms of nutrition, if you don't pay attention to your soil and spray them regularly (with some liquid fertilizer containing the necessary micronutrients for young leaves ETC) your results will be less than stellar !

I am looking to buy a few more trees and planning to drive to Pac Chong soon.

If I find something interesting will post here !


Just reading your answers about oranges, now I have an orange tree I brought over form Australia nursed it back from death since it was in an shipping container for 3 weeks it is a navel orange which I like, it seems to grow pretty well considering but I wonder where can I buy citrus fertiliser.

Tried many places but nothing. Any of you guys know the name of it and where to get it ?


Citrus require an acidic soil PH 6 -7 to flourish and feed properly so getting your soil PH correct is the first chore . Most soil hereabouts is alkaline so to make it more acidic you can either apply rock sulphur (if available ) to the soil ,ideally PH adjustment should be done pre planting another way do it is the addition of mulch ,compost or sawdust to the soil .

Keeping a covering of compost ,sawdust around your tree helps weed suppression as well as helps keep your soil PH about right.

Citrus are heavy feeders and require a high nitrogen ( N ) fertilizer with some Phosphorous (P ) something along the lines of a local 30-10 -0 would suffice, this should be applied at least every 3 months and watered in to already damp soil.

Citrus are also great foliar feeders so a soluble high nitrogen fertilizer sprayed onto the foliage is much appreciated .

whenever you are around your citrus trees ( lemons in particular ) and feel the need to relieve yourself , dont bother with the hong nam ,the citrus will love you for having a squirt around its base...


Just reading your answers about oranges, now I have an orange tree I brought over form Australia nursed it back from death since it was in an shipping container for 3 weeks it is a navel orange which I like, it seems to grow pretty well considering but I wonder where can I buy citrus fertiliser.

Tried many places but nothing. Any of you guys know the name of it and where to get it ?



Look at the bottom post, this, combined with regular spraying will do it.

good luck

Can you post the avocado shop's details (phone number)


here's the location

Sala Klang, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi, Thailand

Link: <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=sala+klang+bangkok&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=49.490703,65.478516&ie=UTF8&ll=13.795375,100.412636&spn=0.007648,0.013947&t=h&z=17>

sorry i can't find the phone number right now but i'm going next week and will get it then.

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