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What Would Happen If The Reds Went For The Airport?

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So right now the Reds seem to be doing what the PAD did last year and have the Government house surrounded, as we know that didn't really work for the PAD and they went a step further and shut down swampy boom. If the Reds decide to attempt this what can you foresee happening? I think if they really wanted to do it then the police would have to use considerable force to stop them which would be bad PR and also I have read that many police are in support of them.....

Any predictions?


Well he's obviously not three because he didn't answer it.

There's always the military, they put the government in power and they will ensure it stays there.


I am serious here, Thaksin is a wounded animal right now and will do something desperate soon. If I were him I'd pay tens of thousands of supporters to attempt to take it , I am not saying I condone it but he needs anarchy to get back in power, his red shirted grunts taking or attempting to take the airport would ensure this....


He does not need anarchy he just needs a general election to get back in power

I am sure there would be bloodshed if the reds take over the airport as in this case the military back the current illegitimate goverment


The reds will never make it to the airport. The yellows were given carte blanche to do what they wanted as they were in league with the wealthy ruling class and with the military.

The reds need to tread very carefully.


but you have to remember that the Yellows had slighty different backing to the reds ( goverment, police, the one we cannot mention here and so forth )

if the reds where to take over ( if they managed ) there would be blood shed !


the recently formed "blue shirts" will take care of it...

no military or even police action needed for the "impostors of Thaksinocracy"!


Perhaps they could wear reversible color shirts. Approach to occupy in yellow, and then turn it over to red after the occupation. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Perhaps they could wear reversible color shirts. Approach to occupy in yellow, and then turn it over to red after the occupation. Yeah, that's the ticket!

I second that motion


the only thing it would ensure is that police and possibly army kick them out.

It's not that those were actually ineffective against PAD, it's that the leadership wanted PAD there.


The reds will be more effective by peaceful, forceful and sustained protest to high profile targets, and wait for the government to make a mistake.

The reds will be more effective by peaceful, forceful and sustained protest to high profile targets, and wait for the government to make a mistake.

Your prediction rings hollow. Current polls show redshirt popularity on the wane. Most Thais want peace and stability now, regardless of who is in power.


Well, then Supertakky is threatening to come to their help, if anyone ever considers to disperse them and will lead them to victory, the country out of the "shambles it's lying in" and eradicate poverty for ever!

yeah, Supertakky, go for it!

So right now the Reds seem to be doing what the PAD did last year and have the Government house surrounded, as we know that didn't really work for the PAD and they went a step further and shut down swampy boom. If the Reds decide to attempt this what can you foresee happening? I think if they really wanted to do it then the police would have to use considerable force to stop them which would be bad PR and also I have read that many police are in support of them.....

Any predictions?

The government will hand out 3000 baht to every red shirt across town to get them away from the airport. Just watch them run. My guess is that most would go for it - if the mayhem at the weekend with the 2000 baht government cheque giveaway was anything to go by.

My take is there are fewer hard core red-shirts then there were yellow shirts. Definetly a much larger rent-a-crowd percentage amongst the red-shirts. Easily bought.


if the reds captures airport then later their demands will be acceped

and then the yellows will capture to protest.

and then again red....... again yellows........

can't they think somthing orignal? they should leave this poor airport alone...

if the reds captures airport then later their demands will be acceped

and then the yellows will capture to protest.

and then again red....... again yellows........

can't they think somthing orignal? they should leave this poor airport alone...

the yellows could capture the arrival hall and the reds the departure hall

if the reds captures airport then later their demands will be acceped

and then the yellows will capture to protest.

and then again red....... again yellows........

can't they think somthing orignal? they should leave this poor airport alone...

the yellows could capture the arrival hall and the reds the departure hall

yep that makes sence

if the reds captures airport then later their demands will be acceped

and then the yellows will capture to protest.

and then again red....... again yellows........

can't they think somthing orignal? they should leave this poor airport alone...

the yellows could capture the arrival hall and the reds the departure hall

yep that makes sence

or much more attention effective: they take the plane and capture the departure gate to BKK at the airport there


The reds will never get the airport!!!!!!!!!!

After the major face loss with the eyes of the world watching last time, it simply won't happen again

If they even go near it, there will be blood


Mmmmmmm - But I wonder how far SuperThaky will go?

The Government dish out free 2,000 baht vouchers,

Thaky give his reds flight tickets right into Swampy itself! Job done!

So right now the Reds seem to be doing what the PAD did last year and have the Government house surrounded, as we know that didn't really work for the PAD and they went a step further and shut down swampy boom. If the Reds decide to attempt this what can you foresee happening? I think if they really wanted to do it then the police would have to use considerable force to stop them which would be bad PR and also I have read that many police are in support of them.....

Any predictions?


I don't think it will be allowed. The Yellows had obvious support from high up....very high up.

The Reds don't.

For that reason I think they will be stopped before they get to the airport.

It will be the military and the police that stop them. Depending on how many try it, it might be bloody.

Having said that, the whole thing could still be a mess.

But this time the people with weapons will act to stop any seizure of the airport.

That's just my opinion.


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