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Source For Showtimes At Major Cineplex (airport Plaza)?


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Is anyone aware of an English-language schedule of movie showtimes for the Major Cineplex (Airport Plaza) that lists times two or three days in the future?

I love movies and walk to ones at at Vista KSK nearly every week. But, I'm getting tired of English-language movies involving talking animals or car chases. So, on Friday I looked at Movieseer.com to plan an trip to Airport Plaza for Saturday to see Milk and maybe (if hubby was willing) The Wrestler.

I was surprised to see the Saturday schedule for Major Cineplex on Movieseer on Friday evening, which was convenient since we were busy on Saturday morning and I wouldn' have a chance to get on the internet.

On Saturday we took a song taew to Airport Plaza and window-shopped while waiting for the 4:10 pm showing of Milk. I went to buy the tickets at 3:45 pm only to learn the next showing was at 7:45 pm and that The Wrestler was showing just once on Saturday -- at 10:20 pm, past the bedtime of many members of the grey-haired crowd interested in this movie!

I showed the ticket seller the schedule from Movieseer, eventually talking with the manager. What neither told us was that the previous showing of Milk had started at 3:10 pm and if (at 3:45 pm), the ticket seller had simply said "well, the show's started but they should just be doing the King song right about now", we would have bought tickets for the 3:10 pm show. By the time I talked with the ticket seller and the manager it was about 4:15 pm -- well into the showing of Milk.

Hubby was disgusted and went home without seeing a movie. Me, being a hardcore movie fan, hung around Airport Plaza for three hours, eventually seeing Milk and The Wrestler.

The manager was unfamilar with the Movieseer site and pointed out that I had the Friday schedule although the site showed it on Friday evening for Saturday. She suggested I use the Major Cineplex site, but I can't figure out how to get anything besides the current day's schedule from that site. I don't know how to read Thai (I'm taking lessons!) and maybe the google translation missed something, but I can't see where the Major Cineplex site is going to yield schedules beyond the current day's.

Any other sources for movie schedules that I don't know about?

Yes, I know it would have been cheaper to buy bootleg copies of these movies at KSK and I would have seen them three months earlier. But, I love the experience of seeing a movie on a large screen, with a good sound system and excellent airconditioning.

Incidentally, Milk was very good, as expected from the reviews. However, The Wrestler really blew me away. I didn't know what to expect and figured I'd have little interest in the subject, but I was totally drawn into the movie and really cared about the characters. I haven't stopped thinking about it.

See the Wrestler soon. There were eight people in the showing on Saturday night and the manager said that 6 people had seen it on Friday! I doubt it will be here beyond Wednesday.

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Is anyone aware of an English-language schedule of movie showtimes for the Major Cineplex (Airport Plaza) that lists times two or three days in the future?

Have you tried www.movieseer.com. A bit of digging down should reveal The Major complex. Just click on "showtimes" at the top of the page.It could be that they only give to-day and the next day's times.

Edited by Asmerom
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Sympathies extended and I know what you mean. We have been here for eight years and have found it necessary to send terse emails to [email protected] to crab about either totally missing showtimes or incorrect times.

MANY times we have driven the family in from near Hangdong only to find that the showtimes listed on movieseer.com were totally incorrect.

Usually however, after I crabbed at them, they responded in a cordial manner and their listings began once again listing accurate showtimes.

As with many, many other things, like workers paid by the hour, it takes a bit of a nudge to keep the momentum going...

Off to see The Wrestler this evening, Seven Pounds tomorrow. Thanks for the nudge... :o

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You mght try reading more than the first line of the thread before writing a reply Asmeron!

Your're quite right of course. A major blunder. I only hope the OP will forgive my inattention. Strangely I thought I'd read it. My attention span is clearly not what it was and only seems to function for the first few lines. Too much Bloomberg and CNBC

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Is anyone aware of an English-language schedule of movie showtimes for the Major Cineplex (Airport Plaza) that lists times two or three days in the future?

While I am not sure of the accuracy, Google lists today's and tomorrow's showtimes. While not two to three days in advance, as you requested, one day in advance may be an improvement over what you have now.

Today: http://www.google.com/movies?hl=en&nea...3eeb&date=0

Tomorrow: http://www.google.com/movies?hl=en&nea...3eeb&date=1

And yes, by deciphering the URLs above, you can modify the value for the date to "2" or "3", and it does return the correct date, but says there are no showtimes available for those days. So "tomorrow" is the best I can find...

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Thanks for the google listings of movie showtimes, although they lack the important info whether a movie has English subtitles or an English soundtrack.

My Thai language teacher was impressed that I gleaned a few new Thai words from watching "Best in Time" in Thai with English subtitles. (I was also puzzled in learning from the movie that Thais consider age 60 to be old. Things just start to get interesting at that age!) My Thai language teacher is encouraging me to see "Khan Kluey II". Yeah, just what I want, more animated animals!

If I read the MovieSeer listings correctly it seems that all the showings of Khan Kluey II at KSK Vista are in Thai without any subtitles and I'd have to pay song taew fare to see the movie with English subtitles at (you guessed it!) the Airport Plaza. I'm not sure it's worth it, especially since the Airport movies are 140 baht and the ones at Vista are 80 baht.

But, I know that Movieseer isn't always accurate about things like language and subtitles. A few months ago I showed up at Vista, eager to see Australia, which Movieseer listed as Thai soundtrack with English subtitles. No one there seemed to even know about Movieseer but they were pro-active enough to tell me there was no English subtitles when I attempted to buy tickets. Eventually I saw it at Airport in English and realized it would have worked just fine to see it with a Thai soundtract and no English subtitles. Don't misunderstand -- I liked Australia, it's just that I'd see all the scenes dozen of times before in other movies.

Meanwhile, I just think I'll take in "Meat Grinder". I'm sure to learn a few new Thai words with that one!

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Major cinema has a web site which purports to give show times. However, I'll not give the address because it is very poor---all in Thai and by the time I've finished puzzling my way through it, the movie has started---even native Thai speakers find it difficult to use and often totally uninformative. The strange thing is that Major in CM used to have a good web site, but it disappeared about a year ago. But, not all is lost. Try http://thomatfilms.blogspot.com/. Thomas not only gives times (not always up to date, but much better than movieseer) , but also has excellent movie reviews, warnings about such items as the lack of English at Vista's showing of Australia etc.


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I usually just call them up for times if there's something on that I want to see. Yep, the Cineplex site is pretty crap, although you can book online - if you know what you're doing - and get through the line faster apparently.

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Here you go:


Select the one that is 3rd column, 2nd row (เชียงใหม่). Then click the left button bellow the table.

It will give you showtimes and tell you if a foreign movie has English subtitles (TH/EN) or if not just (TH/--).

Hope this helps and I have found the showtimes to be on the spot.

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