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Ladybar 1, Ban Kai, Koh Phangan Smashed Up!

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a day in the office in Thailand

Pattaya folks would not give another thought...

but I am not a Pattaya folk and I am concerned

Mark Samui is right in the other one - Justice is not an issue of location in our world


Smart fella that MarkSamui....! :o

I agree with SBK on this thread. Run a bar of this type you are bound to get the odd trouble maker.

Looks like the facts are distorted also, but I would hazared a guess it is not as exciting as some make out.

sorry, I meant Mark Wolfe

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The guy is running a girlie bar. Why is anyone surprised that it would attract unsavory drunks?


Even if this wasn't just a drunks scenario....I would say that that kind of profession would be putting you on the frontline for getting involved in the murkier aspects of Thai life...violence being a big part of that.

the OP said that the farang and his wife had fled the island.if that is correct they'd hardly do that if it was a one off grunken thai.either the story is incorrect or there is more to this than we have been told.

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a day in the office in Thailand

Pattaya folks would not give another thought...

but I am not a Pattaya folk and I am concerned

Mark Samui is right in the other one - Justice is not an issue of location in our world


Smart fella that MarkSamui....! :o

I agree with SBK on this thread. Run a bar of this type you are bound to get the odd trouble maker.

Looks like the facts are distorted also, but I would hazared a guess it is not as exciting as some make out.

sorry, I meant Mark Wolfe

I still meant me :D

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Well, I can certainly see why sbk wouldn't bother posting any information in this forum. Makes me really glad I don't live in Samui or visit this forum very often with the kind of attitudes I see displayed here. Think I'll stick to the north where the farang tend to be friendlier.

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Well, I can certainly see why sbk wouldn't bother posting any information in this forum. Makes me really glad I don't live in Samui or visit this forum very often with the kind of attitudes I see displayed here. Think I'll stick to the north where the farang tend to be friendlier.

Great idea- paint everyone with the same brush and judge an entire region because you don't like the opinions of a few people on an online forum- you might be too sensitive for the internet altogether. :o

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No, just reading the thread and having read more than a few on this forum over the years. Many of the Samui forum members seem to be a very unhappy lot and appear to have very little to do except post aggressively or negatively. Just an observation from having checked into this forum on more than one occasion.

If the shoe doesn't fit, you don't have to wear it. :o

Edited by thailandlover
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No, just reading the thread and having read more than a few on this forum over the years. Many of the Samui forum members seem to be a very unhappy lot and appear to have very little to do except post aggressively or negatively. Just an observation from having checked into this forum on more than one occasion.

If the shoe doesn't fit, you don't have to wear it. :o

I'm sure this won't come as any major shock to you, but people who feel negatively about something are WAY more likely to complain and express their opinion than those who are happy and content with their current situation. :D

Things are bad economically these days- many Samui posters have businesses here and are not in the best of moods, and that comes across in the forum.

Again, judging all of us who live in the region because of what you read here is uncalled for (or should I assume that all you "farang from the North" are all so petty and small-minded?)- judging a poster by his posts is fine, of course, but don't group us all together. :D

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Well, I can certainly see why sbk wouldn't bother posting any information in this forum. Makes me really glad I don't live in Samui or visit this forum very often with the kind of attitudes I see displayed here. Think I'll stick to the north where the farang tend to be friendlier.

maybe southern residents have bigger issues to discuss than our northern cousins who seem to enjoy discussions about endless food,e.g "where can i get the best hamburger" :o

Seriously you do have a point,something in the air here perhaps.

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Well, I can certainly see why sbk wouldn't bother posting any information in this forum. Makes me really glad I don't live in Samui or visit this forum very often with the kind of attitudes I see displayed here. Think I'll stick to the north where the farang tend to be friendlier.

maybe southern residents have bigger issues to discuss than our northern cousins who seem to enjoy discussions about endless food,e.g "where can i get the best hamburger" :o

Seriously you do have a point,something in the air here perhaps.

The North has it's own big problems. A major one is pollution, smoke in the air, the fires in the North.

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Twenty years ago life on Koh Phangan was fairly quiet aside from the local Karaoke bar and the temple racket. There were no farang bars in or around Thongsala, just a couple wh....houses and restaurants where you could get a drink and yes, one farang owned restaurant near the pier whose owner was taken away for selling heroin and another farang guesthouse not far from the pier.

The local police pretty much made their own rules and day after the full moon party you could witness several policemen making their deposits at the local bank !!! Exploitation was commonplace and the embassies didn't want to get involved. Many farang deaths, rapes, etc., went un-reported (covered up) in the newspapers for fear of hurting tourism.

I haven't been back since and I don't think I ever will go back there. In many ways it was paradise, only a handful of foreigner's living there and the beaches (except Haadrin) were empty, except for all the broken glass and trash. I never could understand why farang get involved in business there.

The local people (in my experience & of course, not all) are cold blooded and will resort to just about anything to get your money, property, etc....

Of course, if you're married to a local then life is different, otherwise you're fair game unless someone takes you under their wing (for a price) in order to survive there.....Not sure if it stiil goes on, but back then it was common practice for a local to 'befriend you', invite you to build your house on his land 'for free' and after (or before) it was finished to ask for a 'loan'. If you didn't comply then you got the boot........I know some of you who have lived there a long time may find this post disagreeable to you, this was my experience after living there for six years....of course it's not as bad as Pattaya but perhaps not far behind.....

Edited by JRinger
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Sounds like you met one of my former neighbors. I've said it before and I will say it again. Those who go looking to befriend a foreigner do it because they want something. Who would go out of their way to befriend someone they don't know, don't understand and who, in all likelihood won't stick around? Do you go out of your way to befriend tourists at home?

As for the rest of the speculators.

No, you conspiracy theorists are right. It wasn't just one man. It was twenty men heavily armed with Uzis, assault rifles and machetes and its all part of the island wide local mafia network to rid the island of undesirable farangs. The owner was forced to flee the country because, in fact, the ten thousand strong local mafia was out to get him. If you own a business and are a foreigner you'd better get out now while you are still alive.

Oh wait, sorry. April fools was yesterday, wasn't it?

My bad.

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Actually, I am well aware of the problems on Koh Phangan but find it quite amusing that regardless of the fact that I know the guy who was arrested, despite the fact that I posted the OP was incorrect, I am still doubted. Some prefer to look for a larger conspiracy, I think.

You want the truth of whats wrong with Koh Phangan? Its too small for all the people on it. It has been overrun with people who overtax the road system, the water system (what little of it there is) the power system and the non-existent garbage system. It has a government that seems to have no foresight, no planning of any kind and allows rampant construction even tho the infrastructure is not in place to support said developments.

The money and the parties have attracted not just people here to work but thieves, con artists, grifters, and general lowlives. Both Thai and foreign.

Fact is, the local lowlives are far outnumbered by the new ones. But, as with any community, there are good people and bad people but you only ever hear about the bad people. OP failed to mention the fact that local people attempted to take the drunk guy home so as to avoid this happening. OP also failed to mention that the drunk guy then came back to the bar after hours to smash it up. Why? Cause he's a violent drunk. Sober, he's not too bad. But, astoundingly enough, some people (even foreigners!!!) get violent when they get drunk. There are also many who do not but you never hear about that because not smashing up a bar, not getting into a fight is not news.

Too bad for the bar owner, but really, I would suspect that bars at home that have women that offer themselves for money attract an equally classy clientele.

But, whats the point in posting any of this? Really? It only invites further scorn, arguments and conspiracies. So, theorize away. I, for one, have had enough of this non-event.

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Actually, I am well aware of the problems on Koh Phangan but find it quite amusing that regardless of the fact that I know the guy who was arrested, despite the fact that I posted the OP was incorrect, I am still doubted. Some prefer to look for a larger conspiracy, I think.

You want the truth of whats wrong with Koh Phangan? Its too small for all the people on it. It has been overrun with people who overtax the road system, the water system (what little of it there is) the power system and the non-existent garbage system. It has a government that seems to have no foresight, no planning of any kind and allows rampant construction even tho the infrastructure is not in place to support said developments.

The money and the parties have attracted not just people here to work but thieves, con artists, grifters, and general lowlives. Both Thai and foreign.

Fact is, the local lowlives are far outnumbered by the new ones. But, as with any community, there are good people and bad people but you only ever hear about the bad people. OP failed to mention the fact that local people attempted to take the drunk guy home so as to avoid this happening. OP also failed to mention that the drunk guy then came back to the bar after hours to smash it up. Why? Cause he's a violent drunk. Sober, he's not too bad. But, astoundingly enough, some people (even foreigners!!!) get violent when they get drunk. There are also many who do not but you never hear about that because not smashing up a bar, not getting into a fight is not news.

Too bad for the bar owner, but really, I would suspect that bars at home that have women that offer themselves for money attract an equally classy clientele.

But, whats the point in posting any of this? Really? It only invites further scorn, arguments and conspiracies. So, theorize away. I, for one, have had enough of this non-event.

One word sums up your whole post sbk & the problems with both Samui & Phangang..


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But, whats the point in posting any of this? Really? It only invites further scorn, arguments and conspiracies. So, theorize away. I, for one, have had enough of this non-event.

One word sums up your whole post sbk & the problems with both Samui & Phangang..



If it were only that simple. I think sbk's post is quite good with several points that couldn't be summed up with one word.

Actually, there are several adjectives to 'sum it up'....

Location: far from the mainland so the laws are locally designed & enforced. (examples on request)

Exploitation: of farangs (guess that one's greedy !)

Lack of Truth in the press and/or 'covered up' and hidden for the sake and health of tourism

Lack of education: Most locals have a 3rd grade education at best with the exception of a few who went to a Bkk University but would unlikely be living on the Islands anymore

etc., etc., and oh yes, GREED....

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But, whats the point in posting any of this? Really? It only invites further scorn, arguments and conspiracies. So, theorize away. I, for one, have had enough of this non-event.

One word sums up your whole post sbk & the problems with both Samui & Phangang..



If it were only that simple.

Actually, there are several adjectives to 'sum it up'....

Location: far from the mainland so the laws are locally designed & enforced. (examples on request)

Exploitation: of farangs (guess that one's greedy !)

Lack of Truth in the press and/or 'covered up' and hidden for the sake and health of tourism

Lack of education: Most locals have a 3rd grade education at best with the exception of a few who went to a Bkk University but would unlikely be living on the Islands anymoreetc., etc., and oh yes, GREED....

have you ever been to the islands? whats this third grade education nonsense? and who are these folks you call "most locals"? they certainly dont seem to be the majority of islanders i have gotten to know on koh phan ngan.

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7-8000 local people, last I heard from the Kamnan there was a minimum of 22,000 living on the island.

Education is currently mandatory to the age of 16 and even my 74 year old father in law went past the 6th grade. At a time when there was nothing higher than 6th grade on this island and education was mandatory to the age of 12.

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Nice attack there ts Wonder if you would have bothered if it had been someone else? I think not.

A drunk smashes up a bar. Woo, stop the presses. Something new indeed. :o

no i think i would have commented had anybody been so smug.

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Nice attack there ts Wonder if you would have bothered if it had been someone else? I think not.

A drunk smashes up a bar. Woo, stop the presses. Something new indeed. :o

no i think i would have commented had anybody been so smug.

**edit-- post deleted*** never mind. Enjoy yourself TS :D

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But, whats the point in posting any of this? Really? It only invites further scorn, arguments and conspiracies. So, theorize away. I, for one, have had enough of this non-event.

One word sums up your whole post sbk & the problems with both Samui & Phangang..



If it were only that simple.

Actually, there are several adjectives to 'sum it up'....

Location: far from the mainland so the laws are locally designed & enforced. (examples on request)

Exploitation: of farangs (guess that one's greedy !)

Lack of Truth in the press and/or 'covered up' and hidden for the sake and health of tourism

Lack of education: Most locals have a 3rd grade education at best with the exception of a few who went to a Bkk University but would unlikely be living on the Islands anymoreetc., etc., and oh yes, GREED....

have you ever been to the islands? whats this third grade education nonsense? and who are these folks you call "most locals"? they certainly dont seem to be the majority of islanders i have gotten to know on koh phan ngan.

If you would have taken the time to read my previous post, ts, you would have (possibly) read the part where I said that I lived on Koh Phangan 20 years ago and my post reflected those times. If things have improved in those areas, Great, glad to hear it although I suspect you're making an attempt to justify the 'paradise ?' you live in.

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7-8000 local people, last I heard from the Kamnan there was a minimum of 22,000 living on the island.

Education is currently mandatory to the age of 16 and even my 74 year old father in law went past the 6th grade. At a time when there was nothing higher than 6th grade on this island and education was mandatory to the age of 12.

When I lived on the Island, none of my neighbor's had any 'real education'.

I sat in a few classroom sessions and the students were not allowed to ask questions.

One time a student wanted to ask a question and the teacher in gov't uniform told the student, "You don't know enough yet to ask any questions". I certainly hope things have changed, for the better. I also think most of the locals get 'educated' from each other.

Now there are How many farang living there? 14,000 ??? I recall no more than 10-20 when I lived there. No one had a private car or truck. There were truck taxi's, etc. The night boat was the only way to get a vehicle to the Island. Guess I was lucky to have lived there when it was still somewhat 'pure'..

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SBK stated this post was a 'non event' and questions why it was posted?

Well its been a busy thread and had over 1500 reads nearly 60 postings so its certainly generated some interest and discussion and many postings have expressed differences of opinion which I see as democratic and healthy.

Forums are here so that anyone who wishes to post a view/discussion/event be it a small point or a large one can do so at the freedom of their own leisure .. this 'non event' has generated discussion and whether it generates 'theorists and gossip' is irrelevent - it is generating discussion and awareness so I see no wrong in that... or should we be all be talking 'big bang theory'??? ...yawn!

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