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Get Aquainted With Normal Job Girlfriend


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You should try the bkktonite forum, for the posters on there it's almost like finding the holy grail bedding a student girl or one with a normal job. You should get on there DJ Pat, you'd be a hero to the people!

ps. thanks for that appartment advice you sent me on thaizine, much appreciated.

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You should try the bkktonite forum, for the posters on there it's almost like finding the holy grail bedding a student girl or one with a normal job.  You should get on there DJ Pat, you'd be a hero to the people!

That would be fun but would be a pisstake if I went on there gloating about bedding cutey uni students.

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You should try the bkktonite forum, for the posters on there it's almost like finding the holy grail bedding a student girl or one with a normal job.  You should get on there DJ Pat, you'd be a hero to the people!

ps. thanks for that appartment advice you sent me on thaizine, much appreciated.

how do you join bkktonite forum, as they dont seem to accept new members anymore :o

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I should though, shouldn't I? Imagine some saddo at his PC in Bury who spent two weeks in Pattaya last year and is still masturbating over it, then I come on bragging....I may get killed!

Best place for the guy if he was only here 2 weeks, he would get a lot more enjoyment there than trying to get a good shag/etc out of some 1/2 virgin uni student who could only see him a handfull of times a week :D

Lets face it DJ Pat, its not exactly difficult to win their hearts... For every 50 uni students wanting the status symbol farang boyfriend theres probably only one guy to share between them :D

As for middle aged/old men, u think they really give a <deleted>? How many 40 something guys do u see in the UK with a teenage student girl on their arm? :o

Or have I just been hanging round the wrong places :D

Edited by Joey Boy
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  • 1 month later...

What is the big deal about bar girls versus "good" girls? A Thai woman is still a Thai woman regardless of where she works. I have lived with at least six different women of which two were so called "good" girls. The second "good" girl had never been in a bar in her life. She was a maid for a good farang friend of mine and his Thai wife. She was 26 years old. Too young to make a good life mate. To make a long story short she turned out to be a very poor bed partner and was the most mercenary girl I ever lived with. After nine months I sent her on her way. My advice would be to find an older girl who is well over the hill. They think they are over the hill at about 30 or even younger. :D

My present girlfriend at 36 years old is fit and trim and 100 pounds even. She is very happy to have a guy who treats her well and provides for her. It has now been over nine months and we still get along very well. This could finally be the RIGHT one. :o

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What is the big deal about bar girls versus "good" girls? A Thai woman is still a Thai woman regardless of where she works. I have lived with at least six different women of which two were so called "good" girls. The second "good" girl had never been in a bar in her life. She was a maid for a good farang friend of mine and his Thai wife. She was 26 years old. Too young to make a good life mate. To make a long story short she turned out to be a very poor bed partner and was the most mercenary girl I ever lived with. After nine months I sent her on her way. My advice would be to find an older girl who is well over the hill. They think they are over the hill at about 30 or even younger.  :D

My present girlfriend at 36 years old is fit and trim and 100 pounds even. She is very happy to have a guy who treats her well and provides for her. It has now been over nine months and we still get along very well. This could finally be the RIGHT one.  :o

I agree with you .................and I might add,what does a good,non-bar,department store beauty do when she finally decides she wants a Falang. After work she moonlights as a lady of the night. I have known many(see previous posts) in my philandering days. Security guards,shop girls,chamber maids,parking lot attendants even police women, they all do it. Why? It makes comman sense to do what you want to do after hours, and still get paid for it. With the added bonus of a husband at the end which some have only dreamed about

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What is the big deal about bar girls versus "good" girls? A Thai woman is still a Thai woman regardless of where she works. I have lived with at least six different women of which two were so called "good" girls. The second "good" girl had never been in a bar in her life. She was a maid for a good farang friend of mine and his Thai wife. She was 26 years old. Too young to make a good life mate. To make a long story short she turned out to be a very poor bed partner and was the most mercenary girl I ever lived with. After nine months I sent her on her way. My advice would be to find an older girl who is well over the hill. They think they are over the hill at about 30 or even younger.  :D

My present girlfriend at 36 years old is fit and trim and 100 pounds even. She is very happy to have a guy who treats her well and provides for her. It has now been over nine months and we still get along very well. This could finally be the RIGHT one.  :o

I agree with you .................and I might add,what does a good,non-bar,department store beauty do when she finally decides she wants a Falang. After work she moonlights as a lady of the night. I have known many(see previous posts) in my philandering days. Security guards,shop girls,chamber maids,parking lot attendants even police women, they all do it. Why? It makes comman sense to do what you want to do after hours, and still get paid for it. With the added bonus of a husband at the end which some have only dreamed about

very difficult finding girl with look good ,beautiful and has just 1 bf

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Puppies are better. The girls just flock to them. :D


Find a friendly couple with a young child between 1 and 3 years. Offer to babysit so Mom & Dad can have some time alone. Take child to Central Department Store and sit in coffee shop with young child. This works best for half-Thai, half-Farang kids. Watch all the SYTs (Sweet Young Things) gather round and coo over the baby. Pick and choose from selection offered.

How 'bout this one? Babies work much better.

You'll have more poontang than you ever dreamed! :D


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If you don't wanna meet a bargirl stay out of the bars, if you want to meet a girl that likes going to libraries go to a library, if you wanna meet a girl that is studying Karate, join a Karate club.

It aint exactly rocket science.  :D

And if you want a female Rocket Scientist don't look on here. :o

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The snooker halls in Lad Prao were always a sure bet.

Alright if you fancy James Wattanna


I did meet his sister once........she was really a really good potter, held the stick well, much prefered the pink to the brown...............

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The snooker halls in Lad Prao were always a sure bet.

Alright if you fancy James Wattanna


I did meet his sister once........she was really a really good potter, held the stick well, much prefered the pink to the brown...............

It's the red I don't like. Sometimes when the reds blocking the hole you have to pot the brown.

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The snooker halls in Lad Prao were always a sure bet.

Alright if you fancy James Wattanna


I did meet his sister once........she was really a really good potter, held the stick well, much prefered the pink to the brown...............

It's the red I don't like. Sometimes when the reds blocking the hole you have to pot the brown.

You've shocked me Lampman :D

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The snooker halls in Lad Prao were always a sure bet.

Alright if you fancy James Wattanna


I did meet his sister once........she was really a really good potter, held the stick well, much prefered the pink to the brown...............

It's the red I don't like. Sometimes when the reds blocking the hole you have to pot the brown.

If you pot the red make sure the white doesn't follow and always remember to keep one foot on the floor too. :o

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