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Spreading Riceseeds


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We bought 4 sacks (100 kilo) og Dok Mali 105 fragnant rice seeds from Rice Departement. My wife says its enough for spreading on 20 rai. Im not so shure so thats why i ask if someone on the forum know about this.

Last year we grow the riceplants in som paddys and then transplantet them out on the ricefields. Way to expenssive and the harvest was not that good, so this year we just like to try to spread the seeds and see what happends.

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Hello anthoma, from what I have found out, there are 2 things that have an effect on the amount of seed used: 1. water quality 2. the soil type.

At our village by Phi Mai(Korat) my S/L uses 3.5 bags(jasmine) per 10 Rai, this is what it takes in the 'paddies she grows' in. Two villages away it could be less/more.

The people usually know what's best for their paddies.


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Here in Laos, for growing sticky rice, they normally use about 50 - 60kg/hectare, say about 10kg per rai. That's for sowing in seedbeds first and then transplanting into the paddy field later. I would imagine that for direct sowing the amount of seed required would perhaps be more?

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