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Troll Attack


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Reading some of the ridiculous postings recentley, I can't help but think that it's a dedicated Troll attack by members of another Thai related forum.

I have been a member here for quite a long time and have never seen so many stupid posts!

Yes, yes, I know, we can only talk about certain subjects and those subjects have to be Thai related so will be repeated, but c'mon, the recent threads are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I can't think that is anything else, other than a Troll attack.

What is more amazing is that these threads attract sometimes 100's of posts, all giving advice on a totally made up scenario by some Troll who is gloating away, sipping his beer whilst posters slag each other off.

Do you guys really believe what is posted in this forum ?

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everyone on web thinks thaivisa is over moderated and filled with a bunch of losers complaining about this and that.

So, I am right in my assumptions. :o

Thing is Tony, it's so bleedin' obvious, yet fair play to you mate, the threads do sometimes go to 100+ posts, I guess it says a lot about the membership also, unless of course they are in on the attack themselves........ :D

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everyone on web thinks thaivisa is over moderated and filled with a bunch of losers complaining about this and that.

So you came here to save us from ourselves? :o

Seems the real "losers" are the ones who waste their time posting unbelievable nonsense on websites they complain about. You'd think they could find something better to do with their time, but then they wouldn't be such losers.

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Some of the threads I find are quite meaningless so best just not to post........but I like the BG threads because I guess I carry an alternative view....so always plenty of room for discussion.... :D

Although they may be interesting for some........where to find the best scotch egg, or fish and chips.......doesn't really entice me to read the thread......just makes me hungry.... :D:D

I think the people who try to shove in smart one liners flaming on a topic which is flowing, are more annoying than the youthful trolls who have to get their kicks somehow. But yes there appears to be far more around these days.

You gotta say Maigo the real superstars are the ones who are too lazy to read the whole thread; and post a response repeating a statement 5 posts above........and they do not even realise they have done it!!! :o

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Reading some of the ridiculous postings recentley, I can't help but think that it's a dedicated Troll attack by members of another Thai related forum....

Agreed. But when I call "troll!" there's often a load of dimwits who jump on me for calling it, so I rarely bother any more. You can't win.

Quite fitting that TonySoprano should be the first to respond to your OP, though. :o

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Reading some of the ridiculous postings recentley, I can't help but think that it's a dedicated Troll attack by members of another Thai related forum.

I have been a member here for quite a long time and have never seen so many stupid posts!

Yes, yes, I know, we can only talk about certain subjects and those subjects have to be Thai related so will be repeated, but c'mon, the recent threads are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I can't think that is anything else, other than a Troll attack.

What is more amazing is that these threads attract sometimes 100's of posts, all giving advice on a totally made up scenario by some Troll who is gloating away, sipping his beer whilst posters slag each other off.

Do you guys really believe what is posted in this forum ?

LOL mr innocent eh


Edited by mc2
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I truly believe they are not trolls, but real life stupid people posting their ridiculous lives for all to see their stupidity. I think you give people way too much credit.

You sure that belief is not because you spend so much time handing out 'advice' to them?... :o

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Come on guys, troll are the salt of all forums. Without them, forum will be boring !

There was an other thread running "only Failures Run Off To Be Expats", Jeremy Clarkson's take." http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/only-Failure...ts-t253570.html

From Wiki "troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response".

By all accounts, J Clarkson is a troll, but at the same time he's is a huge TV star.

And just for fun, an extract from the comic page :


Edited by Pierrot
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I really don't care. If some people's lives are so empty and meaniingless that they feel compelled to go on internet fora just to wind people up and get their kicks so be it. Better they waste their time, and ours to a small extent, here in cyberspace than crawl around the real world molesting kids and robbing old age pensioners.

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I really don't care. If some people's lives are so empty and meaniingless that they feel compelled to go on internet fora just to wind people up and get their kicks so be it. Better they waste their time, and ours to a small extent, here in cyberspace than crawl around the real world molesting kids and robbing old age pensioners.

troll exist in the real world but not as child molesterers or granny bashers. :o

they are called shit stirrers.

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everyone on web thinks thaivisa is over moderated and filled with a bunch of losers complaining about this and that.

So, I am right in my assumptions. :o

Thing is Tony, it's so bleedin' obvious, yet fair play to you mate, the threads do sometimes go to 100+ posts, I guess it says a lot about the membership also, unless of course they are in on the attack themselves........ :D

Judging by the number of members that shoot themselves in the foot, I would say attack is entirely appropriate. :D

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everyone on web thinks thaivisa is over moderated and filled with a bunch of losers complaining about this and that.

Well, you don't get to choose your members so I wouldn't fault TV for that. The other thingy you mention is number #847 on the list of things we shall not discuss, so can't comment on that! :o !

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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it's funny you say that "jaiyenyen" because you are the 3rd person who has said that now - if only you would have listened to your own advice and read through the posts, you would have seen that you indeed have fallen victim and become that which you dislike. Oh, the irony of it.

Me, I like the gullible ones.

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I threw in the towel 4 months ago. It has become pointless to have a rational dialog on TV. Just peruse the job,economy... forum and it becomes blatantly obvious that a lower life form has invaded TV. Oddly enough some of the moderators seem to condone this new breed of TV members.

I stopped posting after realizing that I was becoming angry too often while participating in threads. Apparently I lack the capacity to communicate with wack jobs. The trolls have won the battle and I really don't care enough to fight back, considering that TV supports them.

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it's funny you say that "jaiyenyen" because you are the 3rd person who has said that now - if only you would have listened to your own advice and read through the posts, you would have seen that you indeed have fallen victim and become that which you dislike. Oh, the irony of it.

Me, I like the gullible ones.

Must really like yourself my friend! I was tempted to follow JaiYenYen's lead and post something along the same lines but thought polecat and he/she had already done it enough. Only had to bait the hook twice to get a bite. Always good fishing here if one uses the right bait.

What amazes me is the amount of posters that seem to be searching for some way to put down other posters. Going back to the OP where in the forum rules does it state that topics must be Thai centric??

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I threw in the towel 4 months ago. It has become pointless to have a rational dialog on TV. Just peruse the job,economy... forum and it becomes blatantly obvious that a lower life form has invaded TV. Oddly enough some of the moderators seem to condone this new breed of TV members.

I stopped posting after realizing that I was becoming angry too often while participating in threads. Apparently I lack the capacity to communicate with wack jobs. The trolls have won the battle and I really don't care enough to fight back, considering that TV supports them.

I understand and empathize. I've had very similar thoughts and feelings.

Edited by sriracha john
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I really don't care. If some people's lives are so empty and meaniingless that they feel compelled to go on internet fora just to wind people up and get their kicks so be it. Better they waste their time, and ours to a small extent, here in cyberspace than crawl around the real world molesting kids and robbing old age pensioners.

one might say the converse is far more tragic, that some lead lives so bleak and meaningless they seek sincerity, support and freindship on the internet rather than using it simply as a source of information/amusment.

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