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Hello everyone,

My name is Wayne. My wife ( who is a Thai citizen) and I have been married for almost a year and have a beautiful baby boy now. We are still waiting on all of the US governmental paperwork for my wifes permanent status. We have filed all of the forms and she was denied ( although she is living here with me ) and we are awaiting our court date. My petition is still active for her though and I live in a state wthin the US that has very lenient laws when it comes to immigration. The issue is that her mother wants to come visit us to see her first grandchild. She and my Father-In law are both tied to the Thai government ( city official and Nurse ). I was wondering what the proper steps to obtain a travelers visa for her to come stay with us a couple months. She has no need or want to stay here pernanately. She just wants to hold her grandchild. They are both well to do, but im worried they may not be as " rich" as the government wants them to be.

Is it just as simple as applying for a travel documents to the US ? Does my wifes current status void any chance of traveling she may have ? If it werent for the fact that I JUST got into a local government position ( Police Dept) , I would pack my bags and live happily ever after in Thailand. I love my wife and her family.

We just arent too sure what our next steps would be. Its not like we would have to support her as she doesnt need or want our income.

Thank you very much !




Dear Wayne,

The biggest obstacle that your mother-in-law will have to overcome is the presumption of immigrant intent on the part of the consular officer interviewing and adjudicating the case. One must show "strong ties," to the home country (in this case Thailand) and weak ties to the USA. The problem here would be the fact that having family in the United States would probably be considered a "strong tie." It would be best to show a well paying job in Thailand, family to return to in Thailand, property in Thailand, or any other compelling reason to return to the Kingdom. Also, any history of traveling to other countries and returning to Thailand could be helpful.

I hope this has at least shed some light on the subject.

Good Luck

Ben Hart

US Immigration Attorney

Integrity Legal


Thailand: 02-266-3698

Integrity Legal is a full service Immigration Law Firm with offices in Bangkok, Thailand. Please visit http://www.Integrity-Legal.com for more details.

Dear Wayne,

The biggest obstacle that your mother-in-law will have to overcome is the presumption of immigrant intent on the part of the consular officer interviewing and adjudicating the case. One must show "strong ties," to the home country (in this case Thailand) and weak ties to the USA. The problem here would be the fact that having family in the United States would probably be considered a "strong tie." It would be best to show a well paying job in Thailand, family to return to in Thailand, property in Thailand, or any other compelling reason to return to the Kingdom. Also, any history of traveling to other countries and returning to Thailand could be helpful.

I hope this has at least shed some light on the subject.

Good Luck

Ben Hart

US Immigration Attorney

Integrity Legal


Thailand: 02-266-3698

Thank you very much Ben!

I dont think we will have much of an issue then. My Father-In law , Brother-In law and many others are staying there. Also, she is currently a government nurse who is about to retire. She and her husband have a lot of property there as well. This was very insightful! I think they all plan to eventually visit as they can ( one at a time of course ) to see the little one, and when we get all of our paperwork finally situated ( as thus far it seems the US favors the illegal immigrants to those who are trying to do things the right way ) we will be able to travel there. I think ive already paid well over 2000 USD to the govt and so far still a denial. Not too much to worry about though as we have a wonderful son and a happy marraige. We were just worried her status would affect the visa for our mother ( Mother-In Law )

Thank again Ben. You have been a great help!



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