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Would You Go To A Nightclub Where They Insist On Seeing Your Passport?


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I just wouldn't go to a place where there have been numerous incidents and a stabbing, whether they wanted to see my passport or not.

P.S. It's not just in Thailand, I was asked for my passport to gain entry at several bars in USA, I just went to another bar.

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i went to novotel disco a year before and they wanted to see my passport,i dint have at that time,i showed them my driving license,but what they want is just passport,

after then never went to novotel,its an absolutly NO GO.

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Driving licence has you passport number in it together with two number "code" which i assume identifies issuing country. Now you can gain entry to a domestic flight with it so any bar refusing entry based on you DL is just not worth it.

Assuming you meet their age limits of course...

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Sounds like another 'Thailand Urban myth' that visitors in the Kindom must carry their passports with them at all times. This has been mentioned many times by mean posters, but I am YET to see the portion of legislation that states this.

Having been bouncing around Thailand for a little while myself, I doubt the legislation actually exists. I am sure that it is a requirement for people to carry acceptable identification, just as the thais are expected to carry their ID cards.

Ohh & to answer the OP's question: "No".

I thought it was common knowledge that this was a rarely enfored LAW!

I've only ever seen it enfored once first hand, with the police threatening to arrest people for not carrying passports unless the police got their own way.

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Any time I visit the US I'm forced to take my passport with me to enter any night club/drinking establishment. While they are fine with north american issued DL's, they don't seem to take to well to an Australian or UK DL, which I have also.

The only exception is Vegas, where in their attempts to make sure that people are serviced well, the bouncers tend to have a world guide to drivers licences, and can quickly tell what is a genuine one and which is a fake.

In terms of Thailand, my guess the odd establishment may well request that everyone has a legit form of ID on them - and be strict as to what they will accept. It may be because they can't/don't want to pay the local cop shop the $$$ to turn a blind eye to enforcing the regulation of ensuring everyone is above age. At least when the coppers try to spring the inevitable 'random' raid, there will be a good chance that every patron is properly ID'ed and above the legal age.

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Honestly if you live in Bangkok then misplacing your passport is a minor inconvenience at worst. And, why would you even lose it; how often do you lose other stuff that you have with you like your wallet, ATM cards etc. ??

Besides, it's the law, you need ID on you. Applies to you just as much as to Thais.

Are you advocating breaking the law on a public forum?

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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No I would not use my passport to enter a nightclub.

I think that your passport is a vary valuable document that should be treated as such. I keep my in a wallet everything clean etc. Only use it for official business (flights, car hire, hotel bookings, some banking) apart from that I would not use it. Any nightclub which has to enforce such rules is not something I would be keen on going too.

Any age proof I might have to give would be via my UK driving licence. Although in the last decade I have only ever been asked in the USA where they have a policy to just ask everyone and the licence always worked there.

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I always carry my Australian drivers licence, but I would understand if they didnt accept it and only passports.

In Sydney, the only ID accepted is Driver's licence and passports, if your from oversea's your drivers licence is no good enough, you will have to show your passport.

Also in Australia if you dont have a driver's licence you get a 18+ prrof of age card and some night clubs wont accepts that either.

But so far in Thailand I have never been asked for ID so far

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Been to places that want to see proof of age (or just proof that you have some documents is perhaps the case if you old geezers walk into the places :o ) and I have no problem showing what is required. Especially since I still get's hassled much less than the Thai/other asian people regarding it if we go out.

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Honestly if you live in Bangkok then misplacing your passport is a minor inconvenience at worst. And, why would you even lose it; how often do you lose other stuff that you have with you like your wallet, ATM cards etc. ??

Besides, it's the law, you need ID on you. Applies to you just as much as to Thais.

Are you advocating breaking the law on a public forum?

To answer the Ops question. No. They can kiss my hairy arse.

Loosing a passport is more than a minor inconvenience. Sounds like you have never lost one. Some countries penalize people who report lost passports and after only a one or two such cases over a period of several years will refuse to re-issue a replacement.

A western passport is indeed worth $10,000 ore more on the black market, depending on the country and age of the passport.

The OP hasn't been back since posting the question and I notice took great care not to name the club concerned. The OP should name the club where he/she experienced this to see if other people have had the same problem there.

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Do Thais have to show their ID cards ? If so, then yes.

Yes, Thai people have to show ID. I understand it is to do with trouble in the past.

But a Thai driving photo licence or passport copy would be better for us foreign guys.

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There is a well known non-commercial Bankok gay nightlife district mostly for Thais where there have been reports for years that they require a passport for foreigners, no exceptions, no excuses, no copies, no drivers licenses. I am not sure if they are sending a unwelcoming message or they have a police problem, but no, I would never go to a nightclub with my passport. Who wants to steal a passport? Well a western passport is worth perhaps 10,000 dollars on the street. And then you could lose it, damage it, get it wet, etc. Its not worth it.

go to gay forum with this stuff jingthing were not interested in knowing about the gay scene here.even in topics about restaurants you refer to the restaurant being owned by a gay owner .are you trying to tell us all something here :o

he certainly outed your homophobia didn't he. with all the time you spend in biker bars you think you would be more comfortable with the idea

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In two and a half years of driving around Thailand and being stopped on numerous occasions by police doing spot checks, immigrant checks near borders or drink driving stops, I have NEVER been asked to show my passport. Originally my international licence was OK. Now my photo Thai licence is enough for them.

The general consensus seems to be not to go.

I agree with that.

I am happy to carry a copy of my Passport and show that but I am reluctant to carry a document as important as a Passport around to night clubs.

There is always a risk it can be stolen, lost or damaged whilst under the influence of alcohol.

Yes there has been trouble at this club before, as I stated in my original post. Maybe having a copy of everyone's ID might help the BiB catch the troublemakers.

The ID cards and the passports are scanned using a bar code reader, so I presume they have your details then. And a Thai driving licence is not good enough.

I will still refrain from going there. Pity, because it is a very popular place with good Thai music. Enough other places to go to that accept me as I am.

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I would just like to add that the people who think losing there passport is a minor inconvenience, it is not it is a pain in the arse.

Requiring photos, forms, payment, waiting, new visa's, payment, time off work to sort it all out. Not to mention you cannot travel during the period of sorting it all. It is a hassle I would rather do without.

The state of some passports really is shocking when I see some, people just don't seem to regard them as important documents at all but the amount of times I have to use mine (not just for travel) really highlight just what an important document this is and for me should be held in high regard - its just not the same as an ATM card....

Edited by Marksamui
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As the topic says - Would you go to a nightclub where they insist on seeing your passport?

No other form of ID will do or a copy of the passport.

There have been numerous incidents at this place in the past with Thai people (men) fighting and the police being called. 1 stabbing I know of.

Yet it is a very popular place. Always packed out to the rafters. Quite a few Thai people I know go there and they think I am weird for being reluctant to go, passport in pocket.

My concern would be taking the passport and possibly losing it or having it stolen. In that case it would mean a lot of hassle with no visa, no passport itself, and other possible problems associated with it.

First of all, I would never go to a place with such a reputation.

I never keep the passport on me.

Always use a bank card with my picture on it, and explain it is an ID card from where I come from, and they always accept that.

Only time I was required to show a pass port in order to enter a bar/restaurant, was in San Diego a few years ago.

So, no, I would never go to a place where they insited of me showing my pass port.

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I had to go to The Mattress a couple a months back for an event. They looked at me and another farang walking in and I could see the wheels spinning - ask for passport or not?

Wasn't asked. But the whole idea is rediculous.

It reminds me of a couple years ago when they had this big push on meaning a 5000 baht fine if you didnt have it with you.

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name the places you are talking about that want to see passports to gain entry ..never came accross this before

RCA Route 66 - BKK.

Never had to show my passport there. Just flip out my drivers license for a second, and they wave me in and barely even look at it. RCA is more concerned about how you look than whether you have a passport.

And no, I wouldn't go to a nightclub where you have to show your passport. Carrying your passport in your pockets absolutely destroys it. You can't carry it in your jeans, it will be ruined.

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I cannot recall being asked for my passport since I worked in the conflict zone in Chiapas, Mexico. I was asked by uniformed military who were not authorized to demand passports. I showed my retired military ID card instead. :o

I use my Thai driver's licenses, which have my US passport number on them. Also keep coloured fotocopies in my wallet of my passport, visa, and extension. I seldom have to show the driver's licenses.

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In Sydney if they ask you for your passport if your from abroad and you dont have it, they will tell you to go, if you say no but im 45 and have a licence and so on, they will tell you to piss off. If you keep going you will be taken out the back and bashed.

Im glad I havent heard anything like that happen here

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All other places I go to check ID cards for Thai if they appear to be under age. Seen a few turned away too. Though, at one establishment I frequent, I had a word with the lads working on the door and asked if I could take a certain young lady there who was under their age limit. The answer? No problem, sir! :o

I might try having a word with the management at this other place and see what is said. I do have their telephone number. Maybe they do not fully appreciate the situation regarding passports. Has to be worth a try. Then if the management say OK, I could use their name to the door staff.

The fact there is trouble there occasionally does not bother me too much. I've never heard of and foreign people being involved.

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