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My girlfriend applied for a visa to visit UK and the documents got passed to the British Embassy on the 25th March.

However, we check online very, very often to see if the status of the visa/passport has changed - but it has not. The status now just says the application has been forwarded to the British Embassy on the 25th of March. The website is use is the vfs.org one.

My questions are - how long is it until we can find out the result of it? (It's a very strong visa application, by the way). I have a feeling that it is something to do with Thai new year happening soon, so the embassy might be busy? I checked the process times in Feburary and I think something like 92% were processed in 5 days. How long do you think it will take to find out an answer? (This question might be better for those who applied for visas previously around this time last year).

My next question is - is the visa checked by the embassy in UK, or the British embassy in Bangkok? If so, would I be able to call the embassy here in the UK to find out how the application is going/went?

Thanks for any help

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There are two threads running at the moment about how long applications are being processed, albeit these are settlement ones.

However, it does seem that they are very busy at the moment and applications are taking longer to process than usual. As per the advice given by the embassy; it could take up to 1 month to process a visit visa.

Unfortunately the embassy will/cannot reply to specific enquiries about individual applications; they will merely refer you to the vAC website which will only tell you whether the application and passport are still at the embassy or back at the VAC awaiting collection by the applicant.

Applications are dealt with at the embassy where the applicant applied; in this case Bangkok. Enquiries to the UKBIA in the UK will not get a useful response; they will not know anything about an individual visa application as they do not deal with them.

It's a matter of being patient, I'm afraid.


My partner applied at VFS in Bangkok on March 24th, then got an SMS saying the application was passed to the British Embassy on the 25th - so same date as yours.

She applied for a visit (tourist) visa, but included good evidence that the purpose of the visit is to meet my family, and I submitted bank statements etc and stated that I would be paying for everything. We have flights booked for April 10th and included paperwork (confirmed return tickets) to back that up.

We didn't hear anything since the 25th until this morning (Thursday 2nd April) when we got another SMS saying the application is now ready for collection.

Good luck with yours, maybe you'll hear something today.

My partner applied at VFS in Bangkok on March 24th, then got an SMS saying the application was passed to the British Embassy on the 25th - so same date as yours.

She applied for a visit (tourist) visa, but included good evidence that the purpose of the visit is to meet my family, and I submitted bank statements etc and stated that I would be paying for everything. We have flights booked for April 10th and included paperwork (confirmed return tickets) to back that up.

We didn't hear anything since the 25th until this morning (Thursday 2nd April) when we got another SMS saying the application is now ready for collection.

Good luck with yours, maybe you'll hear something today.


actually.... exact same as you :o

got it now, ready for collection? Isn't it 'application collected' by the courier to deliver it to your house?

Also, will she get all documents back? We put a few personal things to support the application


edit - sorry, got confused a bit. Yeah, the passport gets sent back to the application centre to pick up.

By the way - does that mean that the visa definately got issued and didn't get rejected? No interview was needed and it was a strong application. Then again - if it was a really poor application they would have rejected it without needing an interview :o , but I can't see that being the case.


As the result of the application is confidential between the embassy and the applicant, the passport is returned to the VAC in a sealed envelope. No one outside the embassy visa section will know the result until the applicant collects their passport.

Visit visas are usually decided without an interview, though sometimes the applicant or sponsor may be phoned and asked to clarify something. Having said that, if the application was properly prepared and shows that the criteria are met then there would be no reason to refuse.

All supporting documents submitted with an application should be returned with the passport.


The SMS (and the updated online tracking message) advised that the application was ready for collection from VFS. We didn't use a courier service. As soon as I picked it up, another SMS was sent (and the online tracking message updated again) confirming that it had been collected.

Our application was successful, but you don't know that until you open the envelope containing the passport. The embassy didn't ask for any additional information - they didn't contact us at all.

We got everything back except for the "to whom it may concern" letter from my partner's employer, the covering letter I'd attached to the supporting documents I'd supplied, and the photocopy I provided of my current passport.


Thanks for the reply.

My girlfriend got her passport back today... refused.

I'm so confused. The letter of refusal is complete balls. It even says we didn't provide enough evidence of our relationship?! We even showed 2 months worth of copies of my phone bills where i called her for a total of 80 hours or something in the last 2 months! What was the reply about this?? "There is no evidence to suggest these calls were reciprocated". What the hel_l? Does he/she want to join in on the bloody phone call conversations to be sure?

Our pictures together, letters, emails, everything. Even a copy of her phone bill which was 7000 baht. Didn't get a copy of my or my dad's passport back, although all other documents were returned. The visa officer also wasn't satisfied she would come back.. that's with us handing in a letter from her university too.

I called from the UK to the embassy to ask for a number to call the application centre - they said they only have fax or email. Of course not - but the girl obviously wasn't going to hand the number over, to me in the UK or my girlfriend in Thailand.

If anyone can help,as to what numbers I should call, what we should do, please do. I am going to call the AIT appeal number in the UK in 1 hour when it opens. Her university holidays start soon and we need to act quick to do an appeal. I'm not even sure we can.. "Your application does not attract a full right of appeal under section 82(1)..."

I'm completely shocked - she only wanted to come for 1 month for a holiday and to stay with me.

By the way, no mention of money in the refusal letter.


Sorry to o hear the result it must be very frustrating for you, unfortunately a visitors visa carries no right of appeal.

If you think the ECO has made a mistake you could ask the manager to revisit, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

You can call the Embassy on the general number, +66 (0) 2 305 8333, and ask to speak to the ECM but they will probably not speak to you.

The Embassy closes at 13.00 on Fridays, 08.00 UK time.


Sorry to o hear the result it must be very frustrating for you, unfortunately a visitors visa carries no right of appeal.

If you think the ECO has made a mistake you could ask the manager to revisit, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

how can i go about this?

can you please tell me?

thanks very much


You need to call the Embassy on Monday, and ask to speak to the head of visa section, if you get to speak to her you need to be able to convince her that her Entry Clearance Officer has made a material mistake. It's a long shot, and I doubt very much if she would admit that a mistake has been made, the best you could probably hope for if for her to tell you how to address the concerns of the ECO, and then re=apply.

If you do get to speak to her keep your cool and don't lose your temper, she is very stubborn and she will not back down if you lose it.

Good luck.



I just spoke to her on the phone, Monday will be a very busy day for her.

I'll call as soon as possible again, but we need it done quick. The application was given on the 24th, and decision made on the 27th - yet we received the decision today on the 3rd - a complete joke.

We are going to do a new application, we don't really have enough time to mess about - her university holidays start soon and end not long after. Whatever the visa officer was thinking was clearly not on the kind side, the refusal in my mind is a complete joke. What's done is done though, and we will try put a new application in as soon as possible, hopefully finding out before they close for thai new year because we still need to book flights, hoping to have her here by the 22nd. With Good Friday and Thai new year holidays for the embassy it will be pretty tight. Like I said before, I will still call on Monday and ask, but i won't get my hopes up on that, especially if the lady I was talking to is about as helpful and kind as the one you refer to..

What is also extremely annoying is that all documents were not returned. The letter my parents wrote and I sent over has not been given back, as well as the passport copies. The letter needs to be rewritten, scanned, sent to her and printed at her end so it can be done quick. The passport copies were scanned anyway, they are no problem.

I've still not lost hope though.

Thanks for the help

edit: Just re-read the letter, there is a new statement which is my favourite. Something like we failed to show we are boyfriend and girlfriend. The visa officer stated, by looking at my passport, I have visited Thailand on a number of occasions (I went to Laos and Cambodia), however we failed to show that each time I was visiting and staying with her. Now, we provided pictures of us together, clearly showing we were in Laos together, as well as my girlfriend's visa stamps showing she was in Laos. If the officer took care to look at her and my passport visas, they would clearly see that the documents clearly show I was staying with her each time. :o


You cannot assume that the ECO will put two and two together regarding the visits to Laos, by the way you had a visa for Laos she didn't need one - but they would have stamped her passport. You need to make case that can prove to the ECO that you have spent time together, but you need to spell it out for them.



Perhaps you need professional help?

Another application so quickly on the heels of the last is unlikely to succeed if you cannot produce fresh evidence or sound reasons showing the earlier decision was wrong.

What is also extremely annoying is that all documents were not returned. The letter my parents wrote and I sent over has not been given back, as well as the passport copies. The letter needs to be rewritten, scanned, sent to her and printed at her end so it can be done quick. The passport copies were scanned anyway, they are no problem.

Maybe you can use that to your advantage...

edit: Just re-read the letter, there is a new statement which is my favourite. Something like we failed to show we are boyfriend and girlfriend. The visa officer stated, by looking at my passport, I have visited Thailand on a number of occasions (I went to Laos and Cambodia), however we failed to show that each time I was visiting and staying with her. Now, we provided pictures of us together, clearly showing we were in Laos together, as well as my girlfriend's visa stamps showing she was in Laos. If the officer took care to look at her and my passport visas, they would clearly see that the documents clearly show I was staying with her each time.

...perhaps you could ask for it to be reviewed on that basis - say you're certain you've provided sufficient evidence, but somehow it's been overlooked, and that you now wish you'd spelled out exactly what to look at in the detail of the original documents - and ask to be allowed to submit one additional document (maybe by fax?) explaining exactly where in the original documents (that they've retained) to look for the clear evidence required.

I'm no expert, only ever done this once, just wanted to make some sort of hopefully half-helpful suggestion. No idea if it's actually feasible or not, sorry.

Good luck, hope you're able to sort something out one way or another.


Hopefully on Monday i'm able to work something out - i'm hoping the phone call goes down well if I even get the chance to speak to any visa officer.

By the way, they didn't give back the sponsor letter from my parents (saying she can stay here), however they also didn't give back my passport copies with my visas, as well as my dad's passport copy - is it just a coincidence? Or are they keeping them for something/put them on file?

Anyway, monday will be fun.


She can ask for the ECM to review the decision, but unless the ECO has made a glaring error it is unlikely that the ECM will overturn the refusal. If the ECM upholds the decision then that's it as far as this application is concerned; general visit visas do not attract a right of appeal.

Bear in mind that if you do re-apply the second application will also be refused unless you deal satisfactorily with all the points raised in the refusal.

It is impossible to advise further without knowing exactly what the refusal notice says.

By the way, they didn't give back the sponsor letter from my parents (saying she can stay here), however they also didn't give back my passport copies with my visas, as well as my dad's passport copy - is it just a coincidence? Or are they keeping them for something/put them on file?

I presume (but this is only a guess, nothing more) that they keep the original copies of sponsors/covering letters because they are, effectively, correspondence to the embassy; and, similarly, they keep passport photocopies because they are obviously copies made purposely for the embassy. I think they must keep those kind of details (plus their own copies of whatever else is deemed relevant from the application?) on file, at least for a while. They wouldn't be doing a very thorough job if they didn't take into account details of any previous applications when they process a new application.


Ok, so does that mean if we redone an application, they would still be able to check the sponsor letter?

We don't really have time for me to write it, send it on monday and her to receive it 10 days later by post.

By the way, before when I called the British embassy in Thailand, when I went into the visa extension, it was an automated response machine (Press 1 to hear about.... Press 2 to ... ). Has anyone actually got through talking to one of the visa officers before?

The refusal letter said about 4-5 things what wasn't clear (even though it was perfectly clear to me, her, and everyone else who checked over the application), however it reinstated 2 times about section 41 of the immigration rules, where they are not sure she will come back to Thailand or not. Even with her university document, it was not enough evidence for them. I have a strong feeling that, despite the other reasons, if this was clarified and cleared, they would have no problem issuing the visa. I don't worry about if she can actually get the visa or not - if we had to do it a second time, the amount of new evidence we have come up with wouldn't put any doubt in their mind, i'm sure. It's more to do with timing with her university holidays and the amount of time it will take to get a decision if we have to do the whole application again. The problem is, despite her family owning 3 or so cars, a house, a condo and other things, none of it is in her name - it's in her mum's. Would they still take that as evidence?

A call on Monday and hopefully get a quick fix and tell them they have made errors/misunderstood, or a new application altogether. But I don't have much hope at all about calling them. Infact, i'm 99% sure we will have to go through a fresh application. The good thing however, is that it looks to be easy enough to respond well with the evidence they said she lacked.

thanks for the replies :o


Good luck with calling visa section today, a good point that 7by7 made is that it's your girlfriends application - not yours, and if she does re-apply you must address all the issues that concerned the ECO. Remember to keep your cool.

Let everyone know how you get on.



Hi everyone,

First off, thanks for the help i've been receiving on this. Definately got back a bit of hope for me and my girlfriend in getting a visa and we are going to put in for a new application soon.

I've had to think of ways to prove she will come back to Thailand - a letter from her university teacher (she actually met me before and talked to me when I went there with my girlfriend so she could do an English proficiency test to see if she could get into that university or not - international university). As well as that, we are going to argue she has actually already been to Europe (Finland) 2 times on holiday and came back with no problems. Although we wrote it before on the application form in the space that says to write if the applicant has been outside their country before, we didn't really put an argument forward for that as a reason to return.

The.. what seemed to be smaller issues on the refusal letter seem to be easily solvable. The new documents/evidence we have should cover that. Infact, I even have chat logs from MSN between me and her, while I was in Thailand, such as us talking about what we will do today, tomorrow, on her birthday, etc (I would have been in my apartment and her in her house talking on instant messenger). I'm not sure if we will put that forward or not, however if it came to it, we must have about 1000 pages of A4 from us chatting together on MSN in the last few months which we could pick out small parts, such as when we were talking like what we wanted to do today, later, etc. Does anyone believe that is a good idea or not? Not sure if they would accept it as evidence - it does have the date and time on it of everything that was typed between us.

Here is to another night of brainstorming :o

Thanks to everyone who has helped


Just another update. I called the embassy again and got transfered through to the visa section. I asked if a few questions, two of which were:

1 - Would we need to resupply the sponsor letters (such as the one from my parents saying she can stay at my house and the one from her mother about she can use funds from her bank account - the embassy took them and didn't give them back with the refusal). The answers was yes, we definately would need to resupply them.

2 - Although not in her name, would it be of advantage providing documents of her house, cars and condo as a reason to return to Thailand. She didn't really give an answer for this, but she did state that anything that shows strong family ties would be of advantage. She did say it would be much better supplying as many documents as possible than having a lack of.

edit: Definately a worthwhile call - much more than the one I stayed up yesterday at 7am in the morning to make :o


Just a question if anyone can help. With providing proof of her house, cars and condo, what documents are the embassy looking for?

Are they looking for a bill? Or something like that? Also, does it 'still count' if these items are still getting payed for (like monthly payments)?

Just confused what needs to be shown to the embassy - this one I have no idea on.

We are going to provide as many documents as possible - only really have 1 shot left of getting the visa if she is going to come here with enough time, plus like I said before, during the phone call to the embassy, the lady of the visa section did say it would be beneficial.

Thanks for any help.


I got quite a bit of help with my application from here, But one thing I can stress is (and I have bills for the printer cartridges to prove it) even if you dont think it should be included, Do it anyway. everything you can include no matter how trivial may help. My wife and Daughter were travelling to my sisters wedding, I would be stuck in Namibia at this time (and even provided a covering letter stating I would not be travelling with them). When my wife went to VFS many other girls were quite interested in the fact that she had about 1500 pieces of paper in three folders. The visa's were granted, mainly I think because my wife owns land and is paying off other land and a house.

Funny thing is the only hassle was when she arrived in UK and the fascist bas***......sorry Border officers made a huge deal about the fact that I was Sponsor but was not travelling with her. Upshot of that was an hour delay in manchester getting documents photocopied at the airport, and then a little more hassle when two english couples she had met travelling on the same flights seeing her in difficulty and walking over to her counter and arguing with the Bas** officers. Not sure how that turned out as she is due back here tomorrow where I am sure I will get the whole story.

Anyway sorry losing track, but what they really want to be sure of is that there is something strong enough that your GF is gonna come back. Just plaster them with every bit of paperwork you can and write a covering letter detailing all the points you think need clarification..ie the Laos trip.



I got quite a bit of help with my application from here, But one thing I can stress is (and I have bills for the printer cartridges to prove it) even if you dont think it should be included, Do it anyway. everything you can include no matter how trivial may help. My wife and Daughter were travelling to my sisters wedding, I would be stuck in Namibia at this time (and even provided a covering letter stating I would not be travelling with them). When my wife went to VFS many other girls were quite interested in the fact that she had about 1500 pieces of paper in three folders. The visa's were granted, mainly I think because my wife owns land and is paying off other land and a house.

Funny thing is the only hassle was when she arrived in UK and the fascist bas***......sorry Border officers made a huge deal about the fact that I was Sponsor but was not travelling with her. Upshot of that was an hour delay in manchester getting documents photocopied at the airport, and then a little more hassle when two english couples she had met travelling on the same flights seeing her in difficulty and walking over to her counter and arguing with the Bas** officers. Not sure how that turned out as she is due back here tomorrow where I am sure I will get the whole story.

Anyway sorry losing track, but what they really want to be sure of is that there is something strong enough that your GF is gonna come back. Just plaster them with every bit of paperwork you can and write a covering letter detailing all the points you think need clarification..ie the Laos trip.



Thanks for that :D

Think we are going to plaster them with every document we have. Still, we have at least 1000 A4 sized pages of MSN chatlogs, just thinking how we can make use of them.. Possibly take out snipets of us chatting together while I was in Thailand with her, like I said before, discussing what we would do later in the day, tomorrow, etc. Pretty personal though. Possibly might just give them a few hundred pages :o

Anyway, once again, thanks for the advice.

edit: Just checked how many A4 pages of chatlog we have from MSN - over 4000 :D


Edited down the chat logs a bit and downsized the font to 30% - 384 pages. Can't see the writing between us, but can still see the dates of when we talked together - which is good.

Will also print off a few pages of us talking together while I was in Thailand - where we talked about what we wanted to do later that day, her family wanting to take me out to eat and more.

I've had to think of ways to prove she will come back to Thailand - a letter from her university teacher (she actually met me before and talked to me when I went there with my girlfriend so she could do an English proficiency test to see if she could get into that university or not - international university). As well as that, we are going to argue she has actually already been to Europe (Finland) 2 times on holiday and came back with no problems. Although we wrote it before on the application form in the space that says to write if the applicant has been outside their country before, we didn't really put an argument forward for that as a reason to return.

Are the visas to Finland not in the passport she handed in as part of this application? It may help to emphasise them, but I would expect the clearance officer will have probably already seen them if they examined the passport on this application and they were already mentioned on the application form. Were these trips taken after she was 18? If she was a minor then it could be argued that she would have had no real say in whether to return to Thailand or not. It would also depend on how much credence they put on a visit visa to Finland. Possibly not as much as if she had returned from a couple of US visits.

Edited down the chat logs a bit and downsized the font to 30% - 384 pages. Can't see the writing between us, but can still see the dates of when we talked together - which is good.

Will also print off a few pages of us talking together while I was in Thailand - where we talked about what we wanted to do later that day, her family wanting to take me out to eat and more.

Why not just print it so its readable? if youve going to squint the print, why should they believe its between you and her? it might read like Lady Chatterleys or similar, but if you mess them about with unreadble stuff, and get thrown out again, then you will need expensive help, being honest and straight goes a long way with officials,

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