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Okay, before I get flamed, this article is in today's news. It relates to the UK - but is this a step in the right direction? Can you ever see Thailand going the PC (politically correct) route - or will we always have shops selling alcohol to any body / any age / any time ?

UK pub bars pregnant woman to 'protect unborn child'

A PREGNANT UK woman was refused a drink at a pub and was then asked to leave by staff who said they were protecting her unborn child.

Five months pregnant Caroline Williams, 26, said she felt humiliated, insisting she was a responsible mother who would never endanger her baby.

The incident at The Cricketer in Hove, East Sussex, reignited the debate on drinking during pregnancy, with officials yesterday advising pregnant women or those trying to conceive toavoid alcohol.

Excess alcohol consumption is linked to foetal alcohol syndrome which can cause mental retardation and birth defects. But other experts said an occasional glass of wine would not harm an unborn child.

Mrs Williams was at the pub with with friends last Sunday.

"I had a pint of lager and a friend offered to get me another half - that was my limit," she said.

"He was refused service because it was for me and when I took a sip from another friend's glass the assistant manageress asked us to leave. I never felt so humiliated in my life.

"I don't think what I did was doing any harm. This is my second baby and I'm feeling more relaxed about this pregnancy than I did with my first but I'm still very careful.

"I understand what the pub was thinking but they didn't approach me to discuss it - they were just rude and ordered us out."

Mrs Williams said she did not want to "cause a scene" so they left.

"The assistant manageress was ... (imposing) her opinions about what pregnant women should and shouldn't be consuming," she said.

Pubs in Britain have the right to refuse to serve customers and do not need to give a reason for doing so.

An assistant manageress, who did not give her name, confirmed she had asked Mrs Williams to leave.

Another staff member defended the decision. "(She) was only thinking of the welfare of the mother and child," she said.

But a spokesman for the Mitchells and Butler chain, which owns the pub, apologised and said an investigation had been launched.


I don't see how this conects to PC, it's more a health and safety thing similar to say a pub refusing to serve alcohol to a driver.

As for happening in Thailand, not in my lifetime.

I don't see how this conects to PC, it's more a health and safety thing similar to say a pub refusing to serve alcohol to a driver.

As for happening in Thailand, not in my lifetime.

Agree on both counts.

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