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Maxnet Problems


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Switched to Maxnet Prem 2mb from CAT about 1 year ago, been pretty happy so far, very little downtime - fairly reliable etc.

This last week or so it seems to have gone to the dogs, regular outages and ridiculously slow. This morning couldn't connect at all, called the helpline 'someone will call you back'. Nobody did of course so went to the local office in Pattaya 'someone will call you back' which they haven't yet (there was another English guy in the office saying that his internet was down).

I am trying to download an attachment at the moment and I have reached the dizzying speed of 1.5 KB/s, it's going to take hours to download a 3 mb attachment.

Is this just me, or is anyone else suffering the same with Maxnet? I guess if there are no replies then everyone on Maxnet is down and can't read this :o

Just hope this topic uploads before my internet falls over agai...

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Yep, same story in the south (Hatyai).

I am on the cheapest Indy version of Maxnet. They recently increased bandwith for the cheapest Indy subscriptions from 2M to 3M and I am guessing the sucky state of our connection is somehow related to this.

National speed is ok, but its the international bandwith which is f*cked!

I keep being amazed how extremely bad the Internet is managed here in Thailand. I have been here for some 5 years now and although there has been some improvement, it's still nothing great and Thailand is seriously falling behind.

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Hi there,

I live just a little outside of Bangkok and I'm having some issues with MaxNet as well.

I should have seen it coming. I registered for MaxNet on January 27, 2009 and according to the contract, installation is anywhere up to 15 days.

So on February 16, the sub-contractors (tech) came to tell me that the landlines in front of my house was completely filled and that I would have to either chose one of these options:

1) Accept a 18 month contract; thus where the subcontractor will drag the landlines from the houses located 3 kilos back to my house.


2) Per the sales rep; if I wait another 2 weeks (first week of March) they will expand the landlines in front of my house and in addition for the wait I will get a wireless router.

Turns out, my sales rep never called me back to inform me of the status and the call center was just managed by a bunch of idiots;

doesn't end there.... I have tried calling my sales rep many times and most of the time she doesn't answer, or answers once in a blue moon and apologizes because she was in a meeting. So by the time they installed my internet, it was March 31 (totally off from first week of March - which is what they promised). Oh! and the technician didn't have the wireless router to install for me because it was never part of the contract but a verbal promise, hence the sales said they ran out of the wireless router and I should get one in another week.

Oh! and listen to this.... I got so pissed off when I heard this from my technician; he said that my wiring would be similar to my next door neighbor's wiring. That's when I learned that my neighbor who moved in his new house a month after me and registered for MaxNet 3 weeks after me got his installation done 1 week before me. There was no order what so ever. I think TT&T is totally unorganized and screwed everybody up.

In addition, it's been 6 days since installation and I'm now having downtime problems.

When I called the 1103 call center....I get the same treatment as you both.

I call the call center... they reply "someone will call you back" it's been over 1 hour and still no one called.

I call again, they reply " we got your call earlier and have passed it on to the technicians so some one will call you back.

I think they just sit and listen to our complaints!

I'm getting really fed up with TT&T that I'm thinking about complaining to the BBB (Better Business bureau) of Thailand. (Kaw-Saw-Baw).

Plus, I've tried searching for the owners of TT&T and got nothing. They are very discreet about their privacy.

But still they should have more information on their website as to who the Board of Dir's are etc.

I feel as if I got conned. :o

If anyone gets lucky and finds the names of the owners of TT&T please pass it on.

I'm going to really file complaints.

Also, send bad raps to the news and media about them.

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Maxnet in Pattaya also sudden drop in speed 4 days ago.

Went from steady 2000-3500 inernational to 300-500.

F^(*%&g BS again. They claim it's the line in my room...but my friend 200 meters away has the exact same problem, my room must be 200 meters large, I guess I live in a palace! :o

Anybody has any idea what kind of monkey business is going with Maxnet this week?

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  • 1 month later...

My advice to anyone looking for an ISP is to run away from any thought of using TT&T Maxnet!

TT&T Maxnet has been one of the greatest frustrations I've experienced in Thailand. 50% of the time, I cannot connect to the internet. I call the 1103 number and they just take my number and get back to me when it's convenient for them. I am never told what the hel_l is wrong. I have grown to loathe the 1103 number. They are paid to just get your number and blow you off. They refuse to let me talk to anyone beyond themselves (supervisors, corporate office). I have gotten many creative excuses why my internet connection isn't working such as "someone stole your telephone line", the router must be turned off for 30 minutes everytime you can't connect, reconfigure your router everytime there is a problem, I must call my local TT&T office in Robinson Mall Sriracha... Once, I believe I got a truthful answer from a representative at 1103 who said TT&T has problems with their servers.

They have sent technicians out to my home many times but the problem of intermittent connection has never been resolved.

I haven't been able to find out if there are any other ISPs in the Sriracha-Bang Phra area.

I have the misfirtune of using the Indy 2Mb package.

I would sooner suffer losing contact with the world via internet than continue giving good baht to this inept company but alas, I must have an internet connection because my wife needs it occasionally for her work.

Does anyone know if CSLoxInfo is any good and does it service Sriracha?

Count your blessings those of you who have Maxnet that works!

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Oh dear, Maxnet ....I am one of their unfortunate customers who has phoned them a dozen times and sent over 50 E-mails in the last six weeks to try to get them to fix problems. My international access has now this weekend come but to a crawl with high ping rates and low DL UL rates, causing numerous connectivity issues. Also internet down frequently.

Maxnet has gone to excrement (to put it politely) and they promise to this and that and never do anything. It's a saga that I'm giving up on soon and switching to TOT(my only other alternative where I live).

Their customer service is poor with 'fob off' answers and meaningless generic E-mails, their engineers are inept and don't seem to understand anything beyond where to put the wiring into your house.

In a nutshell, TT&T Maxnet is a simple rip off and they do not have a clue how to run an ISP.

I also believe that they are either oversubscribing the exsiting infrastructure or are deliberately manipulating international access to encourage customers to upgrade. But I could be wrong on both these points which would imply they are just plain stupid and don't know how to identify and resolve problems.

I'm not saying that TOT will be better (but I hope so), but Maxnet is rubbish: My opinion: Has been and always will be. Don't be disappointed with Maxnet if you decide to put money in their pockets ... I'm not for much longer. (only 3 months of contract left LOL)

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Maxnet has gone to excrement (to put it politely) and they promise to this and that and never do anything. It's a saga that I'm giving up on soon and switching to TOT(my only other alternative where I live).

I had it the other way round - TOT before and now Maxnet. TOT was unusable. Maxnet runs for the same price and without any or only sometimes minor problems with real 5 Mbps for Baht 590 + VAT here in Pattaya. Will be interesting to hear YOUR experience with TOT. Don't forget to write here :)

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Quote: "I had it the other way round - TOT before and now Maxnet." JohnXXX :D

Yep, I know. I guess its just a lottery and where you may live. So, Pattaya good, but I have also read unhappy stories from your neck of the woods of farangeeee customers with Maxnet.

I'm west of BKK ..no good here. Have a friend in same Muubaan on TOT 1MB for 490+tax (old contract) and he's happy as a pig in excrement. I've been round there and tried his internet and it's lightening compared to my Maxnet ..at ...err, a third of the DL speed ...LOL

Mmm, it leaves you wondering in Thailand where to place your bet and I guess it's more so a case of lucky dip and hope that the infrastructure is sound in your area; that you don't know until you place your bet :D

So sum total: TT&T + TOT = TIT. I reckon that is about it eh? :)

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As I just posted in the other thread where mymonkeyhusb just posted the same message (twice...), I am also quite happy overall with TT&T MaxNet in Jomtien.

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Maxnet Indy always has problems. Maxnet Premier has been less reliable and slower since they've drop prices and doubled the speed a few months ago. Maxnet Business (SME) is reliable.

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