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G-20 Agreement

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G-20 came to an agreement

Well they did come out with an agreement as to approach. More cash injections through the IMF, and other financial meachamism including the Asia fund with most countries who could kicking into the pot. Controls on Hedge Funds an international banking organazations Standardized accounting world wide. Requires disclosure from so called tax havens upon request. Watch dog agency set up through the IMF. A reduction in interest rates across he board worldwide. Limits on pay in banking circles and probably a lot of other things I didn't hear when Gordon was talkin

I've been lying awake tonight trying to see how this will effect me and mine. In some aspects makes it a pretty even playing field. I have no problem with that. But here is the one thing that I can't grasp and I will use Thailand as an example.

It has obviously manipulated it's currency for sometime now, letting it float when the dollar was down stepping in when the dollar goes strong. These countries tha kick in the currencies are going to take a hit. I can see Thailand as receiving funds but I can see it kicking in. Will the BOT reduce interest rates, deosn't seem to be clear pattern of that so far. If the PM signed on to that withuot going through Parlement it will probably be his last move. You know it will be used against him.

With knowing the background, I think we will see a stronger baht , less value in the dollar, the Euro and the Pound. Looks to me like the chances of going from the double whammy to a tripple whammy are very high for those currency holders. Your purchasing power down. I may be wrong but he track record that I have seen here, leads me to believe I'm right. The recent history tell me that Thailand has been in the protectionist mode for several years now, taking everywhere they could and giving nothing to help in the problem. I really don't see that changing no mattter how many agreements they sign

This is not a ran or an attack on Thailand just how I view a probable outcome based on recent history.

Been wrong before hope I am now.

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