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Passover-i Need The Story In Thai! -- Moses Pharoh

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any takers??

anyone with the story of moses in thai? it doesnt have to be strictly jewish in aspect. it can be the christian style story ... want hubby to have a clue as to what is going on next week;

we are doing a three family-- 18 people-- passover seder . this is the first one that he will be at as all the previous years my kids were with the ex, and so we did non passover activities. this year, we've managed to get all the kids to be with us-- some are in the army or pre army programs and will be home, and so its like a huge family reunion.

we all have been preparing for weeks including what food each of us will be preparing. fortunately, sticky rice and regular rice as well as legumes can be eaten by us as we are going by sephardic rules (for those that dont understand, google, its too complicated to explain here) so anon will be making kosher for passover eggrolls and pad thai; he'll have to do w/o beer, and drink wine (4 cups!!). best friends are morroccan so will be having a multi ethnic meal... including ten kilos of chicken!!! anon suggested that we slaughter a pig :o))))

he just knows it as the 'holiday that crazy israelis cant eat bread' !! and school is on break and most people dont work...

anyhow, anybody with the story in thai ; or a link in thai to someplace that has the story, pharoh, moses, the red sea etc, i'd appreciate it.





I have a little googled from Thai words "โมเสสข้ามทะเลแดง" (Moses and the red sea) and got this






It can little help, I guess... Well..I am not good at searching... :D

As I remember, there is a movie called.. "Ten Testaments", may be he should watch it when hastime...

By the way, is it true that Moses is one of a Pharoh called "Anakkaten" (<---wrong spelling)?

I know Moses from watching movie, so may be some parts are made up for fun... :o


midori thanx

but what is the content of each one. he wont read things that repeat themselves, so which of the links is the story of moses, and which is a description of passover???

i have one day to organize!!!

i dont need u to translate, just ot sort of tell me which link more or less explains what... if u can, thanx........ u can always pm me or reply here.....

thanx again for taking the time to help me:




Hi Bina, Sorry can't help with the translation. I think the movie that MidoriApple is referring to is The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston, though I don't know if there is a thai language version available, especially at such short notice. Seem to remember a scene where Moses (Heston), parts the Red Sea, and the people all escape the Pharoahs army, though it is thirty or forty years since I saw it.

Hope your celebration goes well - happy passover.


1.thanx 4 the name of the movie we were trying to remember the name yestrday since we are organizing a passover movie marathon for the next day as we are 18 people sleeping over at one person's house;

2. just need moses pharoh et al, not the whole thing; wanted to have hubby read and understand a bit before we start the 'plagues' and the wine drinking since it will be difficult to do a simultaneous translation for him s he doesnt have a clue who the main characters are let alone the historical references... at least he likes matza and sticky rice and rice flour are kosher so they will be, by popular request of all the participiants, at teh dinner table along with the traditional fare.

also, at least geographically, he has a clue as to where egypt is and how it really looks as he has seen it thru the border fence often enough. and has hiked enough in the desert to understand the hardships involved (even ridden a camel, a donkey and made pita and ate with beduins too... )

thanx all, off to cook up a storm now




you said your kids will be chilling out with ya..get the kids to do a play,kids like that kinda of stuff..and it will probally sink in ok with your hubby,he can ask questions along the way.do you really think he want s to watch a movie read a book run jump or click on a LINK?

put the kids into action yours and the others family kids,,costumes rah rah..lots of fun for all.

i hope the cups are big? for the wine that is.


i wouldnt say 'chiling out' is the words for 18 people three families packed in to a small salon to eat and go thru a book from ancient times along with four cups of wine

movies he likes; like many thai who dont read well, movies and such are the best way; our kids are almost all army age and are sick of being slaves and pharohs and moses as theyve done for the past 21 + yrs on kibbutz. maybe the younger ones will do a few spring dance things (last year they were slaves and the older kids were overseers and they actually dragged a car into the kibbutz dining room - a play on the status of the younger age kids and the older kids in the kids' groups for afterschool activities.

the youngest kid is bar mitzva this year (13) ; at any rate it will be an experience for anon as well as for us.. if he can sit thru 4 hours of story/singing (morlum sing style?)and eating and drinking , as a thai he should enjoy it all...

he is cooking at this moment. so we are having kosher pesach eggrolls, pad thai, segue (tapioca is kosher so will be desert), coconut macaroons, thai style hard boiled eggs fried and served with prik thai ) , together with the morrocan pesach foods and some basic polish style fare....





้ำhere's passover !!!! me and anon close to the head of the table

ืnotice the sticky rice in the foreground. four of those were finished by the end of the evening. we all chose the sepaphardic version of passover food (rice and legumes allowed) so had thai food in with the traditional foods we all brought to the table.

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