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What To Do .... What To Do


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talk about feeling compelled to reply, i dont usually post but i just had to chime in here.

having lived in Thailand for 10 years, having lots of Thai friends, worked in Thai companies and also done the trawling bars scene, messing about, gf pregnant, abortion things all in Thailand i felt i could reply.

First thing i wanna say is WELCOME TO SELF RIGHTEOUS ANONYMOUS!!!! fuc_k me, in all my 10 years in Thailand i never seen so many self righteous replies or people in one place, of all the people i met, i cant say i met more than a handfull of people who were faithful!! even my married hiso thai friends used to call me up for a trip to the love boat or poseidon regularly! its rare and its more common to be unfaithful, i understand farang are brought up with western values but i suspect hardly anyone of the self righteous people have never been unfaithful! Who on earth gave you all the right to be so judgemental? are you all saints? i suspect not living in thailand good people are few and far beween!! Coming on here to get help with a problem the guy just ends up worse off!.

My gf was pregnant 2 years ago and she had an abortion, it wasnt a nice process, as you probably know its not legal in Thailand and you probably couldnt go to support your 'gf' if you wanted to so thats something to bare in mind. I went with mine for the original appointment even though i didnt want the abortion, i wanted to make sure she was ok, but when she went for the actual abortion, she had to go at 5am and was home by 10am and i wasnt allowed to go, she came home dazed and confused and said she didnt even know what had happened.

Most of my thai friends have wives and gfs, they also some of them have babies with other women their wives dont know about, and just pay and look after them on the side, it seems a very common thing in society.

I dont have an opinion on the faithful thing really, i would ideally like to be that way, but i have never met a girl who made me feel i wanted to, thats just me. So i guess I have felt i loved people before but never wanted to be faithful and in the end they resulted in a mess. So i guess im saying, maybe you should really question your love for your gf and doing the right thing.

I reckon anyone on this thread claiming to be faithful are the old guys you see walking around with a 20 year old gf, who has been messed about by lots of thai men and is just grateful to have found a farang "jai dee" (open wallet) and they are just happy to be reliving their youth lol

either way best of luck, matters of the heart are not fun and can be very messy, i guess this is not the place to ask for help as it seems everyone is a saint on here and will only judge you!

Edited by jason4656
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First, the post suggesting an abortion.. omg, so you commit an error like that just because you are a troll and then you just put and end to the situation by killing an innocent? F that really!

The decision to have an abortion is totally & solely to be decided by the lady in question. It is not the OP's, it is not mine & it is not yours. You might want to read what I wrote a little more closely.

If you are prevented from having an abortion for religious or personal reasons that is entirely up to you. Not all women hold your belief, nor are in the same situation as you, & as such should be allowed to make their own decision.

Really? awww I thought I was going to decide that!! so unfair I can't!!! [what a stupid suggestion you have made]

And what suggestion is that?

That abortion is a valid option for this lady?

Or that she should be allowed to make the decision herself?

I'm not making any suggestion, it was an ironic answer to the person who was saying I was giving them the solution. and in my personal thoughts Im totally against abortion, is attempting to a life!!! I

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If you look at his history, he is neither trollish, comedic or argumentative. I would say that this story is true.

Out of curiosity, can you give us more details on the ages of everyone involved and your professions?

Hey TonySprano .... here is a little more detail about the people involved.

But first what does everyone mean by Troll? Dont really get that but whatever.

Anyway I am 30 years old this year .... Been in thailand for close to 5 years now and have a company in North America where I import goods that I have manufactured here. I do alot of work in the Isaan area where I employ about 30 or so thais and most of my work takes place in BKK.

The GF is 28 years old and as I said we have been together for 4+ years now and she has always taken care of me as well as helped me out when I have ever needed.

The girl on the side is 26 years old and knows everything about my gf and has called her a couple of times now and has said nothing on the phone with the exception of one time when she pretended that the call was work related and needed to speak to me urgently. I do not think that she can take care of the Kid financially as she comes from a pretty poor family. Not major poor or anything like that but in my eyes I dont think her family could afford another person to take care of.

talk about feeling compelled to reply, i dont usually post but i just had to chime in here.

having lived in Thailand for 10 years, having lots of Thai friends, worked in Thai companies and also done the trawling bars scene, messing about, gf pregnant, abortion things all in Thailand i felt i could reply.

First thing i wanna say is WELCOME TO SELF RIGHTEOUS ANONYMOUS!!!! fuc_k me, in all my 10 years in Thailand i never seen so many self righteous replies or people in one place, of all the people i met, i cant say i met more than a handfull of people who were faithful!! even my married hiso thai friends used to call me up for a trip to the love boat or poseidon regularly! its rare and its more common to be unfaithful, i understand farang are brought up with western values but i suspect hardly anyone of the self righteous people have never been unfaithful! Who on earth gave you all the right to be so judgemental? are you all saints? i suspect not living in thailand good people are few and far beween!! Coming on here to get help with a problem the guy just ends up worse off!.

My gf was pregnant 2 years ago and she had an abortion, it wasnt a nice process, as you probably know its not legal in Thailand and you probably couldnt go to support your 'gf' if you wanted to so thats something to bare in mind. I went with mine for the original appointment even though i didnt want the abortion, i wanted to make sure she was ok, but when she went for the actual abortion, she had to go at 5am and was home by 10am and i wasnt allowed to go, she came home dazed and confused and said she didnt even know what had happened.

Most of my thai friends have wives and gfs, they also some of them have babies with other women their wives dont know about, and just pay and look after them on the side, it seems a very common thing in society.

I dont have an opinion on the faithful thing really, i would ideally like to be that way, but i have never met a girl who made me feel i wanted to, thats just me. So i guess I have felt i loved people before but never wanted to be faithful and in the end they resulted in a mess. So i guess im saying, maybe you should really question your love for your gf and doing the right thing.

I reckon anyone on this thread claiming to be faithful are the old guys you see walking around with a 20 year old gf, who has been messed about by lots of thai men and is just grateful to have found a farang "jai dee" (open wallet) and they are just happy to be reliving their youth lol

either way best of luck, matters of the heart are not fun and can be very messy, i guess this is not the place to ask for help as it seems everyone is a saint on here and will only judge you!

I agree with you Jason, many of the people I know either cheat or dont .... bottom line is what is done is done and I am just trying to see if anyone has gone through somehting similar.

The abortion thing I dont believe in at all and I dont want that to happen. I am 100% when I say that I will look after the kid as they grow and as stressed in my original message I just dont want to lose the GF.

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talk about feeling compelled to reply, i dont usually post but i just had to chime in here.

having lived in Thailand for 10 years, having lots of Thai friends, worked in Thai companies and also done the trawling bars scene, messing about, gf pregnant, abortion things all in Thailand i felt i could reply.

First thing i wanna say is WELCOME TO SELF RIGHTEOUS ANONYMOUS!!!! fuc_k me, in all my 10 years in Thailand i never seen so many self righteous replies or people in one place, of all the people i met, i cant say i met more than a handfull of people who were faithful!! even my married hiso thai friends used to call me up for a trip to the love boat or poseidon regularly! its rare and its more common to be unfaithful, i understand farang are brought up with western values but i suspect hardly anyone of the self righteous people have never been unfaithful! Who on earth gave you all the right to be so judgemental? are you all saints? i suspect not living in thailand good people are few and far beween!! Coming on here to get help with a problem the guy just ends up worse off!.

My gf was pregnant 2 years ago and she had an abortion, it wasnt a nice process, as you probably know its not legal in Thailand and you probably couldnt go to support your 'gf' if you wanted to so thats something to bare in mind. I went with mine for the original appointment even though i didnt want the abortion, i wanted to make sure she was ok, but when she went for the actual abortion, she had to go at 5am and was home by 10am and i wasnt allowed to go, she came home dazed and confused and said she didnt even know what had happened.

Most of my thai friends have wives and gfs, they also some of them have babies with other women their wives dont know about, and just pay and look after them on the side, it seems a very common thing in society.

I dont have an opinion on the faithful thing really, i would ideally like to be that way, but i have never met a girl who made me feel i wanted to, thats just me. So i guess I have felt i loved people before but never wanted to be faithful and in the end they resulted in a mess. So i guess im saying, maybe you should really question your love for your gf and doing the right thing.

I reckon anyone on this thread claiming to be faithful are the old guys you see walking around with a 20 year old gf, who has been messed about by lots of thai men and is just grateful to have found a farang "jai dee" (open wallet) and they are just happy to be reliving their youth lol

either way best of luck, matters of the heart are not fun and can be very messy, i guess this is not the place to ask for help as it seems everyone is a saint on here and will only judge you!

Thanks I belong to your handful, one g/f 15 years 1 wife 3 years no bits on side, not everyone wants them you know.

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Bet you anything your bit on the side has been doing the same too you,

So if she keeps the baby as said before DNA is a must,

Also its not just ducks that get extra meat, Soi dogs get fed too ,,, :o

Run forest run

Edited by colino
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If you look at his history, he is neither trollish, comedic or argumentative. I would say that this story is true.

Out of curiosity, can you give us more details on the ages of everyone involved and your professions?

Is he you? :o

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talk about feeling compelled to reply, i dont usually post but i just had to chime in here.


First thing i wanna say is WELCOME TO SELF RIGHTEOUS ANONYMOUS!!!! fuc_k me, in all my 10 years in Thailand i never seen so many self righteous replies or people in one place, of all the people i met, i cant say i met more than a handfull of people who were faithful!! even my married hiso thai friends used to call me up for a trip to the love boat or poseidon regularly! its rare and its more common to be unfaithful, i understand farang are brought up with western values but i suspect hardly anyone of the self righteous people have never been unfaithful! Who on earth gave you all the right to be so judgemental? are you all saints? i suspect not living in thailand good people are few and far beween!! Coming on here to get help with a problem the guy just ends up worse off!.


either way best of luck, matters of the heart are not fun and can be very messy, i guess this is not the place to ask for help as it seems everyone is a saint on here and will only judge you!

Thanks I belong to your handful, one g/f 15 years 1 wife 3 years no bits on side, not everyone wants them you know.

I have never, ever been unfaithful, here, at home or anywhere else for that matter. Tempted, yes. So please do not tar us all with the same brush. Maybe had a few g/f here but finished with 1 before moving on to the next.

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Had a case like this is Alaska, was a Lao immigrant woman who cut and then flushed. The police recovered the organ from the plumbing but the docs were unable to successfully reattach. I worked in the ICU at the time, the man nearly died.

Ill tell you what I would do.

1. Tell your girlfriend what you have been up to. If she still wants to be with you then I would question why... it isnt love I would think?

2. Make sure the baby is for real - if its real make sure it is yours with a dna test.

3. If its your baby, be a good father.

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Iwould definitely get a DNA as the bit on the side knew about the regular g/f and yet she was still up for it, so no more moral than you really, and if what you say about your financial position is true a veritable ATM, perhaps g/f number 2 thinks she can take you away from no 1 but I would like to bet that your not the only one thats had a bit of extra curricular activity on this post.

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When you asked the g/f who now has a bun in da oven how does she likes her eggs in the morning did she say "fertilised" ???????

Hopefully for you its one of those babies that can look after itself. The television is the best babysitter.

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seems everyone is a saint on here

And seems that you think that been here 10 years give you the right not to be "a saint" depending on a context of "saint" ... So, saints are people who don't want to abort and take responsibilities of their actions? Then I can trow a rock on that. This is not just "any" situation, we are talking about a life of someone that is unavailable to take care of him/her self and depends upon an idiot who is asking on a forum what to do with it. Well, I don't think you have the morals about it since you supported an abortion before. :o

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Wow, you're quite the stud. Chances are if she's willing to be your "Girl on the side" then she is probably 10 other guys' "Girl on the side" as well. Let us know how long it takes for your penis to turn black and fall off.... :o

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talk about feeling compelled to reply, i dont usually post but i just had to chime in here.

having lived in Thailand for 10 years, having lots of Thai friends, worked in Thai companies and also done the trawling bars scene, messing about, gf pregnant, abortion things all in Thailand i felt i could reply.

First thing i wanna say is WELCOME TO SELF RIGHTEOUS ANONYMOUS!!!! fuc_k me, in all my 10 years in Thailand i never seen so many self righteous replies or people in one place, of all the people i met, i cant say i met more than a handfull of people who were faithful!! even my married hiso thai friends used to call me up for a trip to the love boat or poseidon regularly! its rare and its more common to be unfaithful, i understand farang are brought up with western values but i suspect hardly anyone of the self righteous people have never been unfaithful! Who on earth gave you all the right to be so judgemental? are you all saints? i suspect not living in thailand good people are few and far beween!! Coming on here to get help with a problem the guy just ends up worse off!.

My gf was pregnant 2 years ago and she had an abortion, it wasnt a nice process, as you probably know its not legal in Thailand and you probably couldnt go to support your 'gf' if you wanted to so thats something to bare in mind. I went with mine for the original appointment even though i didnt want the abortion, i wanted to make sure she was ok, but when she went for the actual abortion, she had to go at 5am and was home by 10am and i wasnt allowed to go, she came home dazed and confused and said she didnt even know what had happened.

Most of my thai friends have wives and gfs, they also some of them have babies with other women their wives dont know about, and just pay and look after them on the side, it seems a very common thing in society.

I dont have an opinion on the faithful thing really, i would ideally like to be that way, but i have never met a girl who made me feel i wanted to, thats just me. So i guess I have felt i loved people before but never wanted to be faithful and in the end they resulted in a mess. So i guess im saying, maybe you should really question your love for your gf and doing the right thing.

I reckon anyone on this thread claiming to be faithful are the old guys you see walking around with a 20 year old gf, who has been messed about by lots of thai men and is just grateful to have found a farang "jai dee" (open wallet) and they are just happy to be reliving their youth lol

either way best of luck, matters of the heart are not fun and can be very messy, i guess this is not the place to ask for help as it seems everyone is a saint on here and will only judge you!

Amen. Giver, the OP, is 30 years old, not married, perhaps somewhat new to relationship scene, etc, GIVE HIM A BREAK! The posters that are responding so negatively are probably the types that did it all before, learned their lesson, but now have forgotten and think they knew their 'wisdom' about 'responsibility' all along... BS. Humans are not rational creatures, much of our acts are irrational and spontaneous, -contexting everything we do through the moral/rational lens is insane guys. There is value, perhaps deep value, in spontaneous spur of the moment acts; despite the fact that they may have dire consequences in the future. It's cliche, but life really is just a whisp of smoke that vaporates in a flash.... we can't think long-term about everything or it will make us crazy.

Anyway, abortion is really the best solution here, you have to find a way to convince her to do it, or perhaps even trick her into it. she may verily be indifferent to whether you'll be around or not.

My guess is OP that you appear thoughtful enough to where you won't let this happen againl.. the division between scum and naivete is whether it happens again.

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Wow, you're quite the stud. Chances are if she's willing to be your "Girl on the side" then she is probably 10 other guys' "Girl on the side" as well. Let us know how long it takes for your penis to turn black and fall off.... :o

Just to clarify ... the girl on the side actually lives with me ... I have 2 apartments and I alowed her to stay with me about a year back and she never left. I am sure she doesnt have any other dudes on the go as I have been busy working for the past 2.5 months and have been with her the whole time.

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If you look at his history, he is neither trollish, comedic or argumentative. I would say that this story is true.

Out of curiosity, can you give us more details on the ages of everyone involved and your professions?

Hey TonySprano .... here is a little more detail about the people involved.

But first what does everyone mean by Troll? Dont really get that but whatever.

Anyway I am 30 years old this year .... Been in thailand for close to 5 years now and have a company in North America where I import goods that I have manufactured here. I do alot of work in the Isaan area where I employ about 30 or so thais and most of my work takes place in BKK.

The GF is 28 years old and as I said we have been together for 4+ years now and she has always taken care of me as well as helped me out when I have ever needed.

The girl on the side is 26 years old and knows everything about my gf and has called her a couple of times now and has said nothing on the phone with the exception of one time when she pretended that the call was work related and needed to speak to me urgently. I do not think that she can take care of the Kid financially as she comes from a pretty poor family. Not major poor or anything like that but in my eyes I dont think her family could afford another person to take care of.

talk about feeling compelled to reply, i dont usually post but i just had to chime in here.

having lived in Thailand for 10 years, having lots of Thai friends, worked in Thai companies and also done the trawling bars scene, messing about, gf pregnant, abortion things all in Thailand i felt i could reply.

First thing i wanna say is WELCOME TO SELF RIGHTEOUS ANONYMOUS!!!! fuc_k me, in all my 10 years in Thailand i never seen so many self righteous replies or people in one place, of all the people i met, i cant say i met more than a handfull of people who were faithful!! even my married hiso thai friends used to call me up for a trip to the love boat or poseidon regularly! its rare and its more common to be unfaithful, i understand farang are brought up with western values but i suspect hardly anyone of the self righteous people have never been unfaithful! Who on earth gave you all the right to be so judgemental? are you all saints? i suspect not living in thailand good people are few and far beween!! Coming on here to get help with a problem the guy just ends up worse off!.

My gf was pregnant 2 years ago and she had an abortion, it wasnt a nice process, as you probably know its not legal in Thailand and you probably couldnt go to support your 'gf' if you wanted to so thats something to bare in mind. I went with mine for the original appointment even though i didnt want the abortion, i wanted to make sure she was ok, but when she went for the actual abortion, she had to go at 5am and was home by 10am and i wasnt allowed to go, she came home dazed and confused and said she didnt even know what had happened.

Most of my thai friends have wives and gfs, they also some of them have babies with other women their wives dont know about, and just pay and look after them on the side, it seems a very common thing in society.

I dont have an opinion on the faithful thing really, i would ideally like to be that way, but i have never met a girl who made me feel i wanted to, thats just me. So i guess I have felt i loved people before but never wanted to be faithful and in the end they resulted in a mess. So i guess im saying, maybe you should really question your love for your gf and doing the right thing.

I reckon anyone on this thread claiming to be faithful are the old guys you see walking around with a 20 year old gf, who has been messed about by lots of thai men and is just grateful to have found a farang "jai dee" (open wallet) and they are just happy to be reliving their youth lol

either way best of luck, matters of the heart are not fun and can be very messy, i guess this is not the place to ask for help as it seems everyone is a saint on here and will only judge you!

I agree with you Jason, many of the people I know either cheat or dont .... bottom line is what is done is done and I am just trying to see if anyone has gone through somehting similar.

The abortion thing I dont believe in at all and I dont want that to happen. I am 100% when I say that I will look after the kid as they grow and as stressed in my original message I just dont want to lose the GF.

It might have occurred to you that the tone of your OP was that you were quite proud of yourself and your complete disregard for precaution and basic respect of the other lives you have played with. Had you taken a different approach to this forum you might not have gotten the bum's rush.

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Wow, you're quite the stud. Chances are if she's willing to be your "Girl on the side" then she is probably 10 other guys' "Girl on the side" as well. Let us know how long it takes for your penis to turn black and fall off.... :o

Just to clarify ... the girl on the side actually lives with me ... I have 2 apartments and I alowed her to stay with me about a year back and she never left. I am sure she doesnt have any other dudes on the go as I have been busy working for the past 2.5 months and have been with her the whole time.

OMG!!! and you really call that "on the side???????" <deleted>????????????????????????????????????????

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Wow, you're quite the stud. Chances are if she's willing to be your "Girl on the side" then she is probably 10 other guys' "Girl on the side" as well. Let us know how long it takes for your penis to turn black and fall off.... :o

Just to clarify ... the girl on the side actually lives with me ... I have 2 apartments and I alowed her to stay with me about a year back and she never left. I am sure she doesnt have any other dudes on the go as I have been busy working for the past 2.5 months and have been with her the whole time.

Just to clarify ... you say, that it's ok to have a girl on the side and that it's ok, that this girl is pregnant by you. So than it must be also ok, that your wife/gf has a boyfriend on her side and that it's ok, that she can get pregnant by him - right?

'cause it seems, that you are mixing your morals now...

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

So you have this girlfriend of 4 years, sleep around without practising safe sex and claim you love this girl.

Consider yourself a Jack the Lad, do you?

It appears you have no regard for the welfare of your girlfriend, or for any child that is unfortunately going to have a deadbeat as a father and willing to put these girls at risk of STDs and AIDs.

You are an incompetent fool and a loser.

Edited by sassienie
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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

So you have this girlfriend of 4 years, sleep around without practising safe sex and claim you love this girl.

Consider yourself a Jack the Lad, do you?

It appears you have no regard for the welfare of your girlfriend, or for any child that is unfortunately going to have a deadbeat as a father and willing to put these girls at risk of STDs and AIDs.

You are an incompetent fool and a loser.


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We do not all be self-righteous if we answer the OP, especially the opening post, to give an opinion. Nor did we need to have been virgins on our wedding night, or faithful for 20 years, as I was.

The OP now says this side bit girl lives with him, he keeps two apartments, is 30 years old, prefers the kid to be kept and will raise it, etc. Let's see, I know an English bloke who moved in with a gay Thai guy. The gay Thai has two babies from a marriage. Nobody is letting children starve. They also take care of the gay Thai guy's mother.

Just do the responsible thing. But i have never gotten a boyfriend preggers, even on the side.

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Well, for whatever reason he has been banned, as we don't know (maybe a Mod could enlighten us), here goes.

The only thing you can do now is what you believe to be right. If your 'bit on the side' is living with you, then is she really a 'bit on the side'? She would seem more like your gf than your current gf. You have some life changing decisions to make (not just for your life). You say that you hope youe gf can accept or forgive you playing around. That is a lot to expect, you should prepare to see her utterly devastated, especially if you have been planning marraige. Once you lose trust in a relationship, it rarely ever returns and if you had something special between you it will be gone forever. Before you make any decisions, buy a pregnancy test and do it in front of your own eyes with gf no2, it could be a yarn.

My only other comment is for the future. What to a bloke is just a 'bit of fun' when you go with other women, you have to realise that if your activities come to light, the consequences for your partner can be totally devastating. Aka life changing often life ruining, and on reflection in a few years you will regret the hurt that you caused to someone you loved (I am speaking from experience here). You need to question why you feel the need to play around. Often it is simply to satisfy our ego's and it happens for purely sexual reasons. Find yourself a loving, beautiful woman, who can be a great mother, a great business woman, a genius in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom, and every time you feel the urge to play around, just ask yourself 'what can this woman offer me that my woman can't offer me', the answer is probably nothing.

If this is a troll, I find it sad to think that you come on a forum and ask something like this. People take time to answer you. If you are going to troll at least do it with a really outrageous subject.

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If this is a troll, I find it sad to think that you come on a forum and ask something like this. People take time to answer you. If you are going to troll at least do it with a really outrageous subject.

Actually that was a classic troll topic. Most of that kind of topics posted by a relatively new member are fabricated, I guess.

But maybe someone else could get something out here

and his perverse desire to get attention is satisfied.

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there is zero evidence that its fake. he registered 3 years ago. do you think mia nois never get pregnant? like i said, tata youg's father for example did the same thing. i am sure more than a few people who post here have been through the same.

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Hey All,

Well I have a problem on my hands and wanted to see if anyone on here has ever had something similar happen or have any advice for me.

So here is the deal:

I have been with my girlfriend for like 4 years now and love her to bits. Problem is I like to have fun on the side when I am out here and there.

About 2 years ago I met this other girl and it was always good fun to call her up and go out with her and her friends when I was away from the gf.

I enjoyed calling the girl on the side because well the sex was great and she has many hot friends whom I have cheated on the girl ont the side with. Funny thing is that she found out was seriously pissed, faught her friend but still was ok with staying with me. Over time I kept calling her and it developed a little more into what started to seem to me like a relationship rather then just good old fun.

Now the girl on the side has told me that she is about 2 month pregnant and to be honest I am pretty freaked out about it. I was planning on proposing to the gf but I have no clue what to do in this situation.

The thing is I love the gf like crazy and cant imagine my life without her. I know I am the idiot for cheating on her in the first place. Does anyone on here have any ideas on what I can do in the mess I have gotten myself in?

The one thing I hope that she will forgive me for the cheating part, not sure how the Thai girls look at this type of stuff but when I think about it I did cheat on the girl on the side a couple of times with her frineds and she is still here.

Let me know your thoughts.

Urgent memo

DNA test to confirm you are actually the father

thank you

Let us know the results please and if congratulations or whatever are in order.

After DNA, I would then think about HIV?

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As I said in my previous post, days ago, that the OP was a troll, starved for attention. His approach to the subject was provocative, meant to draw in well meaning people into a conversation on a controversial subject. The OP has self esteem issues but I am at a loss to explain his choice of subject and need to be flogged on these pages.

I want to thank the well meaning posters for taking the time to answer this poor man. Keep up the good work!

On a lighter note, I visualize a not so good looking young man living in his mother's basement in a western country with some free time before his shift at KFC.

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