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I Committed The Cardinal Sin


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Went to a party in Surin last week. My girlfriend knew days in advance i planned to leave early. On the morning she's running late, so there was no time for breakfast. We had planned to stop at a restaurant after the National Park in the mountains approximately half there. It is a 6 hour drive depending on your speed. Unfortunately i overshot the restaurant and had traffic behind me. I explained to her never mind we will crack on and eat in Surin when we get there. I got a grunt back.

Less there an hour later girlfriend's mood deteriorates really quickly, and making sounds like a seal being clubbed to death because she hadn't eaten for a few hours. Eventually she insisted on stopping at 7-11 for a snack. Are all thai girls like this ? where is their backbone ??

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Went to a party in Surin last week. My girlfriend knew days in advance i planned to leave early. On the morning she's running late, so there was no time for breakfast. We had planned to stop at a restaurant after the National Park in the mountains approximately half there. It is a 6 hour drive depending on your speed. Unfortunately i overshot the restaurant and had traffic behind me. I explained to her never mind we will crack on and eat in Surin when we get there. I got a grunt back.

Less there an hour later girlfriend's mood deteriorates really quickly, and making sounds like a seal being clubbed to death because she hadn't eaten for a few hours. Eventually she insisted on stopping at 7-11 for a snack. Are all thai girls like this ? where is their backbone ??

Oh Yes

Food and more food followed by more food then a snack (when traveling)

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Can't speak for most, but mine is like this, once she insisted that we wait 30 minutes until her favorite resturant open for buisness :D:D I must say it was well worth the wait she ate and then she slept most of the trip, which meant I could cruise 125khp or so with no BACKSEAT driving :D:D:o

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You sinner!!! :o

Ya gotta keep the kids fed or they will cry and cry and cry. When taking someone with limited will power on a trip, you need to think ahead and have a bag of goodies available. Keep fed and the drive will be a lot smoother. :D

Edit -

On a serious note, I actually think that a lot of the people get overly cranky when not fed. I believe, and I bet I am wrong... But I believe that lots of the locals were somewhat malnourished as babies... Therefore, the pathways in their brains were not fully organized and so the paths do not stay connected without the regular intake of food. The people get cranky, irritable etc. And so that is, IMHO, why you need to have a snack bag handy when traveling or remind your partner to eat something. Oh, and have them take a multiple vitamin too.


Edited by TheWalkingMan
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well, i have to take your girlfriend's side on this one. who are you, her father? girl wants to eat, let her eat. men and woman rely on each other for certain things and that morning you were charged with the feedings and you failed. and, to think it bothered you this much to have had to stop at a 7-11 for what i could only assume would take 10 minutes of total time, that you posted this thread.


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well, i have to take your girlfriend's side on this one. who are you, her father? girl wants to eat, let her eat. men and woman rely on each other for certain things and that morning you were charged with the feedings and you failed. and, to think it bothered you this much to have had to stop at a 7-11 for what i could only assume would take 10 minutes of total time, that you posted this thread.



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I think, if eating was made an Olympic sport, Thailand would lead the medal tables by a country mile, lol !!!! :o


Indeed. They would also take the gold for sleeping and would give the American Indians a run for their money for drinking. lol

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i am also one of those people who get angry if they are hungry, especially if someone is delaying the meal.

there is a specific word in Thai language to describe this, it translates to "hunger rage" or "hunger anger"

Edited by mc2
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I think, if eating was made an Olympic sport, Thailand would lead the medal tables by a country mile, lol !!!! :o


Thais don't eat, they graze.

To the OP, I'm a little surprised your girl let you set off without a stock of snacks in the car. On our trips up country my missus used to stock up with enough snackery to feed an army. That was only for a two to three hour journey!

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If I don't eat on a reasonably regular basis I get tremendous headaches. If she has this and can see it coming then she can't be blamed for being tetchy about missing 2 meals. You don't say when super was, the scenario could have had her going 12-18 hours without food - torture for someone brought up to graze often.

Have to agree with others - failure in duty of care.

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I do not think that the OP failed in his duty. The GF was aware of the trip and with a little planning she could have packed a nice snack bag for the both of them. Simple and easy.

From some of the replies it looks like some of you dating children who need to be told how to take care of themselves. :o


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I get grumpy when hungry too and I'm glad I wasn't on that trip with the OP. As soon as I get something to eat everything is OK again. Must have been torture for his gf. If I were her I would have been thinking, "gee, what a selfish control freak!".

My ex-gf was always late in getting ready, but my dad taught me a way to deal with that yrs ago...tell them departure time is at least 30-60 min before you really need to be on the road. With a thai girl going on a 6 hr drive, I'd allow at least 8 hrs for that drive. Women are the same everywhere, Thailand or farangland.

Seeing as this is Thailand we are talking about and there are food stalls everywhere along the highway, I'm surprised they didn't just pull over and grab some bbq or something. My ex can usually find something eatable within 15 min max of hunger setting in, even out in the sticks.

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Perhaps her blood sugar was down? she may be diabettic and not realise it so when she had not eaten she felt ill?

Exactly women unlike men(although anyone can get grouchy if overly hungry) React if their blood sugar level drops past their threshold & become b-tchy. I always carry some extra scooby snacks for them for over 20 some years-cheap price to be a hero!

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I fell out with a best mates g/f over something similar.

From a border run back to BKK I had already stopped twice and there was a request for a third meal stop. I refused as I wanted to get back home (another 230 kms further North from BKK). I got grumbles over that failed 3rd stop for months and she refused to travel with me again.

Time heals though and we are all friends again now.

Now I let them snack at leisure IN the car LOL,

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You sinner!!! :o

Ya gotta keep the kids fed or they will cry and cry and cry. When taking someone with limited will power on a trip, you need to think ahead and have a bag of goodies available. Keep fed and the drive will be a lot smoother. :D

Edit -

On a serious note, I actually think that a lot of the people get overly cranky when not fed. I believe, and I bet I am wrong... But I believe that lots of the locals were somewhat malnourished as babies... Therefore, the pathways in their brains were not fully organized and so the paths do not stay connected without the regular intake of food. The people get cranky, irritable etc. And so that is, IMHO, why you need to have a snack bag handy when traveling or remind your partner to eat something. Oh, and have them take a multiple vitamin too.


You are so right !

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I do not think that the OP failed in his duty. The GF was aware of the trip and with a little planning she could have packed a nice snack bag for the both of them. Simple and easy.

From some of the replies it looks like some of you dating children who need to be told how to take care of themselves. :o


come on 'thais dont plan" dont know the meaning.yes the OP committed a cardinal sin.A thai lady without snacks/food is one grumpy lady.

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