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Tips For Selling My House Please

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Whats the best way ? I want to sell my house in Pattaya can you advise the best agent with the best rates please.


Why use agent?

try to sell private that saves costs on both sides

I am looking for a house, where is it, how big? How much are you wanting?

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Residential properties need wide market exposure, so advertise the availability of your property in as many different places as possible.

In a nutshell then.

Put yourself in the buyers shoes, where do you start looking for a house?

1. Usually they will drive the locales that they like, kerbside inspections are common practice, so get a board out front and make sure the property is clean, well maintained and the garden is in good condition.

2. The internet is an essential marketing medium today. List the house online everywhere you can. (Again put yourself in the buyer's shoes, do a search for houses for sale in Thailand / Pattaya (and variations thereof) and list your property in the sites with the best results.. heck list it with the rest of them too, if they let you do so for free! You can never get enough market exposure when trying to sell residential.

3. Inform all agents of it's availability and be clear on commission policy upfront. If they ask for exclusivity for residential unit, ask yourself what they bring to the table. No sense in going it alone, despite what many believe many buyers still check in with agents on what they have listed. Again, your objective is to get more market exposure.

4. Other media. Print media does not tend to get many solid results today, but again more exposure is always a good thing, just so long as it doesn't cost the earth. Many magazines have free classifieds, also try local classifieds at supermarkets etc.

Then do yourself a big favour and make sure the house is clean and tidy so that when you do have a viewing its presented in the best possible light.

(I know I repeated market exposure alot but I can stress its importance enough, for this property sector.

Edited by quiksilva
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And dont be put off by the "nothing is selling no one wants second hand property etc etc brigade"

Agreed- I am in the interesting situation where a Thai neighbour wishes to buy my house which I purchased in Samui 6 years ago

Thing is is that this is my holiday home to allow a regular escape from the UK and have turned him down

Still friends though!

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I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

Do agents in Pattaya incur higher overheads or are they just more greedy ? There must be something like 150 plus agents now ?

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Whats the best way ? I want to sell my house in Pattaya can you advise the best agent with the best rates please.


i sold a house recently through an advert on this forum.

it was listed with two prominent agents for over 6 months and never once had a viewing.

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I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

Do agents in Pattaya incur higher overheads or are they just more greedy ? There must be something like 150 plus agents now ?

Its standard market practice, different markets have different commission rates.

Agents in some countries charge much more, but where there is more competition, especially true in highly competitive markets like London, 150 agents is nothing in comparison to London, which also has much higher real estate values (although not sure for how much longer), so commission rates there tend to be lower.

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I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

3% is the going rate....5% find another broker! :o

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I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

3% is the going rate....5% find another broker! :o

olsen, unfortunately you are behind the times, 5% is the norm now in Pattaya, a 3% agent is a rare breed indeed these days!, absolutely no difference in level of service from the agents wheather they take 3% or 5%!

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I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

Do agents in Pattaya incur higher overheads or are they just more greedy ? There must be something like 150 plus agents now ?

Its standard market practice, different markets have different commission rates.

Agents in some countries charge much more, but where there is more competition, especially true in highly competitive markets like London, 150 agents is nothing in comparison to London, which also has much higher real estate values (although not sure for how much longer), so commission rates there tend to be lower.

In the US, the normal fee is 6%.

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Local agent pitched me on selling my house.  Commission structure as follows:

Commission fees chargeable based on sales price (plus vat) agreed and applicable as follows:

Under 3 million THB – 20%

3-4 million THB - 10%

5-29m THB - 6%

30 million + - 5%

Exclusive – 7%

Exclusive 40 million + - 5%

Minimum commission charge – 200,000 THB

Had to laugh as I have a website I put up long time ago just to get feelers and it ranks real high in google for certain terms.  Funny the company is trolling high ranking sites to secure listings. I wonder if people are actually paying this?

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It is true that as prices moves ahead in Pattaya so the greedy bastards put their prices up when they could get the same money for lower commissions. They are parasites and I would rather burn it to the ground than give them one satang. I hope they all go broke.

You can fuc_k with the agents and I do that all the time. Want to buy ? dodgy name, then approach vendor directly, telling him to put a great big sign up so that when you come round his way looking for houses to buy sans agent you'll know which ones are for sale.

Want to sell ? Get it on a short contract, get your viewers and then do a deal after your contract has ended. Can they sue you - <deleted> can they. It is company to company and the prospective buyer likely doesn't have a company and you certainly would not use one set up by the agent.

Loads more ways to use and abuse them !

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For those who might end up being on the unfortunate side of doing business with the likes of torrenova, sections 797 through to 849 of the Civil and Commercial Code make for interesting reading.

Would suggest that 99.9% of our realestate agents read that.Ethics are in very short supply with Pattaya realestate agents.


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I see agent's in Pattaya requesting 3-5% for sales which i believe is excesive. In uk London i would negotiate 1-2%, outside London a flat 1%.

Do agents in Pattaya incur higher overheads or are they just more greedy ? There must be something like 150 plus agents now ?

I agree - I have had 1.25% and 1.5% deals with UK agents.

I am happy to start a Pattaya agency charging 1.25% if anyone wants to come in with me...........

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