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I was driving past the area that the police always stop the scooters today. ( Katam?)

Saw a commotion & it looked like a dead child laying near the moat.

He looked pretty young maybe 10 or so.

They were not trying to revive him it seems.

I also saw a rope I had not noticed before hanging from the tree where he lay.

Looked like maybe he was using it to swing & jump in the water.

I Hope I am wrong.

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Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patrolling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

Sadly I saw those same banners right near the spot the body was.

Also sad to say my wife heard something on TV say the boy was 12 & in fact did die.

Terrible for his parents

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patrolling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

Sadly I saw those same banners right near the spot the body was.

Also sad to say my wife heard something on TV say the boy was 12 & in fact did die.

Terrible for his parents

Sad indeed, when we are so young fearless that it cause our own demise. RIP

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patrolling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

Sadly I saw those same banners right near the spot the body was.

Also sad to say my wife heard something on TV say the boy was 12 & in fact did die.

Terrible for his parents

"Terrible for his parents"

I have to ask where the <deleted> were they when they should be taking care of their child.

And!, so you're also saying that the farang tourist police now have a responsibility to take over from Thai parents.

Give us a break for God's sake.

The word SAFETY is not in the Thai dictionary so are farangs responsible for that as well :o

You can see Thai parents neglecting their responsibilities every day of the week 24/7

When they start to think that "it" can happen to them or their's, they might just wake up BUT, I will not hold my breath cos it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime (or yours) or that of my children.

It is not the responsibility of farang to "baby sit" Thai kids (other than their own or kids of their Thai wife)

Is it the "farang tourist police's" responsibility to police all the Thai people, 3 & 4 (sometimes more) up on a motorcycle or riding on the back of a pickup.

You really got me started..............

And "loaded" you have written some reasonble posts in the past but your comments here take some beating (in terms of stupidity)

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patrolling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

Sadly I saw those same banners right near the spot the body was.

Also sad to say my wife heard something on TV say the boy was 12 & in fact did die.

Terrible for his parents

"Terrible for his parents"

I have to ask where the <deleted> were they when they should be taking care of their child.

And!, so you're also saying that the farang tourist police now have a responsibility to take over from Thai parents.

Give us a break for God's sake.

The word SAFETY is not in the Thai dictionary so are farangs responsible for that as well :o

You can see Thai parents neglecting their responsibilities every day of the week 24/7

When they start to think that "it" can happen to them or their's, they might just wake up BUT, I will not hold my breath cos it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime (or yours) or that of my children.

It is not the responsibility of farang to "baby sit" Thai kids (other than their own or kids of their Thai wife)

Is it the "farang tourist police's" responsibility to police all the Thai people, 3 & 4 (sometimes more) up on a motorcycle or riding on the back of a pickup.

You really got me started..............

And "loaded" you have written some reasonble posts in the past but your comments here take some beating (in terms of stupidity)

yes officer :D

Maybe better to vent your spleen somewhere else. This a thread about a dead kid.


How did he drown? Did he not know how to swim ? I made sure to teach my kids how to swim at an early age. Also at 12 years of age i was all over the place with out my parents supervision. At that age kids are old enough to know what they can and can not do. hel_l 12 year old kids in the USA are trusted as baby sitters in the USA.

How did he drown? Did he not know how to swim ? I made sure to teach my kids how to swim at an early age. Also at 12 years of age i was all over the place with out my parents supervision. At that age kids are old enough to know what they can and can not do. hel_l 12 year old kids in the USA are trusted as baby sitters in the USA.

You know we are not positive but.......The news reported that he swung & jumped 2 or 3 times & the last one did him in.

Sorry sketchy I know but I thought the same as you. After hearing that I guessed he maybe hit his head or? Also they did not say how they knew this....perhaps there was more than one kid?

Having grown up on a Island I like you learned early to swim. But later today while at the Lake I couldn't help but notice all the Thai kids hanging onto the rubber tubes. It was obvious they could not swim. I guess here there is not that much opportunity to learn

Lastly to JBG who posted where the &^$ were his parents........Who knows & who cares?

This is sad that a child dies this way period. Maybe his parents work? Maybe he sneaked off as kids often do who knows? But believe me there is probably no sadder thing in the world than for a parent to out live their child.


First, my condolences to any close to the child. Death is always a tragedy, especially when it strikes a child.

Before we start ranting about who should have done what to prevent his presumed drowning, we should verify this is a drowning. Perhaps we should be ranting about kids riding on the back of motorbikes without a helmet, which I'm sure claims far more children than drowning.


Could he have hit something on the bottom of the klong that hurt him or just swam too much for his capability? Kids do a lot of thoughless stuff.

I hope that he is in a better place now. :o


Very Sad... RIP

We drove past at around 2pm and noticed a bunch of kids playing in the water; jumping from the top of the wall and swinging on a rope. I doubt the boy drowned as there were at least six or more kids there. Most likely bumped his head...


Like many readers, I at 12 years old, me and my mates could swim, give us a hot day, a place to swim and play, especially unsupervised, we'd have been in there like a shot. In fact we did so on many occasions. Luckily no-one drowned, we had the occasional injury, scrapped knees and elbows, at the outside, a broken arm. But all this was a part of 'growing up'....!!!

I feel truly sorry for the lad's parents at his untimely death, may he RIP.


A sad occurance of course, but as John b good says, being safe is not in the Thai dictionary. That is evident every day just by watching 10 to 12 year old kids without helmets riding around the city on scooters in traffic. Teenagers without helmets go flying down twisty, narrow sois on scooters without once thinking there might be someone blocking the lane or narrow road.

And, as someone also said, the moat drowns a few people every year. Very often it is in shallow areas where you could stand up. The victim COULD have saved themself if they just waded to a spot that was easier to climb out.

A sad occurance of course, but as John b good says, being safe is not in the Thai dictionary. That is evident every day just by watching 10 to 12 year old kids without helmets riding around the city on scooters in traffic. Teenagers without helmets go flying down twisty, narrow sois on scooters without once thinking there might be someone blocking the lane or narrow road.

And, as someone also said, the moat drowns a few people every year. Very often it is in shallow areas where you could stand up. The victim COULD have saved themself if they just waded to a spot that was easier to climb out.

There is a disconnect - one of many - that I can not get my head around - the common place of carrying an infant on a motorcycle - sometimes with 2 - 3 other passengers. I just don't get it. Sorry that was off topic. My condolences to the boy's family.

The word SAFETY is not in the Thai dictionary

ความปลอดภัย (noun) - Safety

It happens.. kids can and do bump their heads badly, even at swimming pools. Twelve years old is old enough to be out playing with friends. Loads more get killed on the road. It's a tragedy when it happens, a tragedy any parent dreads. Sad to see some knowitalls rush out to blame the parents or even tourist police volunteers for not standing watch around the moat 24/7. Bunch of sad gits.

How did he drown? Did he not know how to swim ? I made sure to teach my kids how to swim at an early age. Also at 12 years of age i was all over the place with out my parents supervision. At that age kids are old enough to know what they can and can not do. hel_l 12 year old kids in the USA are trusted as baby sitters in the USA.

You know we are not positive but.......The news reported that he swung & jumped 2 or 3 times & the last one did him in.

Sorry sketchy I know but I thought the same as you. After hearing that I guessed he maybe hit his head or? Also they did not say how they knew this....perhaps there was more than one kid?

Having grown up on a Island I like you learned early to swim. But later today while at the Lake I couldn't help but notice all the Thai kids hanging onto the rubber tubes. It was obvious they could not swim. I guess here there is not that much opportunity to learn

Lastly to JBG who posted where the &^$ were his parents........Who knows & who cares?

This is sad that a child dies this way period. Maybe his parents work? Maybe he sneaked off as kids often do who knows? But believe me there is probably no sadder thing in the world than for a parent to out live their child.

I have as much compassion as any person on the forum, but, I do not allow it to blind me of who is responsible for what.

You have children then "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM" full stop.

And a large number of Thai parents to not demonstrate this responsibility.

Just remember that there are two people killed every hour on the Realm's roads.

What is anybody doing about it??

You are right, "SFA"

How did he drown? Did he not know how to swim ? I made sure to teach my kids how to swim at an early age. Also at 12 years of age i was all over the place with out my parents supervision. At that age kids are old enough to know what they can and can not do. hel_l 12 year old kids in the USA are trusted as baby sitters in the USA.

You know we are not positive but.......The news reported that he swung & jumped 2 or 3 times & the last one did him in.

Sorry sketchy I know but I thought the same as you. After hearing that I guessed he maybe hit his head or? Also they did not say how they knew this....perhaps there was more than one kid?

Having grown up on a Island I like you learned early to swim. But later today while at the Lake I couldn't help but notice all the Thai kids hanging onto the rubber tubes. It was obvious they could not swim. I guess here there is not that much opportunity to learn

Lastly to JBG who posted where the &^$ were his parents........Who knows & who cares?

This is sad that a child dies this way period. Maybe his parents work? Maybe he sneaked off as kids often do who knows? But believe me there is probably no sadder thing in the world than for a parent to out live their child.

I have as much compassion as any person on the forum, but, I do not allow it to blind me of who is responsible for what.

You have children then "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM" full stop.

And a large number of Thai parents to not demonstrate this responsibility.

Just remember that there are two people killed every hour on the Realm's roads.

What is anybody doing about it??

You are right, "SFA"

I agree with you 100%


Both my parents had to work during summer holidays so we had to make our own entertainment. We fished, cycled, explored and went swimming in the river at the back of our house when it was hot. I had a similar childhood to millions of other non-privileged western kids. Enid Blyton used to write stories similar to my adventures as a 12 year old.

I really don't think you can blame parents for a tragic accident that happened when boys were doing what boys do all over the world and have been doing for thousands of years - exploring their world.

Relating road deaths to irresponsible parenting is just too weird to comment on because most deaths on Thai roads are caused by drunk adult drivers and not twelve year olds.

Both my parents had to work during summer holidays so we had to make our own entertainment. We fished, cycled, explored and went swimming in the river at the back of our house when it was hot. I had a similar childhood to millions of other non-privileged western kids. Enid Blyton used to write stories similar to my adventures as a 12 year old.

I really don't think you can blame parents for a tragic accident that happened when boys were doing what boys do all over the world and have been doing for thousands of years - exploring their world.

Relating road deaths to irresponsible parenting is just too weird to comment on because most deaths on Thai roads are caused by drunk adult drivers and not twelve year olds.

Seems we had the same childhood :D

Agree with what you said about parenting too.

I have raised 4 of my own & know parenting well enough not to claim to have had the ability to be on them 100% of the time. Does the word accident have a different meaning here?

If one of my children slipped & hit his head on the toilet while going to shower. Would that have been bad parenting on my part? Because as the news came in it seems this kid did fine in the water but then had an accident.

Even if you post something sad as this.

Folks pick the oddest time to contest a topic.

Seems they need to do the old superior dance from the church lady on Saturday Night Live. :o

Both my parents had to work during summer holidays so we had to make our own entertainment. We fished, cycled, explored and went swimming in the river at the back of our house when it was hot. I had a similar childhood to millions of other non-privileged western kids. Enid Blyton used to write stories similar to my adventures as a 12 year old.

I really don't think you can blame parents for a tragic accident that happened when boys were doing what boys do all over the world and have been doing for thousands of years - exploring their world.

Relating road deaths to irresponsible parenting is just too weird to comment on because most deaths on Thai roads are caused by drunk adult drivers and not twelve year olds.

Twelve year olds who will grow up to be "drunk adult drivers" if they don't drown in the klong.

I don't get any pleasure from hearing that a kid has drowned in the klong, but who is responsible?

There are few events that can be classified as "accidents" (a specific, identifiable, unexpected, unusual and unintended external action) in this case "unexpected/unintended" are the key words.

An accident occurs because people (in this case parents) take no action to prevent it. No different to the kid standing on the passenger seat of a vehicle, or where the mother is fixing her make-up whilst driving.

When taking risks as described an accident is to be expected rather that to be un-expected.

I am not gonna lose sleep every time some kid dies in the klong (I don't like, it but I cannot fix all of the problems in this 3rd world country) :o


Whew....anywho (sic) I think we have covered this topic, soup to nuts.

I am a parent (25 yr old son, lives in California) and every parent's nightmare is hearing tragic news about their child, in whatever context.

I was also in the extreme-adventure boyhood category.

Back in the 50's in Palo Alto, California, a child such as I could simply walk up the street in a quite nice middle class suburban neighborhood, and at the end of the block, on the orchard land, break into a perfectly scary abandoned house, full of broken glass and rusty nails and a seriously fragile structure.

Used to go up to the 2nd floor and jump up and down with my pals; the whole structure was reverberating about us...

This sort of thing is a preventable (to a certain degree) but all too tragic an occurance.

Listen, the Songkran New Year is upon us shortly.

Let us all vow to be safe, have fun, and watch our beloved family members closely.

But let us also be happy, and enjoy the things we have.

And not worry too much. :o


Tragic, sad. Most Thai kids know how to swim, if they try it. The ones who have 20 baht go to a pool. At this time of the year, they swim in the moat if they do not have the money. It started early last week, kids swimming at the corners of the moat, like every year.

I swam at age 12, hit my head on the side after diving, had to go get stitches. Parents were at home and at work; I rode my bike two miles to the pool.

Drunk adults drive into the moat every year, but are child drownings common?

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

I saw the same thing yesterday, plus a banner warning of deep water.

The kids use ropes tied to trees for swinging themselves over the water and diving in.

Problem for the Farang police is that they can only do what the Thai police allow them to do and have no say in the matter. Of course the Farang police wouldn`t be much use if they can`t speak Thai.

Although I agree that the police should be doing more to stop these kids swimming in these rat invested moats, the parents or guardians should also be watching their children more closely.

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

I saw the same thing yesterday, plus a banner warning of deep water.

The kids use ropes tied to trees for swinging themselves over the water and diving in.

Problem for the Farang police is that they can only do what the Thai police allow them to do and have no say in the matter.

Sassiene where did you learn what the TPD volunteers can and cannot do and the fact none of them speak thai ???? are you a TPD volunteer ?????

Has anyone seen rats swimming in the moat?

In almost 3 years I have not seen one rat in the moat although there are many elsewhere.

Last year prior to Songkran they drained the moat 3 times and refilled it with clean water for Songkran to reduce the infections of ears and the like, not sure if they have done it this year.

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

I saw the same thing yesterday, plus a banner warning of deep water.

The kids use ropes tied to trees for swinging themselves over the water and diving in.

Problem for the Farang police is that they can only do what the Thai police allow them to do and have no say in the matter.

Sassiene where did you learn what the TPD volunteers can and cannot do ???? are you a TPD volunteer ?????

No I`m not in the Farang police, but if I was, I would enjoy hitting people with my jambouk and practising police brutality on some Thaivisa members.

I do know a couple of guys in the Farang police. Both have told me that they are always accompanied by a Thai policeman when on patrol and have absolutely no powers to make decisions as to what duties they perform.

Now, this could be wrong, so if anyone out there is in the Farang police, lets hear it from you.

Saw kids swimming in the moat near Maddog today. They have hung banners across the moat warning about deep water stretches of the moat but kids won't read. The bloody police should be patroling and throwing the kids out of the water. And what about those farang tourist police? If one's reading this, do something useful and patrol somewhere where you may be of benefit.

I saw the same thing yesterday, plus a banner warning of deep water.

The kids use ropes tied to trees for swinging themselves over the water and diving in.

Problem for the Farang police is that they can only do what the Thai police allow them to do and have no say in the matter.

Sassiene where did you learn what the TPD volunteers can and cannot do ???? are you a TPD volunteer ?????

No I`m not in the Farang police, but if I was, I would enjoy hitting people with my jambouk.

I do know a couple of guys in the Farang police. Both have told me that they are always accompanied by a Thai policeman when on patrol and have absolutely no powers to make decisions as to what duties they perform.

Now, this could be wrong, so if anyone out there is in the Farang police, lets hear it from you.

Thought that might be the case

what about the rats when did you see them ? infested means an aweful lot of them

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