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Need Ideas For My Presentation To Entertain


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Hi Guys,

I am studying at Bangkok University, and for my modern presentation subject I need to do an 8 minute presentation (using power point) and I am allowed to use up to 3 minutes of video. I had no idea what to chose so when my teacher asked I said I will do Life in Uk compared to Bangkok (well Thailand really I guess) It needs to be entertaining too. So if any body has any Ideas at all what idea's I could cover, I would appreciate it alot. I need to do it by Monday 20th April.

From Callan :o

Edited by Callanbkk
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Hi Guys,

I am studying at Bangkok University, and for my modern presentation subject I need to do an 8 minute presentation (using power point) and I am allowed to use up to 3 minutes of video. I had no idea what to chose so when my teacher asked I said I will do Life in Uk compared to Bangkok (well Thailand really I guess) It needs to be entertaining too. So if any body has any Ideas at all what idea's I could cover, I would appreciate it alot. I need to do it by Monday 20th April.

From Callan :o

Driving differences for one!!

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Thats a really easy subjet. You shouldn't be worried. Just make sure you can talk about it fluently and keep it interesting, then you will be okay. (I had that one there, so I know what I'm talking about).

So.. Keep your focus in your oral and gestural expressions. :o

oops, p.s. I forgot. Also the PPT presentation, make it nice and well, you got to show that you can manage to do a well prepared presentation. The topic is irrelevant.

Edited by pop_corn
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To be honest the subject is embarrassingly easy. A university student should be able to find his own topic of interest and come up with his own ideas instead of being assigned a topic by a teacher and getting ideas off of forum posters. Come up with your own, more challenging, topic and you'll get more respect from your teacher and other students.

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To be honest the subject is embarrassingly easy. A university student should be able to find his own topic of interest and come up with his own ideas instead of being assigned a topic by a teacher and getting ideas off of forum posters. Come up with your own, more challenging, topic and you'll get more respect from your teacher and other students.

Agreed. And just to state the obvious, get your teacher's permission to change topics and explain that you wanted to challenge yourself more.

Best of luck with the presentation!

And remember, everybody who has to present in front of a group has butterflies in his stomach. The trick is to get them to fly in formation! :o

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Hi, Don't know if you can use this, but one of the biggest differences my (Thai) wife has noticed, is that in the UK, due to it being small, you are never more than 3 hours or so from the sea. Many people where we live in Thailand, have NEVER seen the sea.

The biggest difference I have found, is that in the UK there are too many laws, which restricts people's freedom, whereas in Thailand there are too few. Having too few laws also, in my opinion restricts peoples freedom...no I can't work it out either. :o

You could use the differences in weather, always a strong talking point in the UK, or food, which is Thailands main talking point.

Good luck and I hope some of the above is some help to you.

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I'd pick a single aspect of life in the two countries and work around that - 'A Wedding' springs to mind, as there are distinct differences between the two cultures and yet it is something that demonstrates family to be at the heart of both. I reckon that would go down well with Thais.

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Thai house ( Bag of Rice )

UK House ( Bag of Spuds ) Potatoes

street Vendors Thailand Lots & Lots. Uk Find one if you can

Beer wine & spirits 24 hr availability Many Supermarkets open 24 Hrs Mon to Fri

Try to bribe A policeman in the UK. You will be wisked of to the police station and charged dont think about that one.

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Thai house ( Bag of Rice )

UK House ( Bag of Spuds ) Potatoes

street Vendors Thailand Lots & Lots. Uk Find one if you can (Greasy Joe's Burgers) :o

Beer wine & spirits 24 hr availability Many Supermarkets open 24 Hrs Mon to Fri

Try to bribe A policeman in the UK. You will be wisked of to the police station and charged dont think about that one.

sorry, I could not resist.

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Similarities between UK and T would be a more interesting subject. 'cause it isn't easy to find, except left hand driving.

Since when there is left hand driving in in Thailand?

UK has left hand driving

Thailand has left and right hand driving, everyone is allowed to decide on his own.

Police who stops you would be also a good topic. Maybe a hidden camera when you try to bribe a UK Policeman with 3 Pounds :o

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Hi Guys,

I am studying at Bangkok University, and for my modern presentation subject I need to do an 8 minute presentation (using power point) and I am allowed to use up to 3 minutes of video. I had no idea what to chose so when my teacher asked I said I will do Life in Uk compared to Bangkok (well Thailand really I guess) It needs to be entertaining too. So if any body has any Ideas at all what idea's I could cover, I would appreciate it alot. I need to do it by Monday 20th April.

From Callan :o

the topic you have chosen/given,is imo too broad a subject.choose a topic that has narrower examples,like a topic "the difference in teaching methods between UK and thai universities",and what ever you chose remember to add a little humor in your presentation that your audience can understand,and keep your presentation simple.

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Main things are

  1. Stand up
    Speak up
    Shut up
    Sit down

In other words Look the part....don't just slouch around. Do not mumble...speak to be heard. Say what you have to say then end...do not just keep rambling on like TV posters :o when you have finished sit down or go to where you wait. DO not just stand there wondering what to do next.

The other thing is do not try to put too much in the presentation....you really have only got time for a few things.

Edited by harrry
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Maybe you could point out that in the UK if a group wanted to enter an English 5 star hotel they would need to have reservations and wear ties.


Don't use flashing / sliding text in PP

Its just <deleted>

Main Topic with 4 or 5 bullet points to talk around

8 minute presentation 5 slides maximum

1st Present the topic 1 minute

(2nd, 3rd, 4th) main points for discussion/presentation 2 minutes each slide

5th Conclusion and questions 1 minute

Choose an object to look at then back of the room so you are standing up straight and projecting your voice while making eye contact with everyone in the audience

Job done - go get a nice cold one from the fridge

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Most powerpoint presentations are dire. Do it right. use the 'Lessing method', named after the Stanford Law Professor.

See here http://presentationzen.blogs.com/presentat...essig_meth.html

And watch an astonishing example here:


(this is also interesting as a stunningly convincing attack on Intellectual Property Right Laws).

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