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Red-shirts Battle Blue-shirts In Pattaya


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Looks like Thailands International reputation just keeps on improving.

I wonder, I just seriously wonder what percentage of the population these moronic imbociles (shirties of all colours) actually represent?

Spot on, they are morons, and I very much doubt that reds, blues or yellows represent a massive percentage of the population. In the end they are paid for agitators, nothing else.

Yo TOAD! Havent seen you around for a while.....WELCOME back. :o:D

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Well done the Blue Team, even if they were out numbered and out gunned.

They showed the side of reason and how the vast majority of Thai's are fed up with this Red rabble and their mob tactics.

If the Reds are mob, then what are the Yellows????

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Looks like Thailands International reputation just keeps on improving.

I wonder, I just seriously wonder what percentage of the population these moronic imbociles (shirties of all colours) actually represent?

no kidding. really creating a tourism friendly place hehehehehehehe

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fuc_k politics!

Yes well if anyone should know about crappy politicians, an African should, a continent of dribbly dikked theiving scum bag baaastards......actually it seems like a world wide phenomenon these days.

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i never understand why pansies think violence doesn't work. It *always* works. Most people don't respond unless you use force. Look back in history. Almost every human and animal that ever wanted to achieve anything used force of some sort. You think criminals get stopped by using flowers or "puppy power"?

It is no coincidence that those behind all these conflicts are POLICE or ARMY related...both are entities which monopolize force to achieve specific goals.

Maybe the red/yellow/blue shirts could use their "care bear stare" or get rainbow brite to show up at the scene. What a rainbow that would be!! bahaha.


Sling shots with bolts and fire bombs... Pretty much shows me what I needed to see about red shirt protestors.

You obviously didn't follow the tv and articles about the yellowshirts with guns shown on tv firing at people, or are you one of the baying mob on here kissing the arse of the incumbent government,it appears from a lot of posters here that it was perfectly ok for the yellows to do what they wanted but not for the reds,hypocrites the lot of them, espousing about democracy my arse your just a baying mob most of you and a lot just getting on the bandwagon.

All violence and all weapons at rallies should be condemned. Doesnt matter the colour of the shirt. Now we have people in their homes and a mob with molotovs milling around. That is wrong, dangerous and it is time for the authroites to protect innocent people.

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As I am unaffected by all this where I live, it seems as if it is all in some far off land.

Yet, democracy has to start somewhere and the beginning is usually violent.

One day this might lead to free and fair elections, though I doubt it will be any time soon.

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"Blue shirts" was a poorly executed "master"-plan to give en excuse for using uniformed personel for more heavy handed crowd controll. Seems like its backfired and shows that more then a few among the uniforms want to be somewhere else.

From The Nation:

Newin denies organising blue-shirted protesters

Pattaya - Newin Chidchob, the powerhouse of Bhum Jai Thai Party, Saturday denied that he was behind the blue-shirted demonstrators who countered the red-shirted protesters in Pattaya.

Newin was speaking to reporters at the Cozy Hotel where he stayed Friday night.

Newin said he came to Pattaya because he had concern for the country and he hoped to talk to red-shirted leaders who used to work with him to try to convince them to give priority to the national interest.

He said the summit of Asean leaders with dialogue partners would be a credit for the country so the red-shirted protesters should not try to disrupt it.

Newin was seen on TV inspecting some areas in Pattaya with Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban Friday night.

The Nation

Caught with both hands in the cookie jar...

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Looks like Thailands International reputation just keeps on improving.

I wonder, I just seriously wonder what percentage of the population these moronic imbociles (shirties of all colours) actually represent?

no kidding. really creating a tourism friendly place hehehehehehehe

Seriously though, tourism is just one aspect of this. I was talking to a group of old collegues the other day, these are businessmen that have been in Thailand for over 25 years & alot of them are of the opinion that these types of events COULD BE the 'Straw' that breaks the camels back. Lets be honest here, this place is no paradise, its developing into one monumental phark up of a nation (some would argue it reached this long ago) & then you top it off with all the bureaucratic bullshite you have to go through to achieve anything & all the other <deleted> BS that goes on & it doesnt take much brain power to work out theres MUCH BETTER places to do business.

Sadly, the real victims of all this are real people, unfortunate enough to be born & stuck here.

Edited by neverdie
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Seems quite evident that there is no rule of law in Thailand. The police and army cant protect their own government. Infact they are complicit in disorder. How can the authorities just stand by whilst these reds, yellows, pinks or cabbage colours set up stages with bands and equipment - install road blocks etc. etc.They are either complicit or completley useless.

Thais have again show the world that they are - - - - - - (fill in the gaps)

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All have seen that the reds have had big meetings since late last year until now that they have no weapons. They have no back up so if they have weapons, they will be cleared by tear gas.

I don't know why The Nation had this news.

2 reds were shot this morning and were sent to hospitals.

Good, shoot some more! Idiots endangering the safety of 16 heads of state, deserve no less.

what a mindless, redneck comment - i suggest that you take a look at the news on thai tv and see who came looking for trouble - armed with sticks, smoke bombs, sling shots and guns - the BLUE MOB = they came looking for trouble -- so -- and the security forces just like to stand around and watch -- so keep supporting the blue mob - and they have not endangered the safety of the heads of state -- they are using what ever democratic rights they have and showing their displeasure - seems you have forgotten what the yellow mob did not so long ago - far worse than this -- with the full backing of the govt --

Well, let's compare motives then; The yellow shirts and their day in the sun (line of fire) were responding to election fraud and fed up by the rich taking what they want from the poor, and would no longer sit by and take it. If only Merica! did this back in 2000 with Bush's proven electronic election fraud, the world would not be in the shape it is today.

Based on the news article as presented, the blue shirts, wholly out numbered, PROTECTED the conference and potentially their country's strongest tie to progress and solution-mindedness inside. It did not say that they marched on anyone with offensive weapons, but put themselves in harm's way to keep the peace, DEFENSIVELY. A bad idea if they did arm themselves, but if thousands of protesters were heading your way, only someone with a death wish or Gandhi-like sanctity wouldn't protect their self a bit more proactively.

The reds on the other hand, in a long line of black eyes for Thailand, did what they do best, screw things for the entire country based on selfish motives. And you'll probably notice that the majority of the posters on this website, follow history, and the record that is Toxin's Guilt, and side with what is good for the country. Of course, like the good Buddhists that they are, I'm guessing the reds will take advantage of Songkran to further their bilious cause.

The only reason the poor amongst the red shirts follow, like hostage syndromers or lackeys, is because when Toxin raped his own country for his own good, and let some of the scraps trickle down to their henchmen and accomplices in an organized crime, good ole' boy fashion, the weak minded played along and did what little people do best, expect to get a cut. Now that their lively hood of supporting crime and receiving kick backs is threatened, well, you can see for yourself. Funny how Bush and Toxin only got what they deserved when enough people saw what was happening and corrected the mistake.

Gore Vidal made a good point recently when he compared the Democrates that are trying to democratically furthering the aspirations and goals of the whole nation, to the Republicans, that are not a party but a mentality, based on hate, fear, selfishness, and what they don't like. The resemblance is ironic, notwithstanding the fact that there are good and bad people on any "side" and it's usually that the bad the cause the most activity that the weak minded are drawn to, distracting the majority from the good.

And speaking to those that foment hate and death on any side, grow up and stop acting on your primitive instinct like those you vilify - or no one will ever find the middle ground and peace.

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Well done the Blue Team, even if they were out numbered and out gunned.

They showed the side of reason and how the vast majority of Thai's are fed up with this Red rabble and their mob tactics.

so no one ever got sick of the yellow shirt rabble?

everyone did BUT.........

the yellow were a mix of people old, young, rich, poor none of which showed much agro, it was mainly pasive, boringly long and in the short term bad for the country economically may be......

on the other hand the red rent a crowd headed by aggressive, nasty, fist waving thugs all about the same age, with the same fat over feed guts do not represent the majority of Thai or the national interest in any way they represent the interests of just one man

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Saw in TV. Bule shirts have gun and trown the rocks into red shirts.. don't be fooled by this source. This source own by Yellow leader Sonti Limthongkul. They lie and tallking to make Thai innocent red shirts look bad. Blue shirts form by Yellow shirts and PAD ( Navin) and gorvenment. This group was seized the airport and armed.. they are vilolence people and gave money to Yellow shirts to protest against last government.
The Nation newspaper is obviously owned by the yellow shirts and shows a one sided view of what is happenening in Pattaya at the moment

Do either of you have a source, for the claim that 'The Nation' is owned by Sonti Limthongkul, or the PAD ?

The Nation newspaper is obviously owned by the yellow shirts and shows a one sided view of what is happenening in Pattaya at the moment

:o:D :D The nation is owned by former friends of Thaksin.

You mix that with the Manager group which does NOT own "The Nation".


And a welcome to all our new posters, however please note that when you make things up on TV, you may be 'called' on it. :D

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This is how democracy is undermined and has been undermined everywhere, historically:

The majority get trapped between the opposing extremist factions with extremism fanned by populist malcontent (guess who) supported by monied interests.

A government that has no real commitment to the principles of democracy do nothing but look for alternatives that will serve their own narrow ends.

The Weimer Republic transition to Nazi dictatorship, is the classic template for might happen here unless there is a real commitment by responsible politicians to serve democracy and not their own narrow ends supported by a misguided, exploited and gullible minority.

Sling shots with bolts and fire bombs... Pretty much shows me what I needed to see about red shirt protestors.

You obviously didn't follow the tv and articles about the yellowshirts with guns shown on tv firing at people, or are you one of the baying mob on here kissing the arse of the incumbent government,it appears from a lot of posters here that it was perfectly ok for the yellows to do what they wanted but not for the reds,hypocrites the lot of them, espousing about democracy my arse your just a baying mob most of you and a lot just getting on the bandwagon.

Why aren't you at the protest? This is about democracy right? Or was that Demo-crazy.

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Well done the Blue Team, even if they were out numbered and out gunned.

They showed the side of reason and how the vast majority of Thai's are fed up with this Red rabble and their mob tactics.

so no one ever got sick of the yellow shirt rabble?

everyone did BUT.........

the yellow were a mix of people old, young, rich, poor none of which showed much agro, it was mainly pasive, boringly long and in the short term bad for the country economically may be......

on the other hand the red rent a crowd headed by aggressive, nasty, fist waving thugs all about the same age, with the same fat over feed guts do not represent the majority of Thai or the national interest in any way they represent the interests of just one man

Lets rewrite this...

everyone did BUT.........

the red are a mix of people old, young, rich, poor none of which showed much agro, it was mainly pasive, boringly long and in the short term bad for the country economically may be......

on the other hand the yellow rent a crowd headed by aggressive, nasty, fist waving thugs all about the same age, with the same fat over feed guts do not represent the majority of Thai or the national interest in any way they represent the interests of just a few men

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Looks like Thailands International reputation just keeps on improving.

I wonder, I just seriously wonder what percentage of the population these moronic imbociles (shirties of all colours) actually represent?

Spot on, they are morons, and I very much doubt that reds, blues or yellows represent a massive percentage of the population. In the end they are paid for agitators, nothing else.

Yo TOAD! Havent seen you around for a while.....WELCOME back. :o:D

Cheers ND. Keep up the good work. :D

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Looks like Thailands International reputation just keeps on improving.

I wonder, I just seriously wonder what percentage of the population these moronic imbociles (shirties of all colours) actually represent?

Spot on, they are morons, and I very much doubt that reds, blues or yellows represent a massive percentage of the population. In the end they are paid for agitators, nothing else.

Yo TOAD! Havent seen you around for a while.....WELCOME back. :o:D

Cheers ND. Keep up the good work. :D

Not many here will agree with you MrTOAD! :D

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one shoot in the head of s specific man outside thailand would solve a lot of the problem,

i am more than happy that we have abisit now,, he give good response to the eco crisis and is good in econommy,,on the other hand, there is one man wth his own intrest,get back power and his money,who use the mob for his personal intrest.

thairakthai or taxsin a democrat never ever...........he waS guilty form the NCC for fraud and taxevsion ,and was blocked for politics,, but he was not following in 2001, and was still elected,contrarian thai law.

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i never understand why pansies think violence doesn't work. It *always* works. Most people don't respond unless you use force. Look back in history. Almost every human and animal that ever wanted to achieve anything used force of some sort. You think criminals get stopped by using flowers or "puppy power"?

It is no coincidence that those behind all these conflicts are POLICE or ARMY related...both are entities which monopolize force to achieve specific goals.

Maybe the red/yellow/blue shirts could use their "care bear stare" or get rainbow brite to show up at the scene. What a rainbow that would be!! bahaha.


Sling shots with bolts and fire bombs... Pretty much shows me what I needed to see about red shirt protestors.

You obviously didn't follow the tv and articles about the yellowshirts with guns shown on tv firing at people, or are you one of the baying mob on here kissing the arse of the incumbent government,it appears from a lot of posters here that it was perfectly ok for the yellows to do what they wanted but not for the reds,hypocrites the lot of them, espousing about democracy my arse your just a baying mob most of you and a lot just getting on the bandwagon.

All violence and all weapons at rallies should be condemned. Doesnt matter the colour of the shirt. Now we have people in their homes and a mob with molotovs milling around. That is wrong, dangerous and it is time for the authroites to protect innocent people.

A little history for the poster that uses words like pansy and glorifies hate and anger... Violence does not only continue to escalate problems, it further confuses them. Non-violence, like education and furthering the aims of the majority to an undisturbed progressing development is what the civilized world is based on, within their own borders. This is what has allowed first world countries to rape and pillage other colonialized countries that can't.

Violence only works on tv, with the weak minded, those that have nothing to lose, and those that fear actually doing something meaningful in life. Those that give into rage and loss of control, have given in. There is a time and place for violence, but only as a last resort. Ask any other successful, educated person and they'll probably tell you the same thing.

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Reds have occupied the convention center through a backentrance. All delegates were running away live on tv. This is a huge disaster for Thailand.


Looks like 'Civil War' without the weapons....errr of course we all know its a matter of time until the bloodshed begins. When will these people GROW UP?

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Seems quite evident that there is no rule of law in Thailand. The police and army cant protect their own government. Infact they are complicit in disorder. How can the authorities just stand by whilst these reds, yellows, pinks or cabbage colours set up stages with bands and equipment - install road blocks etc. etc.They are either complicit or completley useless.

Thais have again show the world that they are - - - - - - (fill in the gaps)

Sorry, to be fair it's the result of years or

generations of generations of people being obedient,

compliant to superiors (Puu Yai), who ever that might be,

nobody of "lower ranks" in society,

ever learned or had the guts to stand up and say:

"NO, enough is enough"!

One can get rid of frustrations in a couple of rounds of Muay Thai

and for the squeamish there is the threshold of the temples and monk hood!

It looks a nowadays, few still can follow who is who..

in this whole affair!


This is very Thai, the very core of it's social fabric!

Name it inheritance of years and years honoring the "old traditions"

of basically saying "yes" to what ever or just smile!

beware face at whatever cost!

The spirit of the "Land of Smiles" seems to come to haunt it with a

vengeance - people will be forced to understand and change or loose it all

to the Burma-Laos-Cambodia-Syndrome!

Edited by Samuian
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Absolutely pathetic.

The protesters are inside the Asean Summit hotel in force and doing whatever they want inside. Thailand is a joke. A basic unarmed mob can't be thwarted when the safety of world leaders are at stake. NEVER again should a world leader step foot in this country.


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