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my Mac Powerbook G4 is getting "long teeth" , so to speak.

The MacBook Pro 320GB sells for 92.000b.


Would it malke sense to buy it , e.g. in Hongkong?

Never been to Hongkong, some savings might subsides the trip, or ??

Its 19200HK$ against 92000B;!US$=7.76HK$,no VAT.

if you have not been there,remember,that changing money is tricky.Banks is one place,GOOD money changers in ChungKing Mansion

the only option.Remember,that there is:"buying rate" and "selling rate" plus small print at the bottom about commission.

If you been to London,you should be familiar with situation.Plenty of very visible ChequePoints open deep into night - straight ripp-off.

It starts from the airport(do not change).Its very funny to watch people falling into these traps - such a simple arithmetic!

Buy only in big shops like Broadway(very good) or Fortress,never in small shops on Nathan Rd.better - with local friend.

Other brands,like Dell or Sony,are substantially cheaper,even comparing with... Singapore,

Take care!


Hi - it never is to save a couple bucks - what if the jet crashes & break ya new machine? :o

Stay local - Apple is very specific and warranty could be a major hassle.

HK is thick with counterfeit. Everything - I have had some very bad Sony Vaio stuff.



Just order from store.apple.com/th - the online thai store.

Select Education discount and you will get almost the vat free price and delivery free by dhl in 1 or 2 days. Just bought the same laptop you are looking at and the new macbook and LED display. all delivered next morning after ordering at 2pm.

HK is also good bought many apple laptops from approved premium dealers in hong kong - dont worry about counterfeit models in hong kong if you buy from apple retailer. DG Lifestyle in the airport are very good. I am in HK every week almost never seen counterfeit apple laptops anywhere - even in some dodgy non apple retailers in Mongkok.

Apple is international warranty wherever you buy it just keep the invoice.

I personally am a Apple online thailand store convert. Best thing that has ever happened to Thailand regarding online ordering.


I bought a Mac book (new uni body) in Feb09 from New York. On passing through Heathrow it was cheaper in the Dixons duty free.

Then I bought a lovely second hand Macbook air in HK last month (Wanchai Comp Centre). That was good value, though not by any means a givaway.

NEVER seen a counterfeit Mac book.

My feeling now is buy the machine wherever you are. There are occasionally savings to be had, but generally (baring sales taxes) the prices seem to me to be comparable in the countries I visit.

HOWEVER: Sony Vaio's at the top end are only worth buying in USA. Not HK (or here). Outside US they are lower spec and more expensive.

For example the new little Vaio top spec in NY sells for around $1200 plus some taxes. In HK its about 50% higher with a lower spec, without a Sim slot and smaller HD. It was the same for the TZ series.


You want to know the price of your dream machine in Singapore shop Courts? 3880Sing$ with VAT(called GST, refund on departure),

exchange - 1,515S$/US$

VAT is 8%,now calculate.

I am toying with idea of buying new "mini",to try Apple experience.I like this minimalistic cube design.And its 2500 sid cheaper...monitor I have already.

About comp shopping in HK: there is only one serious place to do it - Not Wanchai,not MongKok,but ...Golden Shopping Centre in Shan Shui Po.(about 3 MTR stops after MongKok);also worth of visit for serious gadget lovers is new Sony Center in CausewayBay.

US market is the best for buyers,no question about it,but if you can handle Japanese menus in Sony video cameras - or Japanese

Windows in comps - you can buy a lot cheaper in Japan;and also much sooner,before new models hit US shores;some will never reach there.

thank you all for your extensive input. As you said, moneywise it´s not worth it.

Rather plan Hongkong independent from replacement needs.

12-inch PowerBook G4 computers

PowerBook G4 (12-inch DVI), PowerBook G4 (12-inch 1.33GHz), and PowerBook G4 (12-inch 1.5GHz)

The PowerBook G4 (12-inch DVI) is distinguishable from the previous model by the DVI port on the side of the computer. The DVI port is the one outlined in red


The thai online store currently has pretty good deals. HK can occasionally be cheaper but never enough to warrant a trip. Can also be more expensive, so beware.

Warranty is international and Apple is absolutely not picky where you bought it - all dealers world wide will service your machine under warranty. A bit different from, say, Acer. That said, the Apple Stores are generally the place where the service is the best.

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