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State Of Emergency Declared For Bangkok


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Now they broke into a bank, acc to the Nation. At least broke the glass doors.

Looks like a full blown red revolution - taking over the banks, shooting disagreeable locals.

Sparked by a military coup, a subsequent judicial coup and a paramilitary blockade of airports and government buildings.

What did you honestly think was going to happen? The disenfranchised as a result of the aforementioned actions were just going to lie down and take it?

Cause and effect.

There is no revolution, just thaksins slaves bent on causing as much destruction possible. You yap on about social injustice but in truth the reds rebuff all advances for true and meaningful change, they just want destruction. UDD was born to fight PAD and now that PAD is gone they can't stop and started to fight thailand

If anyone knows anything about Jatuporns previous they wouldnt be talking about anything especially anything lefty

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To people who do not care about sides and live in Thailand! Just think how great our life will be here shortly when the baht will crash, so will Thai economy, so not only we will be able to pick up condo's very cheap but also a few girls very cheap. With virtually no tourism, think of the choice all men will have!

You really have a one track mind don't you kuffki ? :o

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Any more information regarding the the people shot at the market? I hope its not true, unlike some of the young ignorant posters on this forum i dont want to see people killed. Regardless of there political views. I do find it ironic that people are so quick to advocate violence or even wishing for some to die cause they dont follow there view on the current political crisis. Anyway hope everyone stays safe and indoors tonight.

I do not know if you been following the events and posts, but you may misunderstood some posts.

The red mob started to attack civilians in their homes, attack passing by cars, shoot at civilians and finally have killed 1.

I have a feeling other people meant to shoot those responsible for the violence against civilians, they did not mean to just shoot all red supporters.

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April 13, 2009

By Thanong Khanthong

22:00 hours:

Red Shirt protesters have failed to garner critical mass support because they rely on urban terrorist tactic to plunder Bangkok. Many Bangkok residents have come out today to lash out at and attack the Red Shirt protesters.

Two people are reported to have been shot dead by the Red Shirt protesters, one at Nang Leng and the other at Wat Sommanas.

So where is Thaksin Shinawatra now? He is believed to be commanding the raid of Bangkok from Koh Kong. If the situation is ripe, he will make his way to Bangkok. But will he?

The Red Shirt protesters are now retreating to the area surrounding the Government House. They are fortifying their position from there.

The security forces are expected to quash the Red Shirt protesters tonight or tomorrow.

The government might find it necessary to declare curfew to deter movements of Red Shirt protesters and prevent them from reinforcing additional support.

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To people who do not care about sides and live in Thailand! Just think how great our life will be here shortly when the baht will crash, so will Thai economy, so not only we will be able to pick up condo's very cheap but also a few girls very cheap. With virtually no tourism, think of the choice all men will have!

You really have a one track mind don't you kuffki ? :D

HMMMM, well just tired of seeing people insulting each other on here(and this was my point yesterday) and trying to see the positive in all of it.

So either form an expats party as i mentioned before(LOL) or enjoy the little pleasures Thailand has to offer :o

There is still room for memberS if you want to join for the topless expats demonstrations-LOL

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Any more information regarding the the people shot at the market? I hope its not true, unlike some of the young ignorant posters on this forum i dont want to see people killed. Regardless of there political views. I do find it ironic that people are so quick to advocate violence or even wishing for some to die cause they dont follow there view on the current political crisis. Anyway hope everyone stays safe and indoors tonight.

I hate to see people killed too, but rabid dogs that kill bystanders, threaten destruction of whole innocent neighbourhoods and try to tear a city apart need to be stopped. Hopefully there are only a few, and the rest will realise their mob-minded errors.

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April 13, 2009

By Thanong Khanthong

22:00 hours:

Red Shirt protesters have failed to garner critical mass support because they rely on urban terrorist tactic to plunder Bangkok. Many Bangkok residents have come out today to lash out at and attack the Red Shirt protesters.

Two people are reported to have been shot dead by the Red Shirt protesters, one at Nang Leng and the other at Wat Sommanas.

So where is Thaksin Shinawatra now? He is believed to be commanding the raid of Bangkok from Koh Kong. If the situation is ripe, he will make his way to Bangkok. But will he?

The Red Shirt protesters are now retreating to the area surrounding the Government House. They are fortifying their position from there.

The security forces are expected to quash the Red Shirt protesters tonight or tomorrow.

The government might find it necessary to declare curfew to deter movements of Red Shirt protesters and prevent them from reinforcing additional support.

bbc say he's in Dubai? A ruse you think?

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So if you dont agree with red shirtsd they kill you. No surprise. Where is the drunken Thaksin?H esaid he would return to fight with his people if the military cracked down.He isnt here. The military have cracked down with a lot of local support and he inst supporting thosehe led to the streets.

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Nation fails to report what AJE says, its not only locals that oppose the redshirt, there is also locals cheering the red shirts. But hey, everyone believed the Israelis media during the bombing of Gaza right?

What is for sure is that there is no victory for the red shirts this time. Its just a matter of time before they are thrown out of Government House. Wether Abhsit can walk away clean from it depends on how much gory news international media get to report. Censorship - he loses. Excessive use of force - he loses. People die from gunshort - he loses. People die from panic - he loses. People die from lack of water - he loses.

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No need to worry about the army killing folks.

As reported on the BBC website at 16:00 GMT.

"Army spokesperson Colonel Sansern Kaewkamnerd said they were not firing real bullets.

"If the protesters show that that they intend to hurt the officials, we will use military training rifles on them with blank bullets made from paper, which will not hurt the protesters."

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Its time for the armed forces to end this tonight. With a strong forceful hand, but with as few casualties as necessary.

How will that end it? The people that are demonstrating won't suddenly be happy and love Abhisit just because he killed a few of them.

Better you stop with your false accusations!

False accusations? Are you hallucinating? I asked where it will end if he kills a few of them, like the post I was quoting suggested will happen tonight. How is that even anywhere remotely near an accusation? You've lost it.


Uh, you said "because he (Abhisit) killed a few of them". Unless you can back this up, it is a false accusation. Can you back it up?

I don't believe I'm bothering to do this, but I'm that bored with this nonsense......

Sitting comfortably? Let the English lesson begin.

Rainman's response was given in the context of the previous post which was:

'Its time for the armed forces to end this tonight. With a strong forceful hand, but with as few casualties as necessary.'

This sentence is talking about the future - later tonight. Rainman responds using the future simple tense: 'The people that are demonstrating won't suddenly be happy' because he's talking about what MAY OR MAY NOT happen in future if the armed forces do end it tonight. He then goes on to use the past simple tense - and this is where it may get tricky for you - because we also use the past simple tense when we talk about things that MIGHT happen in future. For example:

'If I saw you in the steet, I would shake your hand' - we say 'saw', but we're not talking about the past - we don't say 'If I will see you in the street, I would shake your hand'. Get it?

So Rainman was just talking about IF Abhisit became responsible for deaths later tonight, NOT that he is already responsible for deaths.

If English isn't your fiorst language you could be forgiven for making the mistake, but if it is you are embarrassing yourselves, so please stop. Thanks.

I'm not a teacher, by the way.

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As was said in The Gladiator. You must win the crowd to win the fight. Shooting unarmed civilians is the death blow to the Reds cause no matter how just it may have been up to then. The Military now has a definite mandate to quell this by any means necessary.

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So if you dont agree with red shirtsd they kill you. No surprise. Where is the drunken Thaksin?H esaid he would return to fight with his people if the military cracked down.He isnt here. The military have cracked down with a lot of local support and he inst supporting thosehe led to the streets.

Sorry hammered he is too busy giving interviews to all the stations and seeking international support.

I did love his comments with Clancy, when he said red shirts were peaceful and it was army who attacked them and reds just defended themselves, they have no weapons

As he finished the sentence, Clancy agreed and very fast added, yes no weapons just few buses.

Sorry if i did not explain it good enough, but was really funny. So if anyone can put a link to the latest interview, you will have a good laugh.

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Any more information regarding the the people shot at the market? I hope its not true, unlike some of the young ignorant posters on this forum i dont want to see people killed. Regardless of there political views. I do find it ironic that people are so quick to advocate violence or even wishing for some to die cause they dont follow there view on the current political crisis. Anyway hope everyone stays safe and indoors tonight.

I do not know if you been following the events and posts, but you may misunderstood some posts.

The red mob started to attack civilians in their homes, attack passing by cars, shoot at civilians and finally have killed 1.

I have a feeling other people meant to shoot those responsible for the violence against civilians, they did not mean to just shoot all red supporters.

Sorry just hear a bunch of conflicting reports. Heard some were killed at market. I live right off petchaburi road on soi 5. Few people from the soi have gone to the entrance to barricade the soi from the red shirts. Was watching here from my balcony. The red shirts chased them off with sticks, machete and such. Not sure why the red shirts are gathering in front. The neighbors seem really scared and worried. Just hoping none of my neighbors are hurt this evening.

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Manager Online has named a 54 year old vendor called Bom, surname not known, and an 18 year old called Yuthagaan Joychoychot (excuse my transliteration!), shot dead during a confrontation with red shirts at Nang Loeng and 10 injured (one in a coma after being shot) - according to a spokesman at Ramathibodi and Ratchawithi.

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Reports seem to say that locals who stood up to the red shirts were ignored by the police.

How can the police/army defend the locals? They only have paper bullets, as they said themselves.

that's the desparation of the reds - now they are trying to incite the army/police to fight back by attacking neutral and residents

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How can acts of corruption be proven before a court verdict is delivered? :o

Umm, here? http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/...ksin/index.html

Not to mention the War on Drugs was given documented approval by the person we can't talk about and had widespread popularity among the Thais themselves.

Approval to mitigate a situation that did in truth exist, but was used for his own ends ASIDE from the original situation after the fact.

None of those reasons you gave are the actual reasons why the coup happened, although the Junta, CNS and the Thai media have certainly fooled many people into believing so.

But the one pertinent question you need to think about is why the Thai military have a constant interest in Thai politics when they should be answerable to the Thai government, who is in turn answerable to the Thai people?

I agree that the military are not to be trusted, and that their interests were also involved in the coup, but the other reasons were more than enough for the people to demand his removal.

Once you discover the answer, you'll understand why the coup really happened.

One reason, but not the only one.

I also think that if the Thaksin variable (and his 76 Mill. Baht) was removed from the equation, this situation, and much of the downward slide of the past few years would never have happened.

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Reports seem to say that locals who stood up to the red shirts were ignored by the police.

How can the police/army defend the locals? They only have paper bullets, as they said themselves.

I'm sure if the situation calls for it (i hope it does not happen) the soldiers will change their mags to the one with live bullets in it.

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Just read this on the British Embassy Travel advice site

The Lao/Thai border crossing in Nong Chai is closed and there are reports of road blocks in Chiang Mai and Lampang in northern Thailand. Red-shirt leaders have threatened major protests in 50 cities throughout Thailand in the next few days.

Edited by colino
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How can acts of corruption be proven before a court verdict is delivered? :o

His most blatant act of corruption and the straw that broke the back of public opinion was not even illegal. He merely changed tax laws a couple of weeks prior to selling a portion of Thailand's telecom industry to Singapore and thus walked away with 70 billion Baht tax free. Nothing needs to be proven.

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Just read this on the British Embassy Travel advice site

The Lao/Thai border crossing in Nong Chai is closed and there are reports of road blocks in Chiang Mai and Lampang in northern Thailand. Red-shirt leaders have threatened major protests in 50 cities throughout Thailand in the next few days.

I have a feeling once BKK mob is squashed, the rest will just fold

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Death toll at Nang Lerng Market clash rises to 2

Bangkok Medical Department chief Phetpong Kamchornkijkarn said late Monday night that two persons were killed during the clash between vendors of Nang Lerng Market and red-shirted people.

They were identified as Pom Pholphanbua, 50, and Yupha Wisetphanit, 19.

Nine vendors were also injured. Six of them were sent to the Hua Chiew Hospital and three to Central Hospital.

The Nation

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How can acts of corruption be proven before a court verdict is delivered? :o

His most blatant act of corruption and the straw that broke the back of public opinion was not even illegal. He merely changed tax laws a couple of weeks prior to selling a portion of Thailand's telecom industry to Singapore and thus walked away with 70 billion Baht tax free. Nothing needs to be proven.

NO NO NO he did not, just like he did not change the law when he owned some of Air Asia, so this is the only foreign owned airline who can fly domestic, obviously almost doubling the price of shares.

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I wonder how many innocent people will die at the hands of the red shirts before this situation is resolved

So sad and yet so true, right now death toll stands at 2, do not be surprised to wake up to 10 times the number by tomorrow morning.

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