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Farang Red Shirts Involved In Protests


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I rememebr reading about farangs being deported if they get involved with political involvement.

This should be free country to anyone.. if they got doported., it mean not Thailand is not real democracy country like it is now.

now thats funny heheheheheheheheheheheh.You actualy believe that Thailand is democratic,the leaders are dishonest and seriously lack a brain.

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thai wannabe's

very sad indeed

I was wondering where all those "once you speak thai you understand" and "Bangkok is not real thailand" comments have gone. Also it's been awfully quiet down in farming forum.... :o

On a serious note, they indeed should be rounded up as soon as possible and deported. Preferably also revoke their present citizenship due high treason.

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While viewing Utube about news of the protests in Bangkok, I was astonished to see red shirted Farangs within the scenes of fighting and demonstrations.

Check out:

My questions are:

What the hel_l are they doing there?

Why are they involved?

And what's they're role within these groups?

Yes, I might live in Thailand, own a home in Thailand, own a business in Thailand and may have interest on how the political situation goes but no foreign individual should be physically involved in it. No matter what, this is not his or my country. Maybe he is a Manchester City fan....

manchester united you mean ....man city wear blue :o

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This should be free country to anyone.. if they got doported., it mean not Thailand is not real democracy country like it is now.

We are talking foreigners getting involved with bringing down the present Thai Government by brute force, which should never be a free for all and is nothing to do with


The actions of these idiots may have serious repercussions on the lives of ex-pats living here.

It seems that these morons believe that wearing 50 baht red tee-shirts turns them into some sort of superhero Thailand self recruited policemen.

well said .they are idiots to be doing it

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While viewing Utube about news of the protests in Bangkok, I was astonished to see red shirted Farangs within the scenes of fighting and demonstrations.

Check out:

My questions are:

What the hel_l are they doing there?

Why are they involved?

And what's they're role within these groups?

Yes, I might live in Thailand, own a home in Thailand, own a business in Thailand and may have interest on how the political situation goes but no foreign individual should be physically involved in it. No matter what, this is not his or my country. Maybe he is a Manchester City fan....

manchester united you mean ....man city wear blue :o

but didn't Thaskin own Manchester City for a short while?

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I rememebr reading about farangs being deported if they get involved with political involvement.

This should be free country to anyone.. if they got doported., it mean not Thailand is not real democracy country like it is now.

AFAIK, every country has rules with respect to deportation; break those rules, and the penalty is deportation, or a jail sentence after which you are deported.

It's a free country to its citizens (although I'm sure there are differening opinions on this). Citizens of any free country rarely get deported - it's called being exiled.

This is your first link, and you'll find some really informative and thoughtful and thought-provoking articles. I hope some of them will benefit you.


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This is like those farang that ride motorcycles with police helmets on,...pathetic,.no wonder the thais scratch their heads and view us as weird,.

And those f*ckwits throughing water on passing songtaews and motorbikes in pattaya today. shirtless nutters - arrest them and deport them. In thai areas people are observing the tradition and timeframe.

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This is like those farang that ride motorcycles with police helmets on,...pathetic,.no wonder the thais scratch their heads and view us as weird,.

at least a German won the Korat rice ploughing contest this year.

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Not all farang are tourists. Some are Thai citizens.

So you know them

I know white skinned Thai citizens, yes - my daughters for a start.

This thread is stupid. Imagine the UK conservative party saying no Asian looking people can join or Obama's party saying noone of Chinese origin can join.

The sooner "farang" are stopped looked upon as the stupid mindless tourist, the better.


Unlike Britain and the USA, Thailand is not a so-called multi racial society in the true sense.

The odds are that most Farangs seen here are either ex-pats, tourists or illegals.

And only their (Thai ) wives can own land, if the thais have their way it never will be a multi racial society, id be very interested to know if these twits have thai citizenship, and even so, no thai will ever take advice on thailand from a farang,.
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And neither were the USA or Uk 50 years ago. We're the same as blacks were in USA 40 years ago - attitudes must change.

Are you forbidden by law from marrying a Thai? Do you have to drink at separate water fountains and use separate restroom facilities? Are you refused service at restaurants sporting signs saying "No Whites"? Whats farangs experience here is not even close to what blacks experienced in the USA 40 or more years ago, not even close. Try and find a better analogy next time.

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This hasta go down as one of the most laughable posts on the T/V Forum.

I doubt seriously that ANY of the foreigners who donned a red shirts and/or armband have the slightest idea what the different factions represent. For that matter, I doubt ANY of them can even speak more than "two-word tourist thai", so they would have no idea what it was they were actually protesting for.

That foreigner's own homes, or land (in their (in)significant other's name), have businesses here or anything else is of little value to your basic "run-of-the-mill" thai, be it a red shirt or a yellow.

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This thread is stupid.

I couldn't agree more. TiT though... :o

seconded - it's a very stupid thread.

it sort of reminds me of some of the newly migrant groups in the west, and when they get established a hierarchy starts to develop. those who have been there longer may have better jobs and status within the 'host' community. along with that perceived sense of power, many people adopt the conservative values of the time, thinking that would make them more desirable citizens. same thing seems to be happening in this stupid post - farangs policing other farangs.

live and let live, i say - it's their choice.

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There is enough turmoil already and this crisis will not benefit from the interference of do gooder outsider influences.

I would like to see the photos of these Farangs, if they live in Thailand, circulated around all Immigration departments and these clowns deported.

There are some people who are just professional agitators. They might be just tourists, but when there is a good riot (or demonstration), they show up. We had them in the anti-war movement in the USA back in the 60's and 70's. Funny thing is I have never heard of them going to China to demonstrate against government abuses in Tibet or showing up in Tehran to protest against the treatment of women or gays.

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There is enough turmoil already and this crisis will not benefit from the interference of do gooder outsider influences.

I would like to see the photos of these Farangs, if they live in Thailand, circulated around all Immigration departments and these clowns deported.

There are some people who are just professional agitators. They might be just tourists, but when there is a good riot (or demonstration), they show up. We had them in the anti-war movement in the USA back in the 60's and 70's. Funny thing is I have never heard of them going to China to demonstrate against government abuses in Tibet or showing up in Tehran to protest against the treatment of women or gays.

So in other words they are a bunch of cowards who just want to course a problem.

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Unlike Britain and the USA, Thailand is not a so-called multi racial society in the true sense.

The odds are that most Farangs seen here are either ex-pats, tourists or illegals.

And neither were the USA or Uk 50 years ago. We're the same as blacks were in USA 40 years ago - attitudes must change.

A more truly ignorant statement I have rarely seen, Neeranam.

Back to the OP, if protesters are guests in Thailand and not citizens of Thailand, they stand to be made an example of and their own embassy will do nothing to protect them.

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Yes, I might live in Thailand, own a home in Thailand, own a business in Thailand and may have interest on how the political situation goes but no foreign individual should be physically involved in it. No matter what, this is not his or my country. Maybe he is a Manchester City fan....

Given that foreign tourists were deliberately targetted by the PAD, they are perfectly entitled to peacefully demonstrate in favour of their opponents.

Why do you think so many protest signs are in English? Both sides want the international community involved.

The fight for freedom and democracy has always been an international struggle. Should all foreigners have kept out of the Spanish civil war? Should the foreigners keep their mouths shut about what's happening in Tibet and Burma? I can't believe how many backward people there are in this thread who are happy to live life bowing down to authority and sniveling 'we must not express an opinion in their country'.

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This is similar to the hundreds of British students who took part in large 'Free Tibet' protests here in the UK last year. They don't really know what they're doing, they just do it because they think it's the right thing to do. Deporting them would be a huge overreaction. They just need someone to explain to them why what they are doing is wrong and they'll very quickly find a new bandwagon to clamber aboard.

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And those f*ckwits throughing water on passing songtaews and motorbikes in pattaya today. shirtless nutters - arrest them and deport them. In thai areas people are observing the tradition and timeframe.


Have you ever been outside of Pattaya? The vast, vast majority of people doing that are Thai.

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The last thing we really need are 'Farang' wearing red shirts and joining this demonstration. We should be apolitical here in that context.

Observe and comment? Yes.

There could be repercussions for many white folk if the Thai people want to take objection.


<<<___ drops Neerman in the trash bin :o

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This should be free country to anyone.. if they got doported., it mean not Thailand is not real democracy country like it is now.

We are talking foreigners getting involved with bringing down the present Thai Government by brute force, which should never be a free for all and is nothing to do with


The actions of these idiots may have serious repercussions on the lives of ex-pats living here.

It seems that these morons believe that wearing 50 baht red tee-shirts turns them into some sort of superhero Thailand self recruited policemen.

Good point. I also wonder the motives of the Farang wearing Red Shirts, not the same as Yellow Shirts on Monday. But then again, Good Ole' Boys are everywhere, and "accomplice" in any language is someone else's greed stepping in the way of good decision making.

In Merica!, the Slave States, there are people still caught in the perpetuation of archaic behaviors, and typically because they don't know any better by tradition or custom. And like the recent administration that gave the entire planet something they can either use to solve problems or not, most can't see far enough in front of their own programming to realize how they look or what they are doing to the long run.

I'm guessing these Farang are motivated by what motivates anyone to do something that's contrary to common sense or convention. Themselves.

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