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Cock Fighting

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Why do some people get to decide which barbaric practices are acceptable?

Is it OK to watch horse racing despite the fact that most horses will be slaughtered for food after their racing careers are over?

Most greyhounds are slaughtered and dumped when their careers are over.

I've watched pigs squeal while being strangled to death before they were butchered.

It's legal to sell and serve dog meat in most of the US as long as it's labeled properly.

Humans are still barbarians. Capital punishment is legal in many countries. Torture is sponsored by government and accepted by the citizens.

Someone referred to the KKK in the past tense. It's still very much alive.

There are still 30 wars going on around the world today. Genocide still happens with regularity.

I've seen legal cock fighting in both Thailand and the US. (It is/was legal in Puerto Rico, a US territory).

As others have previously pointed out, those fighting cocks are treated very well. Most of the people of Darfur, Myanmar, etc live a more miserable life.

To those of you who are condemning as a barbarian anyone who condones cock fighting: What have you done to change any of the above practices?

Excellent points el jefe.

We had chickens on the farm I was raised on and every few months a few would end up on the chopping block and lose their heads. Those chickens still had a far better life then 99.9% of the chickens on earth. As do most fighting cocks. Im not positive but I believe they don't even fight until they are 2 years old? and until then are well cared for.

Most meat chickens in the west live about 2 or 3 months. If you can call the conditions they are raised as living. Laying chickens have it no better.

For those who are against the tradition of cock-fighting. I applaud your tender heart, but with the many problems facing people and children around the world I would hope you can find a better cause to get behind.

Anyone calling waikhru a sadist and barbarian is a complete hypocrite if they are eating any poultry. If you are a complete vegetarian I respect and appreciate your opinion.

If you are concerned about the welfare of chickens I say concern yourselves with the living conditions of the 23 million killed each day in the USA ..thats 260 per second.... or the 43 billion slaughtered annually worldwide.

I think I said in a previous post that some Westerners are hypocritical because of 'factory farming' in the West. Agreed that 'factory farming' animals is even worse than cock fighting, where at least the animals are looked after until they become 'entertainment'.

That said, the people who buy factory farmed animal meat are 'just' avoiding the issue, but anyone who finds animals killing each other 'entertainment' or 'fun' ARE barbaric and sadistic, and I've said a number of times before, will be considered as such by future generations - just as we look back on 'gladiator sports'.

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Why do some people get to decide which barbaric practices are acceptable?

Is it OK to watch horse racing despite the fact that most horses will be slaughtered for food after their racing careers are over?

Most greyhounds are slaughtered and dumped when their careers are over.

I've watched pigs squeal while being strangled to death before they were butchered.

It's legal to sell and serve dog meat in most of the US as long as it's labeled properly.

Humans are still barbarians. Capital punishment is legal in many countries. Torture is sponsored by government and accepted by the citizens.

Someone referred to the KKK in the past tense. It's still very much alive.

There are still 30 wars going on around the world today. Genocide still happens with regularity.

I've seen legal cock fighting in both Thailand and the US. (It is/was legal in Puerto Rico, a US territory).

As others have previously pointed out, those fighting cocks are treated very well. Most of the people of Darfur, Myanmar, etc live a more miserable life.

To those of you who are condemning as a barbarian anyone who condones cock fighting: What have you done to change any of the above practices?

Excellent points el jefe.

We had chickens on the farm I was raised on and every few months a few would end up on the chopping block and lose their heads. Those chickens still had a far better life then 99.9% of the chickens on earth. As do most fighting cocks. Im not positive but I believe they don't even fight until they are 2 years old? and until then are well cared for.

Most meat chickens in the west live about 2 or 3 months. If you can call the conditions they are raised as living. Laying chickens have it no better.

For those who are against the tradition of cock-fighting. I applaud your tender heart, but with the many problems facing people and children around the world I would hope you can find a better cause to get behind.

Anyone calling waikhru a sadist and barbarian is a complete hypocrite if they are eating any poultry. If you are a complete vegetarian I respect and appreciate your opinion.

If you are concerned about the welfare of chickens I say concern yourselves with the living conditions of the 23 million killed each day in the USA ..thats 260 per second.... or the 43 billion slaughtered annually worldwide.

I think I said in a previous post that some Westerners are hypocritical because of 'factory farming' in the West. Agreed that 'factory farming' animals is even worse than cock fighting, where at least the animals are looked after until they become 'entertainment'.

That said, the people who buy factory farmed animal meat are 'just' avoiding the issue, but anyone who finds animals killing each other 'entertainment' or 'fun' ARE barbaric and sadistic, and I've said a number of times before, will be considered as such by future generations - just as we look back on 'gladiator sports'.

I think you missed the point. The human race IS barbaric and sadistic. Cock fighting is just one tiny example.

Someday, maybe in a couple of thousand years, we'll stop killing each other because of religion and race. And sometime after that, maybe we'll stop killing chickens and cows, pigs, dogs and horses just to eat them.

F1, Are you a vegetarian? Do you support politicians who's primary platform is to end current wars/conflicts?

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Why do some people get to decide which barbaric practices are acceptable?

Is it OK to watch horse racing despite the fact that most horses will be slaughtered for food after their racing careers are over?

Most greyhounds are slaughtered and dumped when their careers are over.

I've watched pigs squeal while being strangled to death before they were butchered.

It's legal to sell and serve dog meat in most of the US as long as it's labeled properly.

Humans are still barbarians. Capital punishment is legal in many countries. Torture is sponsored by government and accepted by the citizens.

Someone referred to the KKK in the past tense. It's still very much alive.

There are still 30 wars going on around the world today. Genocide still happens with regularity.

I've seen legal cock fighting in both Thailand and the US. (It is/was legal in Puerto Rico, a US territory).

As others have previously pointed out, those fighting cocks are treated very well. Most of the people of Darfur, Myanmar, etc live a more miserable life.

To those of you who are condemning as a barbarian anyone who condones cock fighting: What have you done to change any of the above practices?

Excellent points el jefe.

We had chickens on the farm I was raised on and every few months a few would end up on the chopping block and lose their heads. Those chickens still had a far better life then 99.9% of the chickens on earth. As do most fighting cocks. Im not positive but I believe they don't even fight until they are 2 years old? and until then are well cared for.

Most meat chickens in the west live about 2 or 3 months. If you can call the conditions they are raised as living. Laying chickens have it no better.

For those who are against the tradition of cock-fighting. I applaud your tender heart, but with the many problems facing people and children around the world I would hope you can find a better cause to get behind.

Anyone calling waikhru a sadist and barbarian is a complete hypocrite if they are eating any poultry. If you are a complete vegetarian I respect and appreciate your opinion.

If you are concerned about the welfare of chickens I say concern yourselves with the living conditions of the 23 million killed each day in the USA ..thats 260 per second.... or the 43 billion slaughtered annually worldwide.

I think I said in a previous post that some Westerners are hypocritical because of 'factory farming' in the West. Agreed that 'factory farming' animals is even worse than cock fighting, where at least the animals are looked after until they become 'entertainment'.

That said, the people who buy factory farmed animal meat are 'just' avoiding the issue, but anyone who finds animals killing each other 'entertainment' or 'fun' ARE barbaric and sadistic, and I've said a number of times before, will be considered as such by future generations - just as we look back on 'gladiator sports'.

I think you missed the point. The human race IS barbaric and sadistic. Cock fighting is just one tiny example.

Someday, maybe in a couple of thousand years, we'll stop killing each other because of religion and race. And sometime after that, maybe we'll stop killing chickens and cows, pigs, dogs and horses just to eat them.

F1, Are you a vegetarian? Do you support politicians who's primary platform is to end current wars/conflicts?

Yes, I'm vegetarian (but that's a personal decision and in this day and age I don't blame people for eating meat unless its factory farmed), but no I don't agree that it will take a couple of thousand years before we become more civilised.

I don't support any politicians anymore (apart from the odd few), I think they're totally corrupt. I firmly believe that anyone who wants to be our 'leader', is the last person that we would want to be our 'leader'! :)

As I said before, it was only a few centuries ago that people thought that slaves killing each other for their pleasure was 'fun'. In fact come to that it was only a century ago that people thought slavery was OK!!

Times and opinions change v quickly.

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Yes, I'm vegetarian (but that's a personal decision and in this day and age I don't blame people for eating meat unless its factory farmed), but no I don't agree that it will take a couple of thousand years before we become more civilised.

I don't support any politicians anymore (apart from the odd few), I think they're totally corrupt. I firmly believe that anyone who wants to be our 'leader', is the last person that we would want to be our 'leader'! :)

As I said before, it was only a few centuries ago that people thought that slaves killing each other for their pleasure was 'fun'. In fact come to that it was only a century ago that people thought slavery was OK!!

Times and opinions change v quickly.

OK, F1. I'll concede that you are more civilized and less barbaric than the vast majority of your fellow humans.

We're off on a tangent here, but my only new quibble with you is on your slavery comment. Slavery may be illegal, but it certainly has not been eliminated.

There's no end to the barbaric practices we have.

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Another one of those discussions that goes around in circles. I have been to cock fights and have family members in the Philippines who raise and fight them. The bleeding hearts need to get over it. You will deny someone else their culture while defending your own corrupt culture.

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I had a lot of poultry as a kid, and they often fight, nothing wrong with that, though one day I came home and my favoured rooster(Bruce), was dead, and Barnie the young one had taken over the harem! I wasted no time chopping Barnie's head off and turning him in to chicken Provençal!

Usually the one that loses runs away, but the one that is done in enclosure and pits is just sick!

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Another one of those discussions that goes around in circles. I have been to cock fights and have family members in the Philippines who raise and fight them. The bleeding hearts need to get over it. You will deny someone else their culture while defending your own corrupt culture.

I thought I'd made it very clear that I most certainly do not defend my own society's corrupt culture! They are to be condemned as loudly as those in other societies.

Us 'bleeding hearts' will not 'get over it', and you're living in a dreamworld if you think that we're just going to shut up and go away! I can however, understand that it makes those who condone barbarity uncomfortable when the the best argument they are able to muster is 'get over it'. :)

I do agree with El Jefe's comment that humans (including myself) are basically barbaric and uncivilised. Some of us however, try v hard to understand and overcome behaviour that is cruel and uncivilised, realising that if we are unable to do so we have no claim to moral superiority over animals. Funnily enough, it is often supporters of 'blood sports' who believe they are morally superior to animals! Another of life's little ironies.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Any fans ?

You're joking right? It's illegal in most civilised countries for a reason.

You're a cock if you like cock fighting that's for sure.

Don't ever go to the Philippines then as there's a world championship of cockfighting every year.

Stop whining about it and deal with the fact that in some countries, what you think is unacceptable others feel is perfectly normal...

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Any fans ?

You're joking right? It's illegal in most civilised countries for a reason.

You're a cock if you like cock fighting that's for sure.

Don't ever go to the Philippines then as there's a world championship of cockfighting every year.

Stop whining about it and deal with the fact that in some countries, what you think is unacceptable others feel is perfectly normal...

Stop whining about double-pricing and prostitution and impoliteness and corruption and...it goes on. By whining you mean disagreeing, and when many disagree you will have to start to listen and act. Such as history shows.

Humans are indeed barbaric but let me be direct...some are more barbaric and uncivilised than others. Yes, that's judged on general Western principles that have changed over hundreds of years but is also a general opinion. I've been to the Philippines many times and they're one of the most barbaric, hypocritical people on the planet in terms of animal cruelty. In the same breath they're warm and friendly people. In the same breath also they value life cheaply. Strange isn't it? Now speak to most Filipinos and they'll openly and shamefully admit to you that the West DO have higher ethics and morals than themselves, so no point standing up for their "cruelty for our standards but culturally fine" excuse. Being one of the most religious countries on the planet (Catholic or Muslim) I had to ask my good friend why he can be so religious when he wouldn't bother to look twice at saving a kitten on a road, or would laugh when kids threw rocks at homeless cats. His interpretation of the bible didn't include any humility to living life below humans, and therefore I couldn't take his blind faith seriously.

Many people think that something is perfectly normal. We Brits thought it was normal to burn people for believing God didn't place man on the earth. They were wrong, and more intelligent, civil and modern-thinking people came along and changed it. It just takes a bit of time and a bit of whining.

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Any fans ?

You're joking right? It's illegal in most civilised countries for a reason.

You're a cock if you like cock fighting that's for sure.

Don't ever go to the Philippines then as there's a world championship of cockfighting every year.

Stop whining about it and deal with the fact that in some countries, what you think is unacceptable others feel is perfectly normal...

Stop whining about double-pricing and prostitution and impoliteness and corruption and...it goes on. By whining you mean disagreeing, and when many disagree you will have to start to listen and act. Such as history shows.

Humans are indeed barbaric but let me be direct...some are more barbaric and uncivilised than others. Yes, that's judged on general Western principles that have changed over hundreds of years but is also a general opinion. I've been to the Philippines many times and they're one of the most barbaric, hypocritical people on the planet in terms of animal cruelty. In the same breath they're warm and friendly people. In the same breath also they value life cheaply. Strange isn't it? Now speak to most Filipinos and they'll openly and shamefully admit to you that the West DO have higher ethics and morals than themselves, so no point standing up for their "cruelty for our standards but culturally fine" excuse. Being one of the most religious countries on the planet (Catholic or Muslim) I had to ask my good friend why he can be so religious when he wouldn't bother to look twice at saving a kitten on a road, or would laugh when kids threw rocks at homeless cats. His interpretation of the bible didn't include any humility to living life below humans, and therefore I couldn't take his blind faith seriously.

Many people think that something is perfectly normal. We Brits thought it was normal to burn people for believing God didn't place man on the earth. They were wrong, and more intelligent, civil and modern-thinking people came along and changed it. It just takes a bit of time and a bit of whining.

Okay Carl, you're civilized and I'm not. You're still whining over spilled milk.

If you want to whine about cockfighting, you might as well do so about boxing, Muay Thai, MMA, or any other form of combat, human or otherwise.

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animal cruelty is everywhere, however in western cultures it is hidden behind the closed doors of factory's.

out of site out of mind,people know it's happening but choose to ignore it because there love for an egg in the morning overpowers there care for the animals that are suffering.

the bottom line is everyone here uses products everyday that are either tested on animals or eat something that comes from one of the above mentioned factory's.

no one really cares a great deal, that's why it will never stop.

as for cock fighting, i really enjoy it is an entertaining way to spend a saturday evening.

if it's barbaric then i am barbaric.

I'm really more concerned with people in our villages that have been kidnapped and sold into slavery,this is far to common.

when my culture reaches the moral level of you westerners, when we became as civilized as you,then i will worry about the cockfighting.

one thing i do know is i have never seen any water boarding take place in my area,so civilized.

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Absolutely right, waikhru, people will moan and lambast sports like cock fighting while sinking their teeth into a nice, juicy steak. Then there are those who believe even eating meat is evil because of the way the animals are killed, and go all vegetarian and go on crusades against KFC in the media, like Pamela Anderson. But you make valid points.

Oh, and I'm American, and have never noticed any waterboarding in my town, either. :)

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jimjim, the water board comment was aimed at showing that in all cultures, there are things that can be pointed to us uncivilized.

I know many people find cockfighting in our culture disgusting,however they are entitled to there opinion as i am entitled to sit and watch cockfights.

people have a right to express there dislike of cockfighting to me as someone who takes part in it, but as there are americans who are against waterboarding, there are also thais against cockfighting so people should judge us as individuals not as a race.

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