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Meritorious Meditation


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As some basic tenets, Buddhists are to cease evil, do good, and purify the mind. In various discussions points are brought up that certain temperament is being cultivated, as well as how one is at the very least not out committing akusala kamma while practicing right meditation, and other things along those lines.

But how exactly is meditation kusala kamma? The cultivation of a right temperament seems to contribute to that, but I seek to raise my understanding of this concept. Some good points have been made before, but I seem to have lost grasp of them at the moment.

Thank you in advance.

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It's possible that I was mistaken. It may have just been that I've seen mention of cessation of evil (at the very least during the session) and purification of the mind.

There are some teachings out there though that meditation can be meritorious in and of itself.

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