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Oops, Havn't Filed Tax Yet And Post Office Closed

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will the post offices be closed tomorrow? i havn't mailed my US tax yet and tomorrow is the deadline to get it to the post office isn't it?

can i do something on line, i trued to file with turboxtax but it wouldn't let me since i live outside the US

pls help

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If you reside outside the United States you get an automatic two month extension.

really, how do you request that?

anyhow, i found out i can file on line here


bugger, that web site would let me file on line either, no idea why, just a cryptic code.

anyhow, here's how to get the automatic 2 month extension:

automatic 2-month extension. You are allowed an automatic 2-month extension to file your return and pay federal income tax if you are a U.S. citizen or resident alien, and on the regular due date of your return:

* You are living outside of the United States and Puerto Rico and your main place of business or post of duty is outside the United States and Puerto Rico, or

* You are in military or naval service on duty outside the United States and Puerto Rico.

How to get the extension. To use this automatic 2-month extension, you must attach a statement to your return explaining which of the two situations listed earlier qualified you for the extension.

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Just don't pay your taxes if you plan on never going back to the U.S. Why bother?

Because it's illegal and they can/will put a levy on your US based accounts preventing you access to your money. If you have property back in the US they can put a lien on it or even on credit cards. Not worth the risk.

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Just don't pay your taxes if you plan on never going back to the U.S. Why bother?

Won't work, if the IRS wants you bad enough they'll send the US Embassy goon squad to pick you up. You can't hide from big brother!

and....could be the fastest way to loose your passport too :o

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Yes, you have an automatic 2-month extension. No problems if you do not owe tax.

Best as I remember, if you do owe tax, though, you need to send the IRS a check to cover the amount owed on 15 April. If you over-pay, you get the money back with interest. If you underpaid, you will be subject to penalties and interest.

The post office will be open tomorrow. If you attach a letter to your return, stating that Thailand was under a State of Emergency Decree and that the post offices were closed the week before 16 April, there will be no problem - Uncle is actually very understanding that way, so long as you let him know!!!

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Honestly, though, I know people have gotten extensions and it seems relatively easy. Or those who owed too much to pay in a lump sum and were given a reasonable payment plan.

Or you can join this protest going on by some elements in the U.S. who are trying to have a big protest about not paying taxes and they are not going to pay. It's all political, though. Think someone was calling it the Boston Tax Party? Look on Fox News website, they have been in love with it since it's all in protest to the Democrat government.

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