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Touching Women in the street


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well clearly all the guys commenting on how horrible this is are quite ugly and fat.

I have shopped at paragon countless times and the very beautiful attendants in the watch and sun glasses department REALLY enjoyed the few touches i gave them. It's all relative to the toucher.

I really hate in my country when a redneck bumps into me(and i will push him on the pavement), but Jessica Alba can pretty much go quarterback on me and ill just smile. Same goes for thai, because this country attracts the worse type of people physically, doesn't mean that it applies for everyone.

Ya right buddy lol, delusional **no flaming**. They really enjoy your sleazy touchy feely behaviour at paragon because you are so hawt! They are just politely doing their job and if this was the states you'd be in jail ya leacherous **no flaming**.

Im sorry buddy, but im not a fat teacher. When 9 and 10/10's see a young farang buying expensive stuff, all they want is to be touched by him and give him his phone number on the receipt if by chances he buys from them.

Why would you waste your time defending something you could not understand?

Its the same as some scrawny midget grinding every girl in a club and some good looking guy that workouts regulary, 1's getting a slap or a beatdown and the other is getting more grinding

edit: i see that maybe your problem is that bargirls dont want to hold your hands in places out of bars so you think its frowned up when they tell you 'thai no do, THAI NODO'

dont believe it!

Edited by notasexpat
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You see my problem? Hows that? Confuse me with someone else? You rated yourself as a 6, Im at least an 8 and I wouldn't be putting my hands all over some salesgirl at the mall. I would understand that in this culture they do not like confrontation and will politely smile and continue being nice to me even if I'm making them extremely uncomfortable, what would be a shriek and a smack back home and possible police charges will just be a smile and nervous giggle here. You don't know this so confuse them avoiding a confrontation and avoiding embarassing a customer AT THIER WORK PLACE with wanting you to touch them. Join reality..... I don't go anywhere near bargirls... don't know what you are talking about.

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Almost every good looking Western male that I have met in Thailand has something wrong with his brain. They are usually amazingly stupid or have psychlogical problems that any Western woman would spot right away. Just like us ugly guys, they have to come to Thailand to get any real action. :o

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By going out with your friend you are indirectly Goading him. If you want him to stop then you must stop going out with him till he can learn to live politely in Public. But what has not been mentioned is, when I am going out and about I am sick of being hit upon because I am male. Even when I am walking with my wife. The above rule should apply to everyone male or female!!!!!

You pin-point why some b/g's are not treated with respect. If they insist on 'hitting upon' every male, regardless of whether they are already with a woman, its hardly suprising that other men respond in a way that is normally completely unacceptable.

I agree with others though, avoid him like the plague! Sooner or later he is going to either touch or annoy the wrong person!

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Your mate is going to get himself killed doing this ,my wife smashed a bottle across a drunken <deleted> who thought he could grope her best friend in a nightclub in Chiang Mai the <deleted> was then taken outside and given the kicking of his life by some thai men who my wife did not know :o

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Your mate is going to get himself killed doing this ,my wife smashed a bottle across a drunken <deleted> who thought he could grope her best friend in a nightclub in Chiang Mai the <deleted> was then taken outside and given the kicking of his life by some thai men who my wife did not know :o

nice socializing

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well clearly all the guys commenting on how horrible this is are quite ugly and fat.

I have shopped at paragon countless times and the very beautiful attendants in the watch and sun glasses department REALLY enjoyed the few touches i gave them. It's all relative to the toucher.

I really hate in my country when a redneck bumps into me(and i will push him on the pavement), but Jessica Alba can pretty much go quarterback on me and ill just smile. Same goes for thai, because this country attracts the worse type of people physically, doesn't mean that it applies for everyone.

Ya right buddy lol, delusional **no flaming**. They really enjoy your sleazy touchy feely behaviour at paragon because you are so hawt! They are just politely doing their job and if this was the states you'd be in jail ya leacherous **no flaming**.

I second this post, especially the flames removed.................. m0r0n "notasexpat" has to announce his denial in public.

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Almost every good looking Western male that I have met in Thailand has something wrong with his brain. They are usually amazingly stupid or have psychlogical problems that any Western woman would spot right away. Just like us ugly guys, they have to come to Thailand to get any real action. :o

Ya this definately describes me...... I mean.. I act pretty normal, but in fact I'm a serial killer so, guess I got my own issues too.

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well clearly all the guys commenting on how horrible this is are quite ugly and fat

Not sure about ugly, but certainly not fat :o

By your rather strange logic, groping a girl is OK if you are handsome and slim? Man, you must have a lot of female friends :D

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Im sorry buddy, but im not a fat teacher. When 9 and 10/10's see a young farang buying expensive stuff, all they want is to be touched by him and give him his phone number on the receipt if by chances he buys from them.

Why would you waste your time defending something you could not understand?

Its the same as some scrawny midget grinding every girl in a club and some good looking guy that workouts regulary, 1's getting a slap or a beatdown and the other is getting more grinding

edit: i see that maybe your problem is that bargirls dont want to hold your hands in places out of bars so you think its frowned up when they tell you 'thai no do, THAI NODO'

dont believe it!

handsome, thin or otherwise, I dont think you can speak on behalf of all Thai women, or use your experience with a few sales girls and extrapolate that to determine what is socially accepted behaviour in Thailand :o

things may work differently in a club (but that tends to happen in most countries), but in normal every day situation, it is certainly inappropriate, and I believe not just in Thailand, but could be more so when compared to some countries.

also keep in mind everyone is different. different people may tolerate different levels of touch, public display of affection, also depending on location.

however, in general I would say when it comes to strangers, the majority reaction would be that it is inappropriate. much more so when you are out in the provinces.

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I've met them here in Vietnam too: guys who think they are irresistible to the local shop girls because the girl in question is looking for a passport/better employment/a ticket out of poverty/ a way to feed her kids :o But then there are also guys that think that the bear girl really loves him and that she will change her ways for sure. Tossers.

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A few days before Songkran, people in the village (in Isaan) were going house to house removing the ghosts and in return they were given food, beer or lao kao from each home. In short order, many villagers were mao.

Some young guy in the village grabbed the Pu Yai Ban's daughters ass. She is a nice girl & university student. She was in tears & quite upset. Immediately she was driven to the police station & charges were filed. The BIB picked him up (he denied it of course) and have interviewed witness's & are proceeding with charges.

Don't know what the outcome will be, but if it would have been a farang, I think the excrement would be impacting the rotating device in a major way.

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I was talking about touching, not groping

still inappropriate for a stranger to touch each other, but more so for a man to touch a woman

and even more so for a woman to touch a man

thats what I understand of the socially accepted behaviour in Thailand.

groping just takes it to another level. if groping and the woman calls out for help, or calls attention to it, theres also possibility the person doing the groping may be assaulted by those in the vicinity (not saying this is right, but its possible, especially if there are some hot headed types in the vicinity...and there will often be, especially when they know they will get support from others)

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retardation levels are very high in this thread

it mentions touching, not groping.

Inappropriate and unwelcome touching.

You seem to believe you are God's gift to women and any approach you make to a woman is going to be very welcome. However, if your IQ was a fraction of the size of your ego you would know that the smiles and responses you get from sales staff you inflict with your attentions is only them doing their job; being nice to a customer.

I would guess that the only women you actually have experience with are those in magazines; and that all the pages are no doubt stuck together by now.

Innapropriate, uninvited touching of women is the act of an inadequate pervert.

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A few days before Songkran, people in the village (in Isaan) were going house to house removing the ghosts and in return they were given food, beer or lao kao from each home. In short order, many villagers were mao.

Some young guy in the village grabbed the Pu Yai Ban's daughters ass. She is a nice girl & university student. She was in tears & quite upset. Immediately she was driven to the police station & charges were filed. The BIB picked him up (he denied it of course) and have interviewed witness's & are proceeding with charges.

Don't know what the outcome will be, but if it would have been a farang, I think the excrement would be impacting the rotating device in a major way.

LOL that is so rare and awesome! As if everyone in that situation did the correct thing! Even the police! Oh wait.. you did say Pu Yai... ahh well at least the system actually works for SOMEONE.

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retardation levels are very high in this thread

it mentions touching, not groping.

I beleive your IQ (intelligence quotient) is of the same breadth as your depth. 1) go back to mirror 2) feel yourself (because no body in Thailand wants to) 3) your handle says your not a sex pat/ tells me you pay more than most 4) really how stupid are you, same <deleted> as other posts 5) pm me I would love too f***ing meet you d***head, quick shoot more steriods and look in mirror... feel better go buy some expensive stuff (which you obviously cant do if you have to post "expensive stuff") 6) stick thumb back up ass and f*** off.


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retardation levels are very high in this thread

it mentions touching, not groping.

Inappropriate and unwelcome touching.

You seem to believe you are God's gift to women and any approach you make to a woman is going to be very welcome. However, if your IQ was a fraction of the size of your ego you would know that the smiles and responses you get from sales staff you inflict with your attentions is only them doing their job; being nice to a customer.

I would guess that the only women you actually have experience with are those in magazines; and that all the pages are no doubt stuck together by now.

Innapropriate, uninvited touching of women is the act of an inadequate pervert.

so me getting phone numbers on my receipts = them doing their jobs?

Then why 90% of this forum cant get anything but dates with bargirls?

im not alone i got a couple friends who pickup girls at the paragon and emporium, since they have the highest concentration of hotties in thailand

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retardation levels are very high in this thread

it mentions touching, not groping.

I beleive your IQ (intelligence quotient) is of the same breadth as your depth. 1) go back to mirror 2) feel yourself (because no body in Thailand wants to) 3) your handle says your not a sex pat/ tells me you pay more than most 4) really how stupid are you, same <deleted> as other posts 5) pm me I would love too f***ing meet you d***head, quick shoot more steriods and look in mirror... feel better go buy some expensive stuff (which you obviously cant do if you have to post "expensive stuff") 6) stick thumb back up ass and f*** off.


jealousy is a sin my poor child

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retardation levels are very high in this thread

it mentions touching, not groping.

I beleive your IQ (intelligence quotient) is of the same breadth as your depth. 1) go back to mirror 2) feel yourself (because no body in Thailand wants to) 3) your handle says your not a sex pat/ tells me you pay more than most 4) really how stupid are you, same <deleted> as other posts 5) pm me I would love too f***ing meet you d***head, quick shoot more steriods and look in mirror... feel better go buy some expensive stuff (which you obviously cant do if you have to post "expensive stuff") 6) stick thumb back up ass and f*** off.


jealousy is a sin my poor child

Wank wank wank, pm me wanke_r,

never mind, got ya

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I made a mistake:

I replied to notasexpat (aka God's gift to Thai women) before reading the drivel he has posted in other forums (e.g.g cars are just as dangerous for children as riding on a motorbike :D )

You got me, I rose to the bait. Well done, now go away and chat up shop girls at the Paragon :o

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Every girl in thailand wants a foreign boyfriend leading to a hubby. Here in the small town I am in, my wife keeps a close eye on me as she knows what the local girls are like. If I even smile at a girl it gets back to the missus.

If you think this has anything to do with your looks you are sadly mistaken, I have seen some stunning ladies here who would never work in a bar, but given the opportunity they would have a foreign bf to a thai one anytime and there are some who would never go with a foreign guy in a million years.

You think shop girls, whatever shop they work in earn that much ? They're just work at the counter, so even a geriatric 200kg foreigner, with one eye missing, a walking cane and bald would get the old come on, as I have had when I spend in 5 minutes what they earn in a month.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

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me getting phone numbers on my receipts = them doing their jobs?

Your onanistic fantasies may lead you to believe this happens, but I bet that if you ever really did summon up sufficient courage to try and chat a girl up and she did write her phone number on the back of the reciept that she would do so to just rid of you and said number would not be hers.

Back to your sticky magazines, you sad little boy.

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retardation levels are very high in this thread

it mentions touching, not groping.

Inappropriate and unwelcome touching.

You seem to believe you are God's gift to women and any approach you make to a woman is going to be very welcome. However, if your IQ was a fraction of the size of your ego you would know that the smiles and responses you get from sales staff you inflict with your attentions is only them doing their job; being nice to a customer.

I would guess that the only women you actually have experience with are those in magazines; and that all the pages are no doubt stuck together by now.

Innapropriate, uninvited touching of women is the act of an inadequate pervert.

so me getting phone numbers on my receipts = them doing their jobs?

Then why 90% of this forum cant get anything but dates with bargirls?

im not alone i got a couple friends who pickup girls at the paragon and emporium, since they have the highest concentration of hotties in thailand

You've forgotten that all TV posters have relationships with Chinese Thai who have university educations. Very few of them would ever consider having a relationship with a b/g!

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